Minsk protein taxi driver
First squirrel with the owner served in the Special Forces, now a taxi
Just imagine: you are riding in a taxi, and the taxi driver in the pocket snuffle, curled up, squirrel, well, sleeping in the hood in the back seat. Do not believe me? We do not believe it at first! Only here the whole Minsk already abuzz about what the protein taxi with hozainom. Culprit urban rumors did not have to search long: it turned out that in one of the capital's taxis do have such a miracle. We agreed to meet with the taxi driver Peter directly at him near the entrance, as he rested after a night shift.
5 photos via kp.ru
- Where is the squirrel? - We were worried when we saw Peter, without the little animals.
The answer did not take long: first from his jacket seemed mohnatenkie brush the ears, then the shiny little eyes, a moment - and a funny squirrel was on the shoulder of a young man.
- Yes, I always wear in your pocket: the store I go with him, and to work - Peter smiled.
Squirrel appeared a boy named Masik. It turned out that such a wonderful friend Peter Pankratov acquired two years ago.
- When I was in Marina Gorka Special Forces ensign, soldiers brought me a very weak squirrel. He was then half the size of a palm, very tiny, unconscious. I had pulled out of the mouth of seven worms, and three out of the eye. First two weeks fed him infant formula from the syringe every 4 hours, and then it got stronger and began to drink milk with a mixture of the spoon. A month later, he began to give seeds without the shell, and then, when the teeth, he began snapping them. So we are with him and served - I have it always was in the bosom.
- At home, where he lives in a cage?
- No, he and the cells do not. He sleeps with me. He loves to curl up on the chest or cabinet climb in the hood, and slept there. He eats the same with me. He loves nuts, fruits, seeds, bread.
- And then you work?
- I'm only in December retired from the army three months working as a taxi. And always take it with you and work too. Otherwise, it runs wild. I still have a cat and a fish, but protein - taxis!
- Passengers how to react?
- Back when I began to spread the photo squirrel in social networks, so there I was tortured, supposedly informed green. I then went and did Mashiko vetpasport all requirements. Now he is a full citizen. But passengers do not show everything. Most often Masik just sleeping in the back seat in the hood or in the bosom of me. That goes, for example, a passenger, sad, and to him, "Do you want to surprise you?" - And shows little squirrel. Very positively respond to all, especially children like. Then call in and ask for a taxi service to the squirrel.
- A boss scolds?
- Yes. Initially, especially. But I try not to inconvenience to passengers. It often happens that customers do not know that with me on changing partner is on duty in the form of proteins. Very rarely I show it.
Oh, how sweet to sleep on a spetsnaz beret!
Just imagine: you are riding in a taxi, and the taxi driver in the pocket snuffle, curled up, squirrel, well, sleeping in the hood in the back seat. Do not believe me? We do not believe it at first! Only here the whole Minsk already abuzz about what the protein taxi with hozainom. Culprit urban rumors did not have to search long: it turned out that in one of the capital's taxis do have such a miracle. We agreed to meet with the taxi driver Peter directly at him near the entrance, as he rested after a night shift.
5 photos via kp.ru

- Where is the squirrel? - We were worried when we saw Peter, without the little animals.
The answer did not take long: first from his jacket seemed mohnatenkie brush the ears, then the shiny little eyes, a moment - and a funny squirrel was on the shoulder of a young man.
- Yes, I always wear in your pocket: the store I go with him, and to work - Peter smiled.
Squirrel appeared a boy named Masik. It turned out that such a wonderful friend Peter Pankratov acquired two years ago.

- When I was in Marina Gorka Special Forces ensign, soldiers brought me a very weak squirrel. He was then half the size of a palm, very tiny, unconscious. I had pulled out of the mouth of seven worms, and three out of the eye. First two weeks fed him infant formula from the syringe every 4 hours, and then it got stronger and began to drink milk with a mixture of the spoon. A month later, he began to give seeds without the shell, and then, when the teeth, he began snapping them. So we are with him and served - I have it always was in the bosom.
- At home, where he lives in a cage?
- No, he and the cells do not. He sleeps with me. He loves to curl up on the chest or cabinet climb in the hood, and slept there. He eats the same with me. He loves nuts, fruits, seeds, bread.

- And then you work?
- I'm only in December retired from the army three months working as a taxi. And always take it with you and work too. Otherwise, it runs wild. I still have a cat and a fish, but protein - taxis!
- Passengers how to react?
- Back when I began to spread the photo squirrel in social networks, so there I was tortured, supposedly informed green. I then went and did Mashiko vetpasport all requirements. Now he is a full citizen. But passengers do not show everything. Most often Masik just sleeping in the back seat in the hood or in the bosom of me. That goes, for example, a passenger, sad, and to him, "Do you want to surprise you?" - And shows little squirrel. Very positively respond to all, especially children like. Then call in and ask for a taxi service to the squirrel.
- A boss scolds?
- Yes. Initially, especially. But I try not to inconvenience to passengers. It often happens that customers do not know that with me on changing partner is on duty in the form of proteins. Very rarely I show it.

Oh, how sweet to sleep on a spetsnaz beret!
