Mystery mummy Xin Zhui
China Navanduy hill in Hunan Province. Here in 1992, the Chinese army conducted a large-scale military exercises. In one of the hills sappers dug a tunnel and suddenly stumbled upon a mysterious construction.
On 12 timetrovoy depth of the tomb in the form of an inverted pyramid. It found 4 sarcophagi, neatly nested.
One of them was lying wrapped in a silk mummy of a woman. Her body was not like any ancient Egyptian nor Peruvian mummy. It was inhibited completely unusual way. Mummy swam in 80 liters of yellowish liquid. After 5 minutes, following the discovery of a mysterious crypt this substance literally vanished from her was gone.
Opening mysterious mummy gave surprising results - the body weighed 35 kg., Retained the mobility of joints and muscles have not lost their elasticity, even the skin retained its natural shade.
Historian failed to establish the identity of the woman. It was Xin Zhui - a representative of ancient Thai nationality. She died in 168 BC at the age of 50 years. But why it was buried in this kind of way?
Neither mummy on earth was buried in this form. The sarcophagus Xin Zhui found dozens of books on medicine. They were described in great detail the most difficult operations to increase brain transplant and heart bypass. In ancient China knew about the medicine of the future. Location?
In the sarcophagus archaeologists made another unusual find. On a piece of silk, about the size of one meter on the map was drawn. On it - the territory of the three Chinese provinces in the scale of 1: 180 000. The map looked as though it is made up of images from Earth orbit. Silk card compared with the modern image of the Chinese territory, made by NASA satellites. The incredible precision of hit American scientists. Not a single mistake!
How to explain such a deep knowledge of ancient Chinese medicine and topography? Why is this knowledge did not survive?
It took more than 30 years. And the secrets of the mysterious sarcophagus Xin Zhui has not yet disclosed.
On 12 timetrovoy depth of the tomb in the form of an inverted pyramid. It found 4 sarcophagi, neatly nested.
One of them was lying wrapped in a silk mummy of a woman. Her body was not like any ancient Egyptian nor Peruvian mummy. It was inhibited completely unusual way. Mummy swam in 80 liters of yellowish liquid. After 5 minutes, following the discovery of a mysterious crypt this substance literally vanished from her was gone.
Opening mysterious mummy gave surprising results - the body weighed 35 kg., Retained the mobility of joints and muscles have not lost their elasticity, even the skin retained its natural shade.
Historian failed to establish the identity of the woman. It was Xin Zhui - a representative of ancient Thai nationality. She died in 168 BC at the age of 50 years. But why it was buried in this kind of way?
Neither mummy on earth was buried in this form. The sarcophagus Xin Zhui found dozens of books on medicine. They were described in great detail the most difficult operations to increase brain transplant and heart bypass. In ancient China knew about the medicine of the future. Location?
In the sarcophagus archaeologists made another unusual find. On a piece of silk, about the size of one meter on the map was drawn. On it - the territory of the three Chinese provinces in the scale of 1: 180 000. The map looked as though it is made up of images from Earth orbit. Silk card compared with the modern image of the Chinese territory, made by NASA satellites. The incredible precision of hit American scientists. Not a single mistake!
How to explain such a deep knowledge of ancient Chinese medicine and topography? Why is this knowledge did not survive?
It took more than 30 years. And the secrets of the mysterious sarcophagus Xin Zhui has not yet disclosed.
