In Germany for certification.
After 1, 5 years picking artificial kidney machines, office N, which not so long ago, I was working and decided that it was better to send some of its engineers for certification in Germany, than lose the warranty on the equipment ordered only. And now the day has come when the director called me to his office and, instead of spacing for the order the next batch of parts, said to go to Tbilisi to take to the embassy for a visa. After gathering all the necessary documents, I went there, filled tricky questionnaire on 10 sheets and passing all the necessary certificates, statements and letters came back. A week later, a letter fell on the soap, which opened a visa.
Ironically, at the airport long tormented, enlightened, proshmonali and launched the green zone. Fly had "sparrow" - small airplane that landing was shaking like a tin can.
And the view from the bird's-eye view.
Coming out of the airport in Frankfurt, the first thing in the eyes rezanulo - order. No bulls and obvёrtok on earth, debris, at random parked cars ... especially very surprised such a thing - to pedestrians, motorists, it's really a low blow. : D
Lost-just unreal! GPS on my N900 plowed well and on every street corner signs and plaques ... About 95% of the population speaks English.
For 40 euros thrown to the taxi station, where buying a ticket on the express train I went to Schweinfurt. And here the first bummer. All information is in German. After a couple of hours, that are accustomed to mention exactly caught necessary: what is the next station and exit on the right or the left.
When reached Schweinfurt, it was 3am. Catching a taxi got to the Park Hotel is Jägersbrunnen 6a. Unload. Then again, bummer! The hotel is closed. In fact, closed. Narrow street, the lights in the hall extinguished lights on the outside, however, burn. Chela with 2 suitcases and backpacks. And a complete misunderstanding of what is happening. Before we take any action which, as it seemed a couple of guys who came to the door of the hotel, opened it with a key and went inside! Pohvatali bags jumped in after them. The door slammed shut. Inspection of premises on retsepshine found our reservation, but ... on the stand with keys hanging tags only from our room, the keys did not have! Now that's really oblom.No nothing collapsed on couches in the lobby and waited for dawn. Somewhere in the beginning of the seventh heard the clicking of heels and picking door lock. Thank Cthulhu! The door opens and is striking blonde, two meters tall. Which looks at us square eyes! : D We quickly to it, say so and so, engineers from Georgia, at the invitation of the company Fresenius, we have reservations, but the keys we found ... It pops up on the street, from under the rug pulls out an envelope that adorn our names, shakes Keys are universal (which open the door numbers and door to the hotel) and perplexed voice wondered how we got inside! Joked that with the help of black magic, thanked her and rushed into the room.
Quoting myself up, had breakfast and inflated coffee, decided to walk around the city.
Exit then we went out, but a few minutes later jumped back - chilly Germans in November though! Our blonde friend having burnt our reddened noses and ears, with a keen interest asks: "Black magic is powerless against the cold?" Parrazitka what! : D
Insulated, moved to conquer the unknown city. The first thing that caught my eye - a complete absence of life. At all! No one! Nowhere! And the clock is 10:30 !!!
The picturesque waterfall near the hotel
Schweinfurt - a small town, the River Main, separated into two parts: residential and commercial.
Realizing that the plants on the beach with nothing to catch us, back to the north bank and continued to tour. Soon we got the first pig.
Justifying the name of the city, almost on every corner of the set here so funny pigs, which can understand what is next.
Pig near the tourist agency
Near newspaper
Pig near Stadtgalerie
But outside the police station, I met here a handsome!
Closer to the second half of the day, the streets have become more and more frequently appear representatives of the local community. The vast majority, regardless of gender and age on bicycles.
A snack in the cafe, went back to the hotel and lay down to sleep - the next day began training.
In the morning, getting up for breakfast, and went down with gusto kneading bacon and eggs, considered the dining room furniture.
As it turned out, everything is on Feng Shui!
Then he rolled up a taxi which took us to the factory of the company Fresenius
I managed to take several shots, then he came up to me and asked fellow Security Council chamber. Having carefully considered the shots, he returned the camera down and did not insist on the removal of pictures, but by shooting in the room asked to abstain.
Here you can see one of the devices)
The daily schedule is as follows: from 9 to 11 training, explanation of new material, then a coffee break - down to the break room for the staff, and then back to 14:00 classes. From 14:00 to 15:00 lunch in a huge cafeteria with a wide range havchika. After a hearty lunch - practical fastening material - short mockery devices. But at 16:30 drove a taxi, which took us to the hotel and a couple of hours each doing their own thing. In the evening, everyone, meet at 20:00 in the hall and went to the pub to taste the beer. ;)
Posted in [mergetime] 1371240858 [/ mergetime]
descent into the pub
The atmosphere is extremely kosheGnaya
Well, the range of ... By the way, the Irish bar: D
Posted in [mergetime] 1371241020 [/ mergetime]
Arab somehow forgot to sink in the toilet watch. The next day, after training, we went to the pub and once the bartender, saying such a situation, one can not find? The bartender looked at us, smiled and asked to see where the left thing. What was our surprise when going to the toilet we saw on the sink lying forlornly gold Rolex for $ 30,000. Amazing country! At the intersection, cars can not see the red pedestrians. And the man is 15, is waiting for the green. And you too, you are, because that breaks like that of a pig to take and move when others are waiting. By the way, not only surprising honesty and punctuality Germans. They are very friendly! And friendly. If you stand on the street and tupish with GPS or a map to suit you, ask what can help, if you have time - even would be taken where necessary. Or meet with a local view, regardless of sex, he will smile you will smile, say hello - answer, and gradually the conversation, get to know more ... I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that about 20% of the population speaks pretty well in Russian !!! Will you come to the store, you start to talk with the seller, who heard your accent gives "Russian chtoli ?!»
This continued for 5 days, after which the stepped output. Specify all the nuances in the retsepshine, on Saturday, I, as well as representatives of Armenia, Russia, the Czech Republic, Poland and the United Arab Emirates, decided to take off in Sinsheim, visit the famous museum of art.
Roads Germans - just a fairy tale !!! No dents, no bumps along the road ... And wind turbines are installed.
Along the way, also met and nuclear power plants ... What krasava!
Continue past this pointer - just unreal!
The museum has collected almost all the achievements of engineering thought, from the Singer sewing machines, and ending military equipment and aircraft Tu-144 and Concorde
Placed near the exhibits mannequins in clothes of the era, from the exhibits, create a special atmosphere.
As you Mears?
And another Mercedes
And glamorous Kiso XD
Go to another department
Exhibit - just a lot, eyes run
Division dedicated to military vehicles, shape, etc
Caught from the pond downed yukers
BMW motor ... obviously not off the assembly line.
The exhibits in the open air. In the state of: zaley motor fuel and backwaters.
German vundervaflya
We go to the next section and fades with delight!
And yet the cars !!!
The same Blue Flame - set a world record on land, the rate of more than 1 065 8 km / h.
During the next turn meets the complete collection of Ferrari
Another section and ... retro benzuhi!
So what are you inside, devil-machine!
and highlight of the program ... TU 144!
This kind of cockpit. fenced Plexiglas.
We leave the carcass and head to Concord. By the way planes are set so that the offset in three axes and as a result are inside, it is unclear whether he is flying, or falling, but not exactly standing still.
Cockpit Concorde
By evening, barely had time to see everything. In the gift shop bought a hammer with a beer opener, kosher, I'll tell you a thing! I wanted to buy, and here is a piece, but then I remembered that I take it all back, he changed his mind! ))
The next day, it was decided to take off in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. The city, which for the entire second world does not get damaged and that the Americans were razed to the ground at the end of the war. True then actively helped to restore.
The city impresses with its architecture ...
2 euros you can climb up to the town hall ... view from there is simply magnificent!
Actually here is the kind of
And yet
For a small fee, you can go with a guide through an underground tunnel to tserkvuhi 1, 5 km from the city ... but the night tour, unfortunately never left. but caught the lulz to the difference in price for those who read German and for those in English XD
Souvenir shops are just crammed with all sorts of trinkets, the cost from a couple cents and ending with EUR 300, such as those asking for armor
Here they
After wandering around the castle wall, stumble on Crime Museum ... This is interesting!
Here's a cheerful assembly meets at the entrance.
We go inside and there is a torture ... the whole with a full set of tools and even the manual!
And more tools
Indulgences not only
Merry miniature
Six-foot sword. With an engraving that says, "I second after God and dare to do justice»
Note on the plate, never used in battle.
Truselyah women, at any size!
And masks! a huge number of masks !!! thousands of them!
and each mask its purpose. The first on the left, the previous picture, dressed, for example, overly talkative wife.
And it sets the inquisitor for the little ones. Joke)
What lovely gallows ... sorry, that did not sell similar souvenirs.
The cell, which threw the baker if he duril buyers. full length stand - low take - spikes on the floor. And in addition, you're still on a long pole into the river dunk. Enjoy a little.
And here is the promised manuals
I wandered through the dungeon, as it is particularly hard struck to eat. What, in fact we did.
In the main square, on the building of the city council, installed moving clock that loses each hour scene. Ask the waiter for that scene, he told us that it was "a breath of Master» («Meistertrunk»). It tells the story of how the mayor of Rothenburg saved one gulp drained a three-liter glass of wine. This offered him a glass of Count Tilly captured the city and promised to release Rothenburg if anyone will be able to drink three liters of wine and stay on his feet. Brave Mayor Nush not only stay on his feet. But also to continue the conversation with the Count. The city was looted, the inhabitants remained unharmed.
Posted in [mergetime] 1371243846 [/ mergetime]
The next five days were also devoted to training and preparation for certification. And so Friday arrived. We were given tests detected time and ... started! Questions were not very complex, but there were many. After the theoretical part was practical, trablshuting. Instructor in within 5 minutes of tinkering in the machine, and then you had to find that he's played a dirty trick. With all the tasks handled quite quickly, and in the end I scored 91 points out of 100 and received the coveted smart card service engineer. In the evening a farewell dinner was all the staff - all of the groups, all the instructors in the companies. And the next morning having left the hotel we silently and sadly went to Frankfurt am Main. Where we waited for the flight and return to Georgia.
P.S. Thank you for your patience.
After 1, 5 years picking artificial kidney machines, office N, which not so long ago, I was working and decided that it was better to send some of its engineers for certification in Germany, than lose the warranty on the equipment ordered only. And now the day has come when the director called me to his office and, instead of spacing for the order the next batch of parts, said to go to Tbilisi to take to the embassy for a visa. After gathering all the necessary documents, I went there, filled tricky questionnaire on 10 sheets and passing all the necessary certificates, statements and letters came back. A week later, a letter fell on the soap, which opened a visa.
Ironically, at the airport long tormented, enlightened, proshmonali and launched the green zone. Fly had "sparrow" - small airplane that landing was shaking like a tin can.
And the view from the bird's-eye view.

