They take away from the centenary of the war party money
Yakov Pavlovich Vodolazsky Pavlovsk every schoolboy knows. This is a local legend. Live. Passed the Great Patriotic War - worked in the defense industry in Ulyanovsk and Stalingrad, the Soviet barge stoked to have not got the fascists ... After the war, he worked all his life Rechnik - Net channel Don built the Volga-Don canal ...
Honorary Citizen of the city. March 20 met the hundredth birthday. He is caring for his wife, Varvara, which together have 65 years. Varenka is now 88. She is helpless, he can not see, and almost did not go. Yasha warms up her lunch and fed with a spoon.
So people need to kiss his hands. And Jacob Pavlovich broke them. Not gopota without morality and conscience - to such we have become accustomed. Women. Grandpa took them by the children of his niece - sight and hearing is also not young. And confidently opened the door.
... They came about four hours on March 23. Until this morning on local TV showed the plot of the 100-year-old hero. And they knew who to go to.
- Hello, we are social security! You, my dear, you must go to the hospital. With medications help!
Simple as the brains of these creatures, the scheme worked. Cross the threshold ...
- In short, the grandfather. Where is the money?
They looked in every drawer. The approaches to the spouse.
- From the grandmother of little help. Santa have to ...
Yakov Pavlovich as a feather, have tumbled down on the bed and began to search. He was not beaten - not. Just hold on and rummaged through his pockets with dirty hands. The jacket found a bundle - 250 thousand, he was going to "the funeral" and tombstones themselves and Vare ...
All? Enough? Yeah, well ... They took out the SIM card from the mobile phone that is configured for speed dialing: edinichka - rather, deuce - a niece ... They closed humiliated and crushed the back of the old men, leaving the key in the lock.
And then they are gone.
... Jacob Pavlovich and Barbara Yegorovna until the next morning - at eight o'clock! - I found niece Tatiana Kritskaya. My grandfather sat and wept.
- Every day I come so - remove, wash, cook. Then go to work - says Tatiana. - I know that my uncle and warm up myself and help my aunt. If something is urgent, they always called. So I did not think that could happen bad ...
Elderly freed the next morning niece Tatiana Kritskaya.
His children have no spouse, Tanya lost her parents, and admits: James P. and Barbara Egorovna for her father and mother. She told them: do not worry about money, we will bury you - live! But these people are not about myself - we care about the young:
- That fall, Tanya, and you and tights do not, - said the niece uncle. - Know where to take. I've got the safest place.
After that abomination, that happened to them, old men surrendered. My grandfather was in hospital for a week. His dear blind Varya cried and asked each day: "Tanya, I see my grandfather still alive?»
Now Jacob Pavlovich better. But ... almost could not walk. He can no longer, as before, to bring his tea Vare ...
You know what else is striking in this story? I asked, and the police, and Tatiana: where were the neighbors - no one saw, did not come to the elderly while they were locked up day?
No there neighbors. Living in the suburbs, on the banks of the Don, the houses in the district are no more.
- What are the neighbors. To their home, even there is no road, - explained Tatiana. - Leads to it steep descent, a ravine. When my uncle was still tight, many times falling, getting up on the mountain to the market ... There even the "emergency" can not drive. When called, I climb upstairs to the road. I am waiting for doctors meet. Then we go gently down.
When, after this ugly case Yakov Pavlovich taken to the hospital, the machine "emergency" his niece bore children. In the hands.
Help investigators
Department of the Russian Interior Ministry of Pavlovsky district opened a criminal case under article "Robbery committed by group of persons by prior agreement with violence." Police have established little by little signs suspected: women age from about 30 to 40 years of Slavic appearance, a growth of about 160 cm, thick, and the second - about 170 cm thin. They were dressed in hats, coats gray and burgundy colors.
Investigators do not rule out that the criminals may be in the neighboring areas. If you have any information about them, call the police department Pavlovian (47362) 2-58-02 or 2-50-56.
The investigation of the criminal case took personal control district prosecutor Pavlovsky.
Honorary Citizen of the city. March 20 met the hundredth birthday. He is caring for his wife, Varvara, which together have 65 years. Varenka is now 88. She is helpless, he can not see, and almost did not go. Yasha warms up her lunch and fed with a spoon.
So people need to kiss his hands. And Jacob Pavlovich broke them. Not gopota without morality and conscience - to such we have become accustomed. Women. Grandpa took them by the children of his niece - sight and hearing is also not young. And confidently opened the door.
... They came about four hours on March 23. Until this morning on local TV showed the plot of the 100-year-old hero. And they knew who to go to.
- Hello, we are social security! You, my dear, you must go to the hospital. With medications help!
Simple as the brains of these creatures, the scheme worked. Cross the threshold ...
- In short, the grandfather. Where is the money?
They looked in every drawer. The approaches to the spouse.
- From the grandmother of little help. Santa have to ...
Yakov Pavlovich as a feather, have tumbled down on the bed and began to search. He was not beaten - not. Just hold on and rummaged through his pockets with dirty hands. The jacket found a bundle - 250 thousand, he was going to "the funeral" and tombstones themselves and Vare ...
All? Enough? Yeah, well ... They took out the SIM card from the mobile phone that is configured for speed dialing: edinichka - rather, deuce - a niece ... They closed humiliated and crushed the back of the old men, leaving the key in the lock.
And then they are gone.
... Jacob Pavlovich and Barbara Yegorovna until the next morning - at eight o'clock! - I found niece Tatiana Kritskaya. My grandfather sat and wept.
- Every day I come so - remove, wash, cook. Then go to work - says Tatiana. - I know that my uncle and warm up myself and help my aunt. If something is urgent, they always called. So I did not think that could happen bad ...
Elderly freed the next morning niece Tatiana Kritskaya.
His children have no spouse, Tanya lost her parents, and admits: James P. and Barbara Egorovna for her father and mother. She told them: do not worry about money, we will bury you - live! But these people are not about myself - we care about the young:
- That fall, Tanya, and you and tights do not, - said the niece uncle. - Know where to take. I've got the safest place.
After that abomination, that happened to them, old men surrendered. My grandfather was in hospital for a week. His dear blind Varya cried and asked each day: "Tanya, I see my grandfather still alive?»
Now Jacob Pavlovich better. But ... almost could not walk. He can no longer, as before, to bring his tea Vare ...
You know what else is striking in this story? I asked, and the police, and Tatiana: where were the neighbors - no one saw, did not come to the elderly while they were locked up day?
No there neighbors. Living in the suburbs, on the banks of the Don, the houses in the district are no more.
- What are the neighbors. To their home, even there is no road, - explained Tatiana. - Leads to it steep descent, a ravine. When my uncle was still tight, many times falling, getting up on the mountain to the market ... There even the "emergency" can not drive. When called, I climb upstairs to the road. I am waiting for doctors meet. Then we go gently down.
When, after this ugly case Yakov Pavlovich taken to the hospital, the machine "emergency" his niece bore children. In the hands.
Help investigators
Department of the Russian Interior Ministry of Pavlovsky district opened a criminal case under article "Robbery committed by group of persons by prior agreement with violence." Police have established little by little signs suspected: women age from about 30 to 40 years of Slavic appearance, a growth of about 160 cm, thick, and the second - about 170 cm thin. They were dressed in hats, coats gray and burgundy colors.
Investigators do not rule out that the criminals may be in the neighboring areas. If you have any information about them, call the police department Pavlovian (47362) 2-58-02 or 2-50-56.
The investigation of the criminal case took personal control district prosecutor Pavlovsky.
