- What's that behind your scars? What kind of operation was?
There is a morning rounds, black mustache and the head of the surgical department, in a blue lab coat and blue hat is carefully considering the bare belly of big solid guy lying second from the window. On a label attached to the back of his bed, the man listed as Vladimir Petrovich K. (let it be for short MIC).
And on the first bed by the window, that is next to him, a sign indicates the presence of her friend Vladimir Petrovich, only J. (well, that we will have, respectively, IWF). But a sign is, and no IWF.
Ah, there he is, or rather limping fine goose-stepping, leaning back slightly, otherwise the bubble will cause the stomach to bite his nose in the ground. IWF is already 66 years old, he struck an artery atherosclerosis and smaller vessels of the limbs, because it is very difficult to move around. Next will be even worse, although he regularly drip in hospital twice a year. Because the IWF does not want to give up smoking, and the nicotine is spazmiruet, it collapses blood vessels, and blood flows to the tissues poorly. There is not far to gangrene.
IWF, holding his breath, the doctor did not catch the smell of tobacco, he sneaks into his bed and sits down at her chugging.
- So what is this scar? - Repeats his question a doctor.
- Stab wounds were. Five pieces - reluctantly said MIC.
- Clearly, - concludes the doctor. He is a professional and learn the origin of the scar, it loses all interest. But I would listen for it so my sopalatnika izdyryavili.
Feel the stomach and wiping his hands outstretched nurse with a damp towel, the doctor says:
- Well, here we will add shramchik. Get ready, tomorrow prooperiuem.
MIC hit our sixth chamber (do not expect any similarities with the characters of Chekhov's famous story - really just our Chamber sixth) with a hernia. Said bought a new apartment in Sunny, dragged furniture, and then she got out.
She had been, but the MIC once ruled with her tamed hernia shroud itself reduce a her back when too bulged. And he continued brigadirstvovat in his construction crew. He was sixty, he is far above average growth and weighs, by his own admission, 115 kilograms.
Doctor meanwhile, remained in the same aisle between the beds, turned now to the IWF.
- And what are you, Vladimir Petrovich, and continue to smoke? - He said reproachfully, shaking hands with the IWF (which means - they are familiar).
- Yes, already less - IWF responds shyly and looks away.
Doctor disappointed waving and making a couple of steps to the next bed. In total there are eight in the House - the first time I'm in the hospital with such a crowd of people in the same room. Before that once lay at the edge of clinical, in the center of the eye, so there is always the wards was a maximum of five people. And here - the whole crowd!
Hospital this old, she is already more than a hundred years and more the first year there is talk about its demolition and construction of a new, but so far do not seem to work. And it is literally rolling in the hospital (it ceased to be repaired) continues to regularly treat patients.
- It's a good hospital - suddenly declared the MIC after bypass. - Here the sick as people are. But I after I clipped in tyschekoechnoy lay, so there is a full Otpad!
I catch Vladimir Petrovich at his word and ask him to tell me what and where it is pruned. MIC, noting that at him curiously expectant look not only me, but consider the whole chamber, cleared his throat and quite mundane voice told his story, from which I have just stirred the hair on his head.
It was in the late '80s, in Krasnoyarsk. MIC, then a young man, Volodya, with his brother and three other guys after work drink on the banks of the Yenisei. At five, they had the same number of bottles of vodka and a couple of processed cheese. Well, even cigarettes.
Admired in the open on the side of the mighty river views, etched jokes, talked for life - all as it should in such men's company, and quickly got drunk from drinking. And suddenly he heard the tramp of many feet, swearing, and because of the nearby trees to a place of solitude friends dumped noisy breathing, flushed company unfamiliar guys. There were about fifteen or twenty.
-And, Here they are, bitch! - Growled the healthiest of them red. He was clutching in his hand shtaketinu. Some with sticks, pipes and scraps armaturinami waving and the rest of this is not clear for what and for what reason bandy- not assembled gang, but very militant groups. - Down with them, boys!
And the "boys" with a roar snapped up before they had even stand up friends. Volodya received a hefty kick in the chest, almost drove off a tall cliff, but managed to regroup and get to his feet. And re-flown on a red husky, he met a powerful uppercut to the jaw - as taught in the boxing circle where he once went a whole year.
Auburn even snapped his teeth and tilted his head stepped back. But to finish him Vova did not - he was hit with something hard on the head from behind, and he "floated" and came a big man snapped back at him.
In his hand this time flashed the knife, and he had several times in a row, hit them straight butting her abuser in the stomach, and the last fifth blow, evil yellow teeth bared rare, with hekanem blade slashed across the peritoneum. Volodya with a groan, fell to his knees ...