Coming out of the airport in Frankfurt, the first thing in the eyes rezanulo - order. No bulls and obvёrtok on earth, debris, at random parked cars ... especially very surprised such a thing - to pedestrians, motorists, it's really a low blow. : D
Lost-just unreal! GPS on my N900 plowed well and on every street corner signs and plaques ... About 95% of the population speaks English.
For 40 euros thrown to the taxi station, where buying a ticket on the express train I went to Schweinfurt. And here the first bummer. All information is in German. After a couple of hours, that are accustomed to mention exactly caught necessary: what is the next station and exit on the right or the left.
When reached Schweinfurt, it was 3am. Catching a taxi got to the Park Hotel is Jägersbrunnen 6a. Unload. Then again, bummer! The hotel is closed. In fact, closed. Narrow street, the lights in the hall extinguished lights on the outside, however, burn. Chela with 2 suitcases and backpacks. And a complete misunderstanding of what is happening. Before we take any action which, as it seemed a couple of guys who came to the door of the hotel, opened it with a key and went inside! Pohvatali bags jumped in after them. The door slammed shut. Inspection of premises on retsepshine found our reservation, but ... on the stand with keys hanging tags only from our room, the keys did not have! Now that's really oblom.No nothing collapsed on couches in the lobby and waited for dawn. Somewhere in the beginning of the seventh heard the clicking of heels and picking door lock. Thank Cthulhu! The door opens and is striking blonde, two meters tall. Which looks at us square eyes! : D We quickly to it, say so and so, engineers from Georgia, at the invitation of the company Fresenius, we have reservations, but the keys we found ... It pops up on the street, from under the rug pulls out an envelope that adorn our names, shakes Keys are universal (which open the door numbers and door to the hotel) and perplexed voice wondered how we got inside! Joked that with the help of black magic, thanked her and rushed into the room.
Quoting myself up, had breakfast and inflated coffee, decided to walk around the city.
Exit then we went out, but a few minutes later jumped back - chilly Germans in November though! Our blonde friend having burnt our reddened noses and ears, with a keen interest asks: "Black magic is powerless against the cold?" Parrazitka what! : D
Insulated, moved to conquer the unknown city. The first thing that caught my eye - a complete absence of life. At all! No one! Nowhere! And the clock is 10:30 !!!

