As we fed beluga

The author writes:
On the second day in Nilmoguba we wanted to look at the morning feeding beluga. However, when we arrived at the dive center, the first was rejected - "dolphin weekend, come back tomorrow!"

Well, of course, to wait an extra day for the sake of such an interesting event - a sweet deal! :)

The next day at 10 am, we met with an employee of the dive center and went to the hole.

Well, actually, and very white whale, or rather, beluga named Petrovich. He caught the end of autumn, and for 4 months he was used to people and feeding in captivity. He, by the way, know that for 10 hours and is waiting for us eagerly.

Each dolphin character. Of the hundreds of captured about 1-2 can not live in captivity and refuse to eat food brought by them. If time does not let go free, because stressful experiences they quickly die.

Some belugas are trained and prepared for the show at the Dolphinarium. Petrovich too old, he was 20 years old (and they live up to 30), but it is very friendly.

Despite the fact that in nature they have no natural enemies (only a polar bear could, perhaps, be compared with him by force, but in reality they do not overlap), dolphins careful enough and for a long time studying the object, before you go on contact with it . And they do not "biting behavior" reflex - even if you feel that he wants to bite the hand, in fact, he only inadvertently pressed it to his mouth.

Emerging Petrovic jets of steam. Still - in the streets of minus 25 degrees!

Julia tries to trick Petrovich, implying that fish supposedly no more, but in the mind of the dolphin in addition to hours of the exact time of feeding the meter is running and eaten fish. Maria said that in the fall she fed the dolphin twice a day, and in winter - three times, while the total number of fish in a day did not change, ie, each piece has become a little less. The first days of winter during feeding dolphin snorted and looked at her reproachfully, so now we could not hold it! :)

Give tasty fish ...

And do not forget then pat!

To beluga did not become completely domesticated in terms of feeding, twice a week, he satisfied "output" - fasting day without food. And for this purpose it is necessary to feed not only the hands and sometimes throwing fish to the side so he caught it himself.

One swift moment ...

And dolphins, having eaten fish, rather snorts!

Another thing that struck me was the fact that dolphins can be injured if the muscles pinch their damaged vessels. Since water does not clot the blood, so that they themselves stopped it.

Since feeding is carried out not fresh and frozen fish, it added vitamins, which additionally assigns the vet looked at the animals.

As in the joke - "ehhh, your mouth would be, yes Medco would have screwed!" :)

Fish was over, and Peter swam under water, looking at us.

Masha said that the dolphin aware that we feed it will no longer, and he come to us should not.

However, sailing past again, he slyly looked at us ...

I popped higher ...

And douse spray from head to toe goodbye! Apparently, we still liked it! :)

An employee named Mary shows us how to feed the dolphins. They gave him a tasty fish ...

.and He stroked the face to get used to the society of people.

Now turn Julia.

Maria told me many interesting things about dolphins. For example, their brain never sleeps completely, right and left hemispheres resting on the turn, and the one that does not sleep, controls breathing.

Delphine is necessary every few minutes to climb to the surface to breathe air. Rose, breathed and dove - that is for him a natural breathing cycle.

If it is necessary to dive to a greater depth, it can "disable unnecessary internal organs" (e.g., digestive system) from the oxygen supply, and thus no longer manage surfacing.

Petrovic will soon be sent to the Dolphinarium. He will not "participate in the show," but it will not prevent him to be friends with children and adults. A diving center "Arctic Circle", like, has already received a license to capture two white whales this year, they are going to leave at for training and further study.
