Mysteries of mummies
Themselves mummy - is one big mystery. How, in the absence of current technology, people managed to preserve the body, and most importantly - why would they need it? But there are mummies, the origin of which is surrounded by so many mysteries that scientists will have to fight over their unraveling more than a decade.
1. The mummy of Tutankhamun
The mummy of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings is under Luxor. Egyptian Pharaoh ascended the throne at age 9 and died at 19. The boy died in 1352 BC. e. his death. In 1922, the British Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered the untouched tomb robbers. On opening all nested one inside the other wooden and stone coffins, the archaeologists saw a golden sarcophagus. Due to the lack of air in it perfectly preserved even flowers, not to mention other jewelry. Pharaoh face mask covers made of pure gold. About a year later, Lord Carnarvon died suddenly from the bite of a mosquito, then one after the other died assistants Carter, just as suddenly was death and Archibald Reed - a scientist who wanted to do an X-ray mumii.Posledovavshaya chain of misfortunes gave rise to talk about the curse of the ancient priests. < br />
2. The Mummy Oetzi, Italy
Mummy "Iceman", dubbed by archaeologists Oetzi is in the Archaeological Museum of South Tyrol in the Italian town of Bolzano. Body of a man who lived more than 5,000 years ago, with well-preserved fragments of clothing, in 1991, was found in the ice on the border of Italian and Swiss Alps, Oetzi.
Argue that the dead man dragged behind him on the light six people. The first was a tourist Helmut Simon, who discovered him, he decided to once again visit the place of discovery, but was in a snowstorm and died. Do not have time to bury him, as he died of a heart attack lifeguard Perceiving the deceased Helmut. Soon, in a car accident killed the medical examiner who conducted the examination of the body of Oetzi, and it happened when he was going to be interviewed on television about the results of the study. Overtaken by death and professional climber, accompanied the researchers to detect the place of the mummy - during the crash in the mountains of his head hit a huge rock. In a few years from a brain tumor died Austrian journalist, who was present during transport mummies and shot a documentary about it. The latest victim was the Austrian archaeologist who has studied body.
Some researchers argue that the items found at the body, belong to different epochs: in their view, arrows 7000 years, and only 2 ax, skins that this man used instead of clothes, and all belong to the goat, live exclusively in China.
3. Siberian Ice Maiden, Altai
In the Altai in 1993 during the excavation of ancient burial mound was found walled up in a layer of ice is well preserved body of a woman who lived in the \ / - 111 centuries BC. e. and died at the age of 25 years. The burial was found six horses with a harness. Scientists were delighted unique find and the locals talk that disturbed the grave of a noble lady necessarily bring misfortune. Popular rumor has erected a woman to the rank of a princess - the progenitor of the Altai peoples. Now the mummy is kept in a museum in Novosibirsk Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
4. Xin Zhui, China
This mummy was found in China in 1971: her joints were mobile, elastic skin preserved natural shade. The uniqueness of this mummy is that the body floated in a yellowish liquid, the composition of which is still not exactly clear. A four nested one into another sarcophagus helped delay the decomposition of the body.
Around the deceased discovered thousands of different items, including her favorite dishes and recipes for them, unique books on medicine. 50-year-old who died was the wife of a senior official. Chinese scientists who conducted the study, soon died of an unknown illness. Mummy is now in the historical museum in the Chinese city of Changsha.
5. Dashi Dorzho Igigelov, Buryatia
According to the will of the deceased, in 2002, was opened sarcophagus famous Buddhist leader early XX century Dashi Dorzho Itigelov. Signs of decomposition, postmortem changes in the dead man was found. The boy grew up an orphan, allowing Buddhists attribute to him an extraterrestrial origin. Since 1911, he worked for 16 years was the head of Russian Buddhists. He died in 1927 while meditating in the lotus position. The body was placed in a pine box, which, by the will of the deceased, opened in 1955 and 1973 to ensure that it remains uncorrupted. After 2002, the deceased, without creating special conditions placed in a convent on display under glass. Studied hair and nails showed that the protein structure corresponds to the state of a living person. Scientific explanation for the phenomenon is not found, and hundreds of pilgrims to worship the immortal body pulled lamas in Buryatia in Ivilginski temple (Buddhist monastery).

