Rubbish from the bottom of the Gulf
The blogger said sergey_sk78 Community Ridus-news of how divers club in St. Petersburg celebrated the Day of cleaning water. In just one hour the divers managed to get to the bottom of a decent amount of debris. But in the water remains more. This action indifferent townspeople wanted to draw attention to the problem of pollution of the Gulf of Finland. That's what the blogger wrote.
Did you know that yesterday marked World Environment Day? Perhaps you know about this everywhere write. But the fact that on 2 June was celebrated Day of cleaning water, I think not know. Not so much the date passes, but in vain. About the importance of water - not for me to tell, but what we have converted ponds in urban areas - not for me to show you. But I still try.
June 2, 2012 in the waters of the fairway Bucket galley (one of the bays of the Gulf of Finland, located on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg) was an action to clean the bottom of the bay. Unfortunately, it did not cause much interest in people, but to see it at that. I assumed that the bottom of the ponds we dirty, but it is so - thought.
23 photos
We join the action, two diving club of St. Petersburg. That would not interfere with each other, they worked on different sides of the bucket. Some from the fairgrounds, the other - from the opposite bank. At first I watched what was going on at one, and then moved to the opposite side to the other.
Although it is very difficult to dive not carry preparing for it very carefully. Once again, the rules were discussed and methods of garbage collection.
Plunges divers are always two by two, to insure each other. Yes, and heavy bulky items more convenient to pull together. Everybody got bags to collect debris, and work has begun to boil.
The first finds did not take long, though they were not very large: bottles and cans that people love to throw into the water.
Then things went and bigger. A piece of plywood, a piece of skin from the side of some boats.
"Habit" a major waste of our water bodies also do not have to wait long.
People on the beach only had time to take trash bags. People tried so hard that in the process was successfully drowned iPhone. Divers found it quickly, and the work of divers continued.
Why not a "knight without fear and reproach"? Or heroes of Russian epics? Although you may have other associations.
While parents are caught at the bottom of the garbage, the children walked along the beach, collecting fragments of bottles, jars, small pieces of wood.
Well, we go to all sorts of rarities. Who can say that a diver pulled ashore?
That's another one of the rarities: the armor of the window. Apparently she lay at the bottom since the war.
Were raised a few fragments from the ancient damask (the glass is such) from a surprisingly thin glass, they are clearly visible monogram. Thing is clearly still pre-revolutionary.
And a lot of garbage all grew. What did we do not have at the bottom of the bay.
All up, now you can take a picture, though, and the boys worked only one hour, but the mountain was impressive.
And how are the group that worked on the other side of the bay? There are some findings appeared bigger.
On this side of the bucket divers have additional difficulties, as the bottom was much "harder" - turbidity after each movement takes up a lot. They worked not only in pairs but also with safety ropes.
Out on the beach it was also very difficult. It took a lot of effort to climb with heavy equipment on the land. Sometimes the output resembled some dance steps, well that was always someone to shake hands.
And with the findings at first it was like the first group. Basin ...
... Bottles, cans, pieces of iron pieces of wood, tires, beds ...
Even the forks away from Neptune. Judging by their mind - to fight.
Then at the bottom you informed that some found sticking out of the mud piece of iron. It was decided to tie a rope to it and the whole world to try to pull it. Force had to make a lot.
Did you know that yesterday marked World Environment Day? Perhaps you know about this everywhere write. But the fact that on 2 June was celebrated Day of cleaning water, I think not know. Not so much the date passes, but in vain. About the importance of water - not for me to tell, but what we have converted ponds in urban areas - not for me to show you. But I still try.
June 2, 2012 in the waters of the fairway Bucket galley (one of the bays of the Gulf of Finland, located on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg) was an action to clean the bottom of the bay. Unfortunately, it did not cause much interest in people, but to see it at that. I assumed that the bottom of the ponds we dirty, but it is so - thought.
23 photos

We join the action, two diving club of St. Petersburg. That would not interfere with each other, they worked on different sides of the bucket. Some from the fairgrounds, the other - from the opposite bank. At first I watched what was going on at one, and then moved to the opposite side to the other.
Although it is very difficult to dive not carry preparing for it very carefully. Once again, the rules were discussed and methods of garbage collection.

Plunges divers are always two by two, to insure each other. Yes, and heavy bulky items more convenient to pull together. Everybody got bags to collect debris, and work has begun to boil.

The first finds did not take long, though they were not very large: bottles and cans that people love to throw into the water.

Then things went and bigger. A piece of plywood, a piece of skin from the side of some boats.

"Habit" a major waste of our water bodies also do not have to wait long.

People on the beach only had time to take trash bags. People tried so hard that in the process was successfully drowned iPhone. Divers found it quickly, and the work of divers continued.

Why not a "knight without fear and reproach"? Or heroes of Russian epics? Although you may have other associations.

While parents are caught at the bottom of the garbage, the children walked along the beach, collecting fragments of bottles, jars, small pieces of wood.

Well, we go to all sorts of rarities. Who can say that a diver pulled ashore?

That's another one of the rarities: the armor of the window. Apparently she lay at the bottom since the war.

Were raised a few fragments from the ancient damask (the glass is such) from a surprisingly thin glass, they are clearly visible monogram. Thing is clearly still pre-revolutionary.

And a lot of garbage all grew. What did we do not have at the bottom of the bay.

All up, now you can take a picture, though, and the boys worked only one hour, but the mountain was impressive.

And how are the group that worked on the other side of the bay? There are some findings appeared bigger.
On this side of the bucket divers have additional difficulties, as the bottom was much "harder" - turbidity after each movement takes up a lot. They worked not only in pairs but also with safety ropes.

Out on the beach it was also very difficult. It took a lot of effort to climb with heavy equipment on the land. Sometimes the output resembled some dance steps, well that was always someone to shake hands.

And with the findings at first it was like the first group. Basin ...

... Bottles, cans, pieces of iron pieces of wood, tires, beds ...

Even the forks away from Neptune. Judging by their mind - to fight.

Then at the bottom you informed that some found sticking out of the mud piece of iron. It was decided to tie a rope to it and the whole world to try to pull it. Force had to make a lot.
