Chinese Railways
In general, at the request of the workers of this theme writing a brief report devoted exclusively to the Chinese railways. They are asked to compare, but based on the reaction of people in the comparison of China with Russia \ Ukraine, I will try in every way to avoid it.
So, Chinese Railways.中国 铁路. The national railway operator in China. It founded in 1949. The total length of the rail network - more than 80 000 kilometers, of which about 10 000 - high-speed (rolling speed more than 200 km \ h). The longest high-speed rail network \ d in the world. The longest high-speed highway Beijing-Guangzhou (2,300 kilometers in 8 hours). There is a development plan for a 4x4 (four East-West Highway 4 and north-south highway through 2020).
Generally, it is revealing that the last train on the steam-powered was launched in 2005, and construction of the first high-speed rail \ d began in 2007. Like all of China - a giant leap ...
But enough of history, let's begin ...
There will be 20 pictures, do not break ...
For anyone who is considering only pictures without reading the lyrics ...
$ 1 = 6.2 yuan
How to start your trip? That's right, from the railway station. Almost every Chinese city (where there is 市 in the name) is present. Names of stations do not shine (the name of the city the + side of the world, such as 杭州 南 - Hangzhou South - in the photo)
Stations are different. There are those that affect the infrastructure and the size (eg, 上海 虹桥 站, which is not a huge complex of the station of train \ d, and bus terminal) ...
As a small example, here this handsome 诸暨 站.
New - both squeezed into the city center on the platforms 海口 东 站
And it is not standing in place since time immemorial. Such as 鞍山 火车站.
But the requirements for railway stations are the same everywhere. This is due to the fact that the entrance and exit to the station by ticket only. And there, and there are validators that read barcode from the ticket, and if different stations of origin and destination validator simply will not let you and you will pay the penalty. What - I do not know, never cheated.
By the way, there are two types of tickets - red and blue. Accordingly, two separate queues. What is the difference - I have no idea on the same train times across both red and blue.
But it validators. The verification process of the ticket takes two seconds from power.
Landing on the train - only 15 minutes before departure. Accordingly, on the platforms during the time between trains do not have one. And aprons look like this.
What am I here like crazy - so it is very clear navigation system at stations. Immediately clear where the first car, and where the tenth. Do not listen to the gibberish "from the head of the train, in the middle of the trailer."
At all stations operating X-ray inspection of luggage and there are metal detectors. However, from personal experience, inspect slipshod or even clog. Everywhere differently. In Shanghai, almost no forced to undress and given up in Guangzhou, "they say, come."
Okay, we got to the train. Let's deal with trains. So ...
In total they can be divided into several types depending on the speed and comfort. To define it, we look at the letter before the number. Wherever possible, we will consider the example of Beijing-Guangzhou route.
G-numbers. The coolest trains. G short for 高 铁 - high-speed rail \ d. Speed - 300 km \ h, a minimum of stops, sockets, air conditioning, corresponding to the public. Example of ticket prices. 2298 kilometers of 8 hours, 862 yuan.
D-number. It is not so steep, but still ... Short for 动 车. Translate I did not have enough imagination. Speed - 200 km \ h. Stops much more outlets have gone, but the comfort is the same. Example of ticket prices. Shanghai Dzhudzi. 256 km, 1 hour 48 minutes, 74 yuan.
T - number. There is already escarpment falls on the order. Speed - is the usual 120-140 km \ h. Short for 空调 特快 - trains with air conditioning. Example of ticket prices. 2294 kilometers, 20 hours and 30 minutes. The price of a seat - 251 yuan, to the bed - 450.
