7 sweaters for IT pros

Источник. Penguin in the seventh sweater all the photographs. Sup> i>
Sneeeeg. We love the snow, we want a lot of snow that drifts on the knee, so that the snow was everywhere - on the roofs of cars on the houses, the trees on our own, so that he walked and walked, and did not finish. Because we have a lot of winter and really geeky things to meet fierce cold, white walkers, and northern wind.
Someone thinks that the current boom is not associated with a sweater and a beard? This stereotype is a stereotype on! There is nothing wrong in cool and warm high-tech clothes. Sweater with draped collar, marching fleece sweater, colorful hooded sweater, scratchy sweater horned deer cashmere sweater, knitted sweater figured. They all fit your needs! Just add a few gadgets that turn ordinary geek clothes accessory.

1. Breaking news

This is not just a sweater, and this letter with a coded message. Turkish designers Mahir Yavuz and Ebryu Kurbakov showed clothes NewsKnitter , which are generated by a variety of visual images taken from the network news. The trick of these sweaters in the uniqueness of the information - on each new sweater she was completely different, converted into a visual image.
2. "Smart" sweater, which is sad, as you (or happy that you're sad)

What distinguishes the "smart" sweater from "stupid"? Ability in time to tell others: "Do not touch me!" (Or, conversely, to show everyone that the programmer need to embrace and helpful). The studio has developed Sensoree sweater GER MoodSweater with built-in sensors that determine the mood of the owner and talk about it with the help of indicator lights on the collar . The sensor on the hand determines the emotional state through galvanic skin reflex. The sensor is connected to the LED in the collar, changes color depending on the data, if the collar is lit in red, then the person is nervous or love, blue glow symbolizes calm, purple hues represent the excitement and enthusiasm, and yellow - satisfaction.
3. will warm simply because it is so necessary

Research divisions Eindhoven University of Technology has developed adapting sweater Wearable Senses , which is able to regulate body temperature.
In the inner layer of the product installed heat sensors that determine the temperature. The middle layer consists of a normal wool. The outer layer is connected to the sensors and can increase the number and size of holes in the fabric. At low temperature, the tissue becomes thicker, and it increases the amount of increase of the openings through which the skin can breathe and cooled.
More accessible to ordinary people the project is called Temperature Sweater. Here, there is no innovation, just the sleeves of two integrated thermometer showing the ambient temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
4. For the harshest

Sometimes the computer has to work under extreme conditions. Keyboard sweater warm hands and accustom you to touch type printing method. Soft tissue can pull on any keyboard.

But on the keyboard, you can not stop, and wrapped in a sweater the entire notebook, still have room for the head in one of the sleeves. In the above picture the authors, unfortunately, did not continue the idea, and in fact a sweater made with zippers, will fasten on the body, warming his hands, his head and torso. With such clothing is no frost is not terrible.
We were unable to identify the author of the idea - the original source is lost somewhere in 2008
5. With the support of the tablet

There are not many pieces of clothing, interacting with gadgets. PADX-1 Ledge Wearcom Pullover from the company Alphyn Industries is designed for those who can not part with the tablet, even in the cold. This sweater has a special protective front pocket in which the plate is positioned so that it can work with both hands simultaneously.

The idea has spread to other items of clothing.
6. Christmas and New
Another attempt by the top garment to say anything more than, "Hey, look, I have a cool sweater that says that I do not CHINYU PC." Marc Robert, a former NASA engineer, decided that Christmas sweater with deer, bears and trees - this is not what you need gikam. Ugly Christmas Sweaters supplemented by a special pocket for your smartphone or tablet.

The gadget you need to download a special application that turns looped animation. Through a window in a sweater will be visible to one of several pre-defined animations, blends well with the basic pattern sweater.
7. Game

Woven interactive game console integrated into the mainstream sweater. Apart from fabrics and wool on themselves have to carry Arduino, LED display (12x12 pixels), dynamics (in the hood), a sensor that measures the heartbeat, multiple motors, creating a sense of shock. The whole system is running an application on your smartphone.
With Woven, you can switch the TV channel to obtain information during jogging, change the LED prints on a sweater.
https://player.vimeo.com/video/47809346 video>
And, of course, the game! Gestures you can "catch" a variety of invisible monsters, dodge their attacks, to feel the touch. In general, look at the video as strange gesticulations turns into a struggle with the "entities».

All? Nearly. In fact, IT-sweaters options are vast. Just take any gadget and hide it under a sweater. A great option for carnival costume, and for solving daily tasks. Here, example , students from the University of New York created a sweater with built-in GSM-transmitter. Sweater recognizes gestures, each of which causes the message to be sent to a pre-prescribed number. For example, tapping sleeves, you send an SMS to a working number "late!". All other ways - at your discretion.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/mailru/blog/265950/
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