As we have kittens of breeding and fattening.
About a month ago, a friend called me and said that she had found on the garbage can next to the box with the kittens. I asked if we wanted to pick them up, knowing that we have tried to foster newborn kittens (unfortunately without success). After weighing all known alternatives (left where found in a shelter or on euthanasia) we naturally decided to try them out. Thus, in our apartment there were four small woolen glomerulus.
© My :)
I'll try to briefly describe what the newborn care (or, as in our case, polutoranedelnoy) kittens without a mother-cat. Also, bring a couple of useful links, which we enjoyed.
At one of the sites has been written, that the care of small kittens is simple, but tedious, which is fully confirmed. Also, you must remember if you took up the case that 100% guarantee of success there, kittens simply can not survive and your guilt in this can not be.
So, what you need to know first. It describes the best mode of nutrition and feeding kittens from birth. Since our kittens were already grown, first we feed them every 4 hours. We used a substitute for cat milk from Royal Canin, and were very pleased. The kittens were eating as it should be, according to the regulations on the website (and not in the instructions to the milk), and grow slowly, began to open his eyes.
The second important thing - a toilet. Kittens can not yet themselves to ravage the bladder and intestines, therefore, need a damp cloth to simulate the cat "massage the language" after each feeding.
On the fifth day one of the cats have started to refuse (the one in the previous picture). In the morning we rushed to the vet with her and her little brother, who had also started to bring back food from the muzzle. Terribly frightened, as thus lost the last of our foundlings. Our veterinarians, golden people, a married couple who truly loves animals, they have pierced a course of antibiotics, taking with us the money only for the drug itself (about $ 8). I really almost cried with relief when they began to eat again. Later, it happened that they did not want to have a one-off, but it did not affect their development. Although the girl who refused to eat for a long time, and has remained the smallest.
At the age of four weeks, they began to give canned food for kittens, not stopping to feed the same milk. Digress. It turned out that in our city there is a pet store, the owner is constantly brings up the kittens, we are often called up and consulted. Naturally, in the spring of cats "season", and at the moment it has 50 (!) Kittens that need a home. In my opinion, it is a holy man, practically lives in his shop :) Made a decision to henceforth only be purchased there.
As the fourth week became accustomed to the tray, which they now know to cheer :) From the fifth week began to give in the bottle water instead of milk, and gradually accustom to bowl, as well as to give dry food for kittens.
Now they are six weeks, they are healthy, accustomed to everything and ready to move. We have an adult cat, which, unfortunately, does not accept, so if there is anyone in Israel who wants a kitten - write. It should also be noted that, since we were their parents, Mike Farley is very gentle and affectionate, very attached to the people, purred not stop at all when someone close. This concludes the narrative, I hope you are not too tired. Good luck to all those who dare to try to save someone's life :) Then just a few photos.
© My :)

I'll try to briefly describe what the newborn care (or, as in our case, polutoranedelnoy) kittens without a mother-cat. Also, bring a couple of useful links, which we enjoyed.

At one of the sites has been written, that the care of small kittens is simple, but tedious, which is fully confirmed. Also, you must remember if you took up the case that 100% guarantee of success there, kittens simply can not survive and your guilt in this can not be.

So, what you need to know first. It describes the best mode of nutrition and feeding kittens from birth. Since our kittens were already grown, first we feed them every 4 hours. We used a substitute for cat milk from Royal Canin, and were very pleased. The kittens were eating as it should be, according to the regulations on the website (and not in the instructions to the milk), and grow slowly, began to open his eyes.

The second important thing - a toilet. Kittens can not yet themselves to ravage the bladder and intestines, therefore, need a damp cloth to simulate the cat "massage the language" after each feeding.

On the fifth day one of the cats have started to refuse (the one in the previous picture). In the morning we rushed to the vet with her and her little brother, who had also started to bring back food from the muzzle. Terribly frightened, as thus lost the last of our foundlings. Our veterinarians, golden people, a married couple who truly loves animals, they have pierced a course of antibiotics, taking with us the money only for the drug itself (about $ 8). I really almost cried with relief when they began to eat again. Later, it happened that they did not want to have a one-off, but it did not affect their development. Although the girl who refused to eat for a long time, and has remained the smallest.

At the age of four weeks, they began to give canned food for kittens, not stopping to feed the same milk. Digress. It turned out that in our city there is a pet store, the owner is constantly brings up the kittens, we are often called up and consulted. Naturally, in the spring of cats "season", and at the moment it has 50 (!) Kittens that need a home. In my opinion, it is a holy man, practically lives in his shop :) Made a decision to henceforth only be purchased there.

As the fourth week became accustomed to the tray, which they now know to cheer :) From the fifth week began to give in the bottle water instead of milk, and gradually accustom to bowl, as well as to give dry food for kittens.

Now they are six weeks, they are healthy, accustomed to everything and ready to move. We have an adult cat, which, unfortunately, does not accept, so if there is anyone in Israel who wants a kitten - write. It should also be noted that, since we were their parents, Mike Farley is very gentle and affectionate, very attached to the people, purred not stop at all when someone close. This concludes the narrative, I hope you are not too tired. Good luck to all those who dare to try to save someone's life :) Then just a few photos.