K-numbers. It has already begun a quiet horror. Short for 快速 - fast train. This is a normal train with beds, seating areas, lots of stops and the corresponding comfort. Example of ticket prices. 3112 kilometers, 29 hours, 250 yuan (this is a seat, bed - 515 yuan). Why is it more expensive, it is known only 盛光祖. The T and the train is the so-called 无 座 票 - tickets without seats. What stand for 20 hours or lie on the floor, you are currently represent about ... But cheap ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1361385313 [/ mergetime]
L, Z, and other redkovstrechaemye number did not come across, so about them I will not say anything.
And finally, the worst thing that you can meet while traveling through China - a train without the letter. If you see this in the schedule - run away. It's pandemonium horror. It is in them, and you can meet the peasants with chickens and goats, sleeping on the floor and in the lobbies of people, a layer of debris as high as a man. I went to this only once, in the future I will avoid them like the plague ...
Photos for obvious reasons do not have - I did not dare to get the camera. Actually, I was brought there by mistake ... Just try to imagine the worst train in the world and multiply by two.
By the way, if you look at the photographs, then all locomotives written 和谐 - harmony. What does this mean I do not know, I can only assume that the Chinese attitude to the figures, the number of trains affect its trouble-free operation.
Double-deck coaches have met only once, in the province of 广西. For comfort - the usual T-train ...
Well, the story of the Chinese railway \ d is incomplete without maglev. It is the world's only commercially exploit the magnetic levitation train. Walks from the Shanghai Pudong Airport Metro Station LunyanLu. Travel time - 7 minutes, the speed - 431 km \ h. The cost of a ticket to the two sides - 70 yuan, one-way - 40. Here comparisons with Moscow Aeroexpress can not be avoided. ... For the same money a little different level of service ...
Naturally, all train tickets can be bought online and print barcode for which you will miss the landing. The most convenient service for finding and buying, which I found - qunar.com. Will China - advise to use.
Of course, the need to buy 身份证 or passport. Document number on the ticket (in tickets smeared black), and the passport must match.
In general, the overall impression of Chinese railways definitely positive. A year ago, G-trains from Beijing to Guangzhou, D-train from Shenyang to Anshan even existed. Now they are. Actually, that promise something and do. And if there is a choice between planes and trains, I choose the latter, because:
1) Do not waste time on the trip to and from the airport.
2) Do not waste time on the registration
3) Trains run regardless of the weather
As a result, at a distance of 1000-1500 kilometers here much easier and faster to travel by train. Tianjin-Shanghai trip on an airplane took me 6 hours by train - 5.On commuter distances D and G-trains do not have an alternative. Well, the main thing that is impressive - this is progress and speed.
All I finished. All data on the distances between the cities, prices are taken from qunar.com, photos - 90% of my personal collection, 10% - baidu.com
So, Chinese Railways.中国 铁路. The national railway operator in China. It founded in 1949. The total length of the rail network - more than 80 000 kilometers, of which about 10 000 - high-speed (rolling speed more than 200 km \ h). The longest high-speed rail network \ d in the world. The longest high-speed highway Beijing-Guangzhou (2,300 kilometers in 8 hours). There is a development plan for a 4x4 (four East-West Highway 4 and north-south highway through 2020).
Generally, it is revealing that the last train on the steam-powered was launched in 2005, and construction of the first high-speed rail \ d began in 2007. Like all of China - a giant leap ...
But enough of history, let's begin ...
There will be 20 pictures, do not break ...
For anyone who is considering only pictures without reading the lyrics ...
$ 1 = 6.2 yuan