Literally trampled into the withered autumn grass and his recent fellow companions, so out of place in the path of an angry horde. It later emerged that far from this place walking wedding. And the two friends decided to go with her to the disco. But first, they for some reason it took to run home.
They lived in the private sector, and to straighten the path, went coast of the Yenisei. Girls on a deserted path intercepted two of some drunken thugs, beaten, removed from their gold earrings, twisted away and handbags, tore at their clothes.
Girlfriends barely escaped and fled back to the wedding. Here there's the projectile punitive expedition and began to comb the bank of the Yenisei - a favorite place for dating and love pyanok local youth. Search by memorable girls robbed signs his attackers - one of the thugs was a blue shirt, the other green.
As luck would have it, neither sleep nor spirit did not know that was far from the place where they were so well, Vladimir and his brother Nicholas, dressed in shirts of the nominal color - blue and green. For that and for the full ogrebli wanted revenge from the crowd.
- Guys, who first came to, said later: I was sitting on the grass, picking up with her and pushed himself back into the stomach fall out guts - coughing from time to time, continued his terrible story MIC. - Donated and others: someone had broken head, who has a broken arm. In bratelnika my ribs and burst something inside recaptured. But most of all, of course, got me - the big man, whom I so well embedded, otherwise not want to kill me, but that's lucky I did not fully killed. Someone ran to the village, called the police and an ambulance. And as they went, I was always in the mind, but everything was dull. And almost did not hurt, shock, probably.
It was then that I was with my brother and taken to the hospital tyschechekoechnuyu, and I was immediately put on the operating table. I actually had to die after such an injury. But the surgeon told me that I was incredibly lucky: first, in my stomach was empty, except for vodka, secondly, guts spilled is not dirt, but in the dry grass, so that the infection does not happen.
But bastard when offal was laid back in the stomach, rectum brought me to the side and a trailer outside this how it Colostomy bags. Doctors said that while the inside of the intestine does not subside, as it should, I have to be like this way.
And what is there to be like, I move, he could not. And then I saw this tyschekoeshnoy the sick are - like cattle. Wounds do not heal me, and shoved me in the department of purulent.
At home I lay in the House alone. This fucking Colostomy bags from time to time it was necessary to free the - shit in it floats by itself, I want to shit or do not want. From drains pus rushing. The stench in the room is - at least fix your nose. In addition, I still have bedsores on his back poshli- I then weighed, though smaller than it is today, but I was a hundredweight in anyway, and no such deck roll did not want to.
So neither the nurse nor the nurses were not dozvatsya when they were needed. Well, my brother quickly oklemalsya - he, too, lay in surgery, that it was he who helped me a great in everything that had to do ...
staff MIC was silent, staring at the ceiling and pull the bandage gently stroking an inguinal hernia.
- And then something Che was that? - The first could not stand his neighbor, another Vladimir Petrovich.
- Yeah, let alone out with his story to the end - supported him my neighbor, waiting for a gall bladder operation.
- Well, I have written only a couple of months, was given a temporary disability - sat heavily on the bed, continued Petrovich. - And then the Court arrived on those that we are digging in the day, and I was nearly killed - found them somehow amazingly fast.
We tried something, of course, not all, but about eight of them turned out to be in a cage. This, redhead, that I cut, given six years, the rest of whom three who are two, and who in general probation. Auburn - I remembered his name Timchenko, I asked forgiveness in court for what they have beguiled us with those bandyukov that their girls were attacked, and that he cut me so much ...
- And what, you just do it? - Asked the IWF.
- And, he waved his hand, he says, to hell with you, and did not say anything - Petrovich muttered. - The more I have not seen him.
Then he suddenly brightened:
- But the land is said to wonder round. About five years ago for the fight I stayed eldest son of my brother, the one with whom we got into the mess. And then he told me that he met in the area - who do you think? - The same Timchenko.
He came up to him when he heard his name, and asked me whether it is relative. A nephew cool like me. Well, I say what I brought. Timchenko also by that time, it appears, has turned into a full-grown urkagany, he either fifth, or sixth Walker already was, and he was in the zone of the beholder. And my nephew then the whole-life problems do not know - so Timchenko get even for his favor before me.
Well, that, I'm satisfied your curiosity, illness? Then I went to smoke. And where are you going, namesake, you also can not ?!
But the IWF only annoyance waved his hand, and two Victor Petrovich solemnly their bellies sticking out, it is important strode out of the room in the smoking room.
I pulled out my notebook and made a hasty sketch to sketch, which has finished the home and you have just read ...
