7 of the Rules, through which grants wishes
Esotericism believe that our desires will be fulfilled, if we write down their right. The fact that those tornadoes thoughts swirling in our minds, can not be fixed universe as our desire. So let's properly formulate our desires, and maybe they will come true.
Rule 1. Desire must write
But it is easy to say, harder to write down the right desire. Oddly sounds, but correctly write your own desire - it is really a problem. "I want to have a home." Correctly written? Is fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always executed, but the question is: when it is executed. That is, without a desire to exact dates are meaningless. Therefore, the following rule of thumb:
Rule 2. The desire is to have a date or period of performance.
For example, "in March 2012, I buy a large plasma TV" .Even if you write: "I'll buy a TV", then it will also be wrong. Because it is written will come true, but not at the time when you need to. So remember the next rule:
Rule 3. Correct the desire is always written in the present vremeni.Inache saying instead: "I'm going on vacation in Crimea", you should write: "I'm going on vacation in the Crimea."
Here's another common mistake: "I do not want to be poor." Correctly written? No, wrong! And there are weighty prichiny.Pervaya. The universe does not perceive particles "not," "no," or any other negative words. You say: "I do not want to be poor," and she, the universe, ignoring the particle "not" receive the promise: "I want to be poor!»
Second. Most often we attract to yourself what we think. Saying: "I do not want to be poor", we automatically think of poverty, and saying: "I want to be rich" - about wealth. So do not forget the following rule:
Rule 4. DO NOT currently use the particle "no" and any other otritsaniya.Esche important note: when writing desires need to use a little more detail of what the want. Hence the following rule:
Rule 5. More details and emotsiy.Esli this trip to the Crimea, in a few words describe even resort and beach. If this is a new machine, specify its basic characteristics. And be sure to describe the feelings that you possess, when the desire is fulfilled.
More important to the execution of your desire not to harm another lyudyam.Iz it formed another rule:
Rule 6. Any written desire must end the phrase-talisman: "Let this or something more harmoniously into my life will bring joy and happiness to me and to all those who desire this regard."
Note the wording "or something more." Wishing for something specific, you need not limit the universe in its efforts to help you. Maybe our world considers you worthy of rest not in the Crimea, and the Cote d'Azur?
So our desire to clearly articulated and recorded. All 6 of the rules precisely followed. And then what? Then you need to let go of the desire to peacefully into the universe, and even almost forget about it. Experiences and obsessions will only hinder fulfillment of your desires. Therefore there
Rule 7. Do not get hung up on a dream. Let her go, but the action!
This does not mean that we can now, like a fairy tale, lie on the oven and wait for the fulfillment of dreams. No! No pain, no gain The universe can provide you with amazing opportunities, but they are not your actions will not be able to put into the desired result.
Rule 1. Desire must write
But it is easy to say, harder to write down the right desire. Oddly sounds, but correctly write your own desire - it is really a problem. "I want to have a home." Correctly written? Is fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always executed, but the question is: when it is executed. That is, without a desire to exact dates are meaningless. Therefore, the following rule of thumb:
Rule 2. The desire is to have a date or period of performance.
For example, "in March 2012, I buy a large plasma TV" .Even if you write: "I'll buy a TV", then it will also be wrong. Because it is written will come true, but not at the time when you need to. So remember the next rule:
Rule 3. Correct the desire is always written in the present vremeni.Inache saying instead: "I'm going on vacation in Crimea", you should write: "I'm going on vacation in the Crimea."
Here's another common mistake: "I do not want to be poor." Correctly written? No, wrong! And there are weighty prichiny.Pervaya. The universe does not perceive particles "not," "no," or any other negative words. You say: "I do not want to be poor," and she, the universe, ignoring the particle "not" receive the promise: "I want to be poor!»
Second. Most often we attract to yourself what we think. Saying: "I do not want to be poor", we automatically think of poverty, and saying: "I want to be rich" - about wealth. So do not forget the following rule:
Rule 4. DO NOT currently use the particle "no" and any other otritsaniya.Esche important note: when writing desires need to use a little more detail of what the want. Hence the following rule:
Rule 5. More details and emotsiy.Esli this trip to the Crimea, in a few words describe even resort and beach. If this is a new machine, specify its basic characteristics. And be sure to describe the feelings that you possess, when the desire is fulfilled.
More important to the execution of your desire not to harm another lyudyam.Iz it formed another rule:
Rule 6. Any written desire must end the phrase-talisman: "Let this or something more harmoniously into my life will bring joy and happiness to me and to all those who desire this regard."
Note the wording "or something more." Wishing for something specific, you need not limit the universe in its efforts to help you. Maybe our world considers you worthy of rest not in the Crimea, and the Cote d'Azur?
So our desire to clearly articulated and recorded. All 6 of the rules precisely followed. And then what? Then you need to let go of the desire to peacefully into the universe, and even almost forget about it. Experiences and obsessions will only hinder fulfillment of your desires. Therefore there
Rule 7. Do not get hung up on a dream. Let her go, but the action!
This does not mean that we can now, like a fairy tale, lie on the oven and wait for the fulfillment of dreams. No! No pain, no gain The universe can provide you with amazing opportunities, but they are not your actions will not be able to put into the desired result.