Flying objects

Returns with his family to the Black Sea. Highway M-4, three in the morning to the house another 250 kilometers, nothing foretold troubles. At my direction one lane, in the opposite direction of the two catch up "Gazelle" van, which moves for the "KAMAZ", you can see the sign "Getting the band." "Gazelle" out to overtake, I followed her and then "Gazelle" jumps, hear broads and something flew off the first thought for a split second piece of the ramp, but then hit in the head-on, the person showering sand glass, screaming wife, the steering wheel in the right, roadside emergency gang. He came to himself, shook off the face of the glass, the question to his wife: "Alive?", The answer is: "Alive!", Back: the children woke up intact. On inspection of the street, the front hole, go up to the front passenger door, the wife of the opening and into the arms of her surprise come the guys with the "Gazelle" was also from Rostov pokumekali it by ladder trucks, which holds the spring. My wife says that she flew to the temple, bruises bruises there, because It went on a tangent. Boys with "bricks" went to engage the wheel, we are with your "bricks" quietly went on, at the first gas station bought Scotch patched the hole and drove to the house of God. Photo made after sleep, before replacement. For mysticism and superstition I went to Friday, July 13, 2012. Good luck to everyone on the road.








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