The real names of celebrities

Many of the stars we know of only a stage name.
Take a look who's name actually.

Faith Galushka

Alexander Korchunova

Maria Sadkova

Inessa Klimchuk

Vyacheslav Tverdohlebov

Viktor Belan

Natalia Poryvai

Jeanne Kopylova

Alla Perfilova

Timur Yunusov

Larisa Myachinskaya

Maria Varum

Elena Liovochkin

Yuri Shatsko

Alexander Vyguzov

Tatiana Galstyan

Andrew Klement'ev

Hope Zasedateleva

Sophia Rotar

Alla Ageev

Marina Abrosimov

Lada Volkova

Catherine Chuprinin


See also

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