Fire on the Troitsky Bridge. Mustang Wanted
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The author writes tankizt
Usual night St. Petersburg on the embankment, security fence slowly puts on the roadway,
neuspevshie on crossing motorists are considering ways to avoid traffic and visitors uncover your camera.
Everything goes as usual summer nights on the street is cool and slightly drizzling rain.
At the Troitsky Bridge strobe lights fade and it starts to get divorced.
A few minutes later the crowd crawling cries: - "Look at the top of the man»
And indeed, on the very edge of the movable span appears in a white blouse silhouette.
After sitting for about ten seconds, it crawls the pole catenary
Fire and light
Most rush of bright glow and only guards noticed him, really, so many people every day tychat fingers on the bridge divorced, and fireworks design of structures not covered
Meanwhile, the young ekstremal hangs upside down on a pole
In seconds Fire burns, and Mustang (we call it so) hidden in the bowels of the bridge. Then the fun begins, security embittered, running from edge to edge leading negotiations on permanent talkies, Mustang was nowhere to be seen. He pulls a pair of men in civilian clothes, but the police yet. And then, the bridge starts to close, this was not even during the famous action art group "War" on the Foundry Bridge. Mixed by a bridge surrounded on all sides, it seems that nowhere to run, the Mustang begin to look inside the bridge, but all in vain, the stress lasts about 10 minutes, when one of the guards says that water is a man confident crawl floating to the shore, all the running rush for him, but the Mustang comes out of the water, it picks up the motorcycle (by the way that near the bridge is suspicious for a long time biker heard in the negotiations) and at high speed escapes to an unknown destination. Last seen CHOP and "strange people in civilian clothes" is the bare back of the Mustang and highly raised middle finger, which anywhere in the world means only one thing - «FUCK OFF»
What was the point of this performance art, I do not know, someone says that the campaign aims to support vegetarianism, and someone on the approval of youthful extremism, but the fact remains, the security service missed the
infringer, allowed him to commit this act and easy to hide. Some media have written that the Mustang had wanted ...
The author writes tankizt
Usual night St. Petersburg on the embankment, security fence slowly puts on the roadway,
neuspevshie on crossing motorists are considering ways to avoid traffic and visitors uncover your camera.
Everything goes as usual summer nights on the street is cool and slightly drizzling rain.
At the Troitsky Bridge strobe lights fade and it starts to get divorced.

A few minutes later the crowd crawling cries: - "Look at the top of the man»
And indeed, on the very edge of the movable span appears in a white blouse silhouette.

After sitting for about ten seconds, it crawls the pole catenary


Fire and light


Most rush of bright glow and only guards noticed him, really, so many people every day tychat fingers on the bridge divorced, and fireworks design of structures not covered

Meanwhile, the young ekstremal hangs upside down on a pole

In seconds Fire burns, and Mustang (we call it so) hidden in the bowels of the bridge. Then the fun begins, security embittered, running from edge to edge leading negotiations on permanent talkies, Mustang was nowhere to be seen. He pulls a pair of men in civilian clothes, but the police yet. And then, the bridge starts to close, this was not even during the famous action art group "War" on the Foundry Bridge. Mixed by a bridge surrounded on all sides, it seems that nowhere to run, the Mustang begin to look inside the bridge, but all in vain, the stress lasts about 10 minutes, when one of the guards says that water is a man confident crawl floating to the shore, all the running rush for him, but the Mustang comes out of the water, it picks up the motorcycle (by the way that near the bridge is suspicious for a long time biker heard in the negotiations) and at high speed escapes to an unknown destination. Last seen CHOP and "strange people in civilian clothes" is the bare back of the Mustang and highly raised middle finger, which anywhere in the world means only one thing - «FUCK OFF»
What was the point of this performance art, I do not know, someone says that the campaign aims to support vegetarianism, and someone on the approval of youthful extremism, but the fact remains, the security service missed the
infringer, allowed him to commit this act and easy to hide. Some media have written that the Mustang had wanted ...