How to start your trip? That's right, from the railway station. Almost every Chinese city (where there is 市 in the name) is present. Names of stations do not shine (the name of the city the + side of the world, such as 杭州 南 - Hangzhou South - in the photo)

Stations are different. There are those that affect the infrastructure and the size (eg, 上海 虹桥 站, which is not a huge complex of the station of train \ d, and bus terminal) ...

As a small example, here this handsome 诸暨 站.

New - both squeezed into the city center on the platforms 海口 东 站

And it is not standing in place since time immemorial. Such as 鞍山 火车站.

But the requirements for railway stations are the same everywhere. This is due to the fact that the entrance and exit to the station by ticket only. And there, and there are validators that read barcode from the ticket, and if different stations of origin and destination validator simply will not let you and you will pay the penalty. What - I do not know, never cheated.
By the way, there are two types of tickets - red and blue. Accordingly, two separate queues. What is the difference - I have no idea on the same train times across both red and blue.

But it validators. The verification process of the ticket takes two seconds from power.

Landing on the train - only 15 minutes before departure. Accordingly, on the platforms during the time between trains do not have one. And aprons look like this.

What am I here like crazy - so it is very clear navigation system at stations. Immediately clear where the first car, and where the tenth. Do not listen to the gibberish "from the head of the train, in the middle of the trailer."

At all stations operating X-ray inspection of luggage and there are metal detectors. However, from personal experience, inspect slipshod or even clog. Everywhere differently. In Shanghai, almost no forced to undress and given up in Guangzhou, "they say, come."

Okay, we got to the train. Let's deal with trains. So ...
In total they can be divided into several types depending on the speed and comfort. To define it, we look at the letter before the number. Wherever possible, we will consider the example of Beijing-Guangzhou route.
G-numbers. The coolest trains. G short for 高 铁 - high-speed rail \ d. Speed - 300 km \ h, a minimum of stops, sockets, air conditioning, corresponding to the public. Example of ticket prices. 2298 kilometers of 8 hours, 862 yuan.

D-number. It is not so steep, but still ... Short for 动 车. Translate I did not have enough imagination. Speed - 200 km \ h. Stops much more outlets have gone, but the comfort is the same. Example of ticket prices. Shanghai Dzhudzi. 256 km, 1 hour 48 minutes, 74 yuan.

T - number. There is already escarpment falls on the order. Speed - is the usual 120-140 km \ h. Short for 空调 特快 - trains with air conditioning. Example of ticket prices. 2294 kilometers, 20 hours and 30 minutes. The price of a seat - 251 yuan, to the bed - 450.

K-numbers. It has already begun a quiet horror. Short for 快速 - fast train. This is a normal train with beds, seating areas, lots of stops and the corresponding comfort. Example of ticket prices. 3112 kilometers, 29 hours, 250 yuan (this is a seat, bed - 515 yuan). Why is it more expensive, it is known only 盛光祖. The T and the train is the so-called 无 座 票 - tickets without seats. What stand for 20 hours or lie on the floor, you are currently represent about ... But cheap ...
Posted in [mergetime] 1361385313 [/ mergetime]
L, Z, and other redkovstrechaemye number did not come across, so about them I will not say anything.
And finally, the worst thing that you can meet while traveling through China - a train without the letter. If you see this in the schedule - run away. It's pandemonium horror. It is in them, and you can meet the peasants with chickens and goats, sleeping on the floor and in the lobbies of people, a layer of debris as high as a man. I went to this only once, in the future I will avoid them like the plague ...
Photos for obvious reasons do not have - I did not dare to get the camera. Actually, I was brought there by mistake ... Just try to imagine the worst train in the world and multiply by two.

By the way, if you look at the photographs, then all locomotives written 和谐 - harmony. What does this mean I do not know, I can only assume that the Chinese attitude to the figures, the number of trains affect its trouble-free operation.

Double-deck coaches have met only once, in the province of 广西. For comfort - the usual T-train ...

Well, the story of the Chinese railway \ d is incomplete without maglev. It is the world's only commercially exploit the magnetic levitation train. Walks from the Shanghai Pudong Airport Metro Station LunyanLu. Travel time - 7 minutes, the speed - 431 km \ h. The cost of a ticket to the two sides - 70 yuan, one-way - 40. Here comparisons with Moscow Aeroexpress can not be avoided. ... For the same money a little different level of service ...

Naturally, all train tickets can be bought online and print barcode for which you will miss the landing. The most convenient service for finding and buying, which I found - qunar.com. Will China - advise to use.
Of course, the need to buy 身份证 or passport. Document number on the ticket (in tickets smeared black), and the passport must match.

In general, the overall impression of Chinese railways definitely positive. A year ago, G-trains from Beijing to Guangzhou, D-train from Shenyang to Anshan even existed. Now they are. Actually, that promise something and do. And if there is a choice between planes and trains, I choose the latter, because:
1) Do not waste time on the trip to and from the airport.
2) Do not waste time on the registration
3) Trains run regardless of the weather
As a result, at a distance of 1000-1500 kilometers here much easier and faster to travel by train. Tianjin-Shanghai trip on an airplane took me 6 hours by train - 5.On commuter distances D and G-trains do not have an alternative. Well, the main thing that is impressive - this is progress and speed.
All I finished. All data on the distances between the cities, prices are taken from qunar.com, photos - 90% of my personal collection, 10% - baidu.com