1. The mummy of Tutankhamun
The mummy of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings is under Luxor. Egyptian Pharaoh ascended the throne at age 9 and died at 19. The boy died in 1352 BC. e. his death. In 1922, the British Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon discovered the untouched tomb robbers. On opening all nested one inside the other wooden and stone coffins, the archaeologists saw a golden sarcophagus. Due to the lack of air in it perfectly preserved even flowers, not to mention other jewelry. Pharaoh face mask covers made of pure gold. About a year later, Lord Carnarvon died suddenly from the bite of a mosquito, then one after the other died assistants Carter, just as suddenly was death and Archibald Reed - a scientist who wanted to do an X-ray mumii.Posledovavshaya chain of misfortunes gave rise to talk about the curse of the ancient priests. < br />

2. The Mummy Oetzi, Italy
Mummy "Iceman", dubbed by archaeologists Oetzi is in the Archaeological Museum of South Tyrol in the Italian town of Bolzano. Body of a man who lived more than 5,000 years ago, with well-preserved fragments of clothing, in 1991, was found in the ice on the border of Italian and Swiss Alps, Oetzi.
Argue that the dead man dragged behind him on the light six people. The first was a tourist Helmut Simon, who discovered him, he decided to once again visit the place of discovery, but was in a snowstorm and died. Do not have time to bury him, as he died of a heart attack lifeguard Perceiving the deceased Helmut. Soon, in a car accident killed the medical examiner who conducted the examination of the body of Oetzi, and it happened when he was going to be interviewed on television about the results of the study. Overtaken by death and professional climber, accompanied the researchers to detect the place of the mummy - during the crash in the mountains of his head hit a huge rock. In a few years from a brain tumor died Austrian journalist, who was present during transport mummies and shot a documentary about it. The latest victim was the Austrian archaeologist who has studied body.
Some researchers argue that the items found at the body, belong to different epochs: in their view, arrows 7000 years, and only 2 ax, skins that this man used instead of clothes, and all belong to the goat, live exclusively in China.

3. Siberian Ice Maiden, Altai
In the Altai in 1993 during the excavation of ancient burial mound was found walled up in a layer of ice is well preserved body of a woman who lived in the \ / - 111 centuries BC. e. and died at the age of 25 years. The burial was found six horses with a harness. Scientists were delighted unique find and the locals talk that disturbed the grave of a noble lady necessarily bring misfortune. Popular rumor has erected a woman to the rank of a princess - the progenitor of the Altai peoples. Now the mummy is kept in a museum in Novosibirsk Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

4. Xin Zhui, China
This mummy was found in China in 1971: her joints were mobile, elastic skin preserved natural shade. The uniqueness of this mummy is that the body floated in a yellowish liquid, the composition of which is still not exactly clear. A four nested one into another sarcophagus helped delay the decomposition of the body.
Around the deceased discovered thousands of different items, including her favorite dishes and recipes for them, unique books on medicine. 50-year-old who died was the wife of a senior official. Chinese scientists who conducted the study, soon died of an unknown illness. Mummy is now in the historical museum in the Chinese city of Changsha.

5. Dashi Dorzho Igigelov, Buryatia
According to the will of the deceased, in 2002, was opened sarcophagus famous Buddhist leader early XX century Dashi Dorzho Itigelov. Signs of decomposition, postmortem changes in the dead man was found. The boy grew up an orphan, allowing Buddhists attribute to him an extraterrestrial origin. Since 1911, he worked for 16 years was the head of Russian Buddhists. He died in 1927 while meditating in the lotus position. The body was placed in a pine box, which, by the will of the deceased, opened in 1955 and 1973 to ensure that it remains uncorrupted. After 2002, the deceased, without creating special conditions placed in a convent on display under glass. Studied hair and nails showed that the protein structure corresponds to the state of a living person. Scientific explanation for the phenomenon is not found, and hundreds of pilgrims to worship the immortal body pulled lamas in Buryatia in Ivilginski temple (Buddhist monastery).