Sweater for parrot
Parrot Charlie is specifically related to a small wool sweater, because of hunger from plucked at his feathers.
Sweater tied him by his new mistress Rebecca Blegg that took almost bald bird from the orphanage where he was from a negligent owner. Last almost starved to death, Charlie hunger.
2 photo here
In addition, Charlie has a few sweaters of different colors and he really likes the home of Rebecca. Charlie is so liking his clothes that barely trying to undress him, he starts to worry, stomp their feet, something klekotat and flap their wings.
- When I first saw him, he was so unhappy and tortured, I could not hold back the tears, -rasskazyvaet Rebecca - Birds in a terrible state, I have not seen. He ate their feathers, in order not to die of hunger, but was still so weak that he could barely stand on his feet.
- The first time, we even fed him with a spoon, because he could not eat himself. He did not move and fell at the slightest movement. His skin was dark from constant injuries in the fall in the house of his former master.
Rebecca Blegg coordinator parrot rescue center Safe Haven parrot rescue centre in Eastwood (Nottinghamshire). She finds the house rescued parrots across the UK. 16 birds currently live at her house, and about 100 in the garden in the aviary.
Sweater tied him by his new mistress Rebecca Blegg that took almost bald bird from the orphanage where he was from a negligent owner. Last almost starved to death, Charlie hunger.
2 photo here
In addition, Charlie has a few sweaters of different colors and he really likes the home of Rebecca. Charlie is so liking his clothes that barely trying to undress him, he starts to worry, stomp their feet, something klekotat and flap their wings.
- When I first saw him, he was so unhappy and tortured, I could not hold back the tears, -rasskazyvaet Rebecca - Birds in a terrible state, I have not seen. He ate their feathers, in order not to die of hunger, but was still so weak that he could barely stand on his feet.

- The first time, we even fed him with a spoon, because he could not eat himself. He did not move and fell at the slightest movement. His skin was dark from constant injuries in the fall in the house of his former master.
Rebecca Blegg coordinator parrot rescue center Safe Haven parrot rescue centre in Eastwood (Nottinghamshire). She finds the house rescued parrots across the UK. 16 birds currently live at her house, and about 100 in the garden in the aviary.