There is a morning rounds, black mustache and the head of the surgical department, in a blue lab coat and blue hat is carefully considering the bare belly of big solid guy lying second from the window. On a label attached to the back of his bed, the man listed as Vladimir Petrovich K. (let it be for short MIC).
And on the first bed by the window, that is next to him, a sign indicates the presence of her friend Vladimir Petrovich, only J. (well, that we will have, respectively, IWF). But a sign is, and no IWF.
Ah, there he is, or rather limping fine goose-stepping, leaning back slightly, otherwise the bubble will cause the stomach to bite his nose in the ground. IWF is already 66 years old, he struck an artery atherosclerosis and smaller vessels of the limbs, because it is very difficult to move around. Next will be even worse, although he regularly drip in hospital twice a year. Because the IWF does not want to give up smoking, and the nicotine is spazmiruet, it collapses blood vessels, and blood flows to the tissues poorly. There is not far to gangrene.
IWF, holding his breath, the doctor did not catch the smell of tobacco, he sneaks into his bed and sits down at her chugging.
- So what is this scar? - Repeats his question a doctor.
- Stab wounds were. Five pieces - reluctantly said MIC.
- Clearly, - concludes the doctor. He is a professional and learn the origin of the scar, it loses all interest. But I would listen for it so my sopalatnika izdyryavili.
Feel the stomach and wiping his hands outstretched nurse with a damp towel, the doctor says:
- Well, here we will add shramchik. Get ready, tomorrow prooperiuem.
MIC hit our sixth chamber (do not expect any similarities with the characters of Chekhov's famous story - really just our Chamber sixth) with a hernia. Said bought a new apartment in Sunny, dragged furniture, and then she got out.
She had been, but the MIC once ruled with her tamed hernia shroud itself reduce a her back when too bulged. And he continued brigadirstvovat in his construction crew. He was sixty, he is far above average growth and weighs, by his own admission, 115 kilograms.
Doctor meanwhile, remained in the same aisle between the beds, turned now to the IWF.
- And what are you, Vladimir Petrovich, and continue to smoke? - He said reproachfully, shaking hands with the IWF (which means - they are familiar).
- Yes, already less - IWF responds shyly and looks away.
Doctor disappointed waving and making a couple of steps to the next bed. In total there are eight in the House - the first time I'm in the hospital with such a crowd of people in the same room. Before that once lay at the edge of clinical, in the center of the eye, so there is always the wards was a maximum of five people. And here - the whole crowd!
Hospital this old, she is already more than a hundred years and more the first year there is talk about its demolition and construction of a new, but so far do not seem to work. And it is literally rolling in the hospital (it ceased to be repaired) continues to regularly treat patients.
- It's a good hospital - suddenly declared the MIC after bypass. - Here the sick as people are. But I after I clipped in tyschekoechnoy lay, so there is a full Otpad!
I catch Vladimir Petrovich at his word and ask him to tell me what and where it is pruned. MIC, noting that at him curiously expectant look not only me, but consider the whole chamber, cleared his throat and quite mundane voice told his story, from which I have just stirred the hair on his head.
It was in the late '80s, in Krasnoyarsk. MIC, then a young man, Volodya, with his brother and three other guys after work drink on the banks of the Yenisei. At five, they had the same number of bottles of vodka and a couple of processed cheese. Well, even cigarettes.
Admired in the open on the side of the mighty river views, etched jokes, talked for life - all as it should in such men's company, and quickly got drunk from drinking. And suddenly he heard the tramp of many feet, swearing, and because of the nearby trees to a place of solitude friends dumped noisy breathing, flushed company unfamiliar guys. There were about fifteen or twenty.
-And, Here they are, bitch! - Growled the healthiest of them red. He was clutching in his hand shtaketinu. Some with sticks, pipes and scraps armaturinami waving and the rest of this is not clear for what and for what reason bandy- not assembled gang, but very militant groups. - Down with them, boys!
And the "boys" with a roar snapped up before they had even stand up friends. Volodya received a hefty kick in the chest, almost drove off a tall cliff, but managed to regroup and get to his feet. And re-flown on a red husky, he met a powerful uppercut to the jaw - as taught in the boxing circle where he once went a whole year.
Auburn even snapped his teeth and tilted his head stepped back. But to finish him Vova did not - he was hit with something hard on the head from behind, and he "floated" and came a big man snapped back at him.
In his hand this time flashed the knife, and he had several times in a row, hit them straight butting her abuser in the stomach, and the last fifth blow, evil yellow teeth bared rare, with hekanem blade slashed across the peritoneum. Volodya with a groan, fell to his knees ...
Literally trampled into the withered autumn grass and his recent fellow companions, so out of place in the path of an angry horde. It later emerged that far from this place walking wedding. And the two friends decided to go with her to the disco. But first, they for some reason it took to run home.
They lived in the private sector, and to straighten the path, went coast of the Yenisei. Girls on a deserted path intercepted two of some drunken thugs, beaten, removed from their gold earrings, twisted away and handbags, tore at their clothes.
Girlfriends barely escaped and fled back to the wedding. Here there's the projectile punitive expedition and began to comb the bank of the Yenisei - a favorite place for dating and love pyanok local youth. Search by memorable girls robbed signs his attackers - one of the thugs was a blue shirt, the other green.
As luck would have it, neither sleep nor spirit did not know that was far from the place where they were so well, Vladimir and his brother Nicholas, dressed in shirts of the nominal color - blue and green. For that and for the full ogrebli wanted revenge from the crowd.
- Guys, who first came to, said later: I was sitting on the grass, picking up with her and pushed himself back into the stomach fall out guts - coughing from time to time, continued his terrible story MIC. - Donated and others: someone had broken head, who has a broken arm. In bratelnika my ribs and burst something inside recaptured. But most of all, of course, got me - the big man, whom I so well embedded, otherwise not want to kill me, but that's lucky I did not fully killed. Someone ran to the village, called the police and an ambulance. And as they went, I was always in the mind, but everything was dull. And almost did not hurt, shock, probably.
It was then that I was with my brother and taken to the hospital tyschechekoechnuyu, and I was immediately put on the operating table. I actually had to die after such an injury. But the surgeon told me that I was incredibly lucky: first, in my stomach was empty, except for vodka, secondly, guts spilled is not dirt, but in the dry grass, so that the infection does not happen.
But bastard when offal was laid back in the stomach, rectum brought me to the side and a trailer outside this how it Colostomy bags. Doctors said that while the inside of the intestine does not subside, as it should, I have to be like this way.
And what is there to be like, I move, he could not. And then I saw this tyschekoeshnoy the sick are - like cattle. Wounds do not heal me, and shoved me in the department of purulent.
At home I lay in the House alone. This fucking Colostomy bags from time to time it was necessary to free the - shit in it floats by itself, I want to shit or do not want. From drains pus rushing. The stench in the room is - at least fix your nose. In addition, I still have bedsores on his back poshli- I then weighed, though smaller than it is today, but I was a hundredweight in anyway, and no such deck roll did not want to.
So neither the nurse nor the nurses were not dozvatsya when they were needed. Well, my brother quickly oklemalsya - he, too, lay in surgery, that it was he who helped me a great in everything that had to do ...
staff MIC was silent, staring at the ceiling and pull the bandage gently stroking an inguinal hernia.
- And then something Che was that? - The first could not stand his neighbor, another Vladimir Petrovich.
- Yeah, let alone out with his story to the end - supported him my neighbor, waiting for a gall bladder operation.
- Well, I have written only a couple of months, was given a temporary disability - sat heavily on the bed, continued Petrovich. - And then the Court arrived on those that we are digging in the day, and I was nearly killed - found them somehow amazingly fast.
We tried something, of course, not all, but about eight of them turned out to be in a cage. This, redhead, that I cut, given six years, the rest of whom three who are two, and who in general probation. Auburn - I remembered his name Timchenko, I asked forgiveness in court for what they have beguiled us with those bandyukov that their girls were attacked, and that he cut me so much ...
- And what, you just do it? - Asked the IWF.
- And, he waved his hand, he says, to hell with you, and did not say anything - Petrovich muttered. - The more I have not seen him.
Then he suddenly brightened:
- But the land is said to wonder round. About five years ago for the fight I stayed eldest son of my brother, the one with whom we got into the mess. And then he told me that he met in the area - who do you think? - The same Timchenko.
He came up to him when he heard his name, and asked me whether it is relative. A nephew cool like me. Well, I say what I brought. Timchenko also by that time, it appears, has turned into a full-grown urkagany, he either fifth, or sixth Walker already was, and he was in the zone of the beholder. And my nephew then the whole-life problems do not know - so Timchenko get even for his favor before me.
Well, that, I'm satisfied your curiosity, illness? Then I went to smoke. And where are you going, namesake, you also can not ?!
But the IWF only annoyance waved his hand, and two Victor Petrovich solemnly their bellies sticking out, it is important strode out of the room in the smoking room.
I pulled out my notebook and made a hasty sketch to sketch, which has finished the home and you have just read ...