The picturesque waterfall near the hotel

Schweinfurt - a small town, the River Main, separated into two parts: residential and commercial.

Realizing that the plants on the beach with nothing to catch us, back to the north bank and continued to tour. Soon we got the first pig.

Justifying the name of the city, almost on every corner of the set here so funny pigs, which can understand what is next.

Pig near the tourist agency

Near newspaper

Pig near Stadtgalerie

But outside the police station, I met here a handsome!

Closer to the second half of the day, the streets have become more and more frequently appear representatives of the local community. The vast majority, regardless of gender and age on bicycles.
A snack in the cafe, went back to the hotel and lay down to sleep - the next day began training.
In the morning, getting up for breakfast, and went down with gusto kneading bacon and eggs, considered the dining room furniture.

As it turned out, everything is on Feng Shui!

Then he rolled up a taxi which took us to the factory of the company Fresenius

I managed to take several shots, then he came up to me and asked fellow Security Council chamber. Having carefully considered the shots, he returned the camera down and did not insist on the removal of pictures, but by shooting in the room asked to abstain.

Here you can see one of the devices)

The daily schedule is as follows: from 9 to 11 training, explanation of new material, then a coffee break - down to the break room for the staff, and then back to 14:00 classes. From 14:00 to 15:00 lunch in a huge cafeteria with a wide range havchika. After a hearty lunch - practical fastening material - short mockery devices. But at 16:30 drove a taxi, which took us to the hotel and a couple of hours each doing their own thing. In the evening, everyone, meet at 20:00 in the hall and went to the pub to taste the beer. ;)
Posted in [mergetime] 1371240858 [/ mergetime]
descent into the pub

The atmosphere is extremely kosheGnaya

Well, the range of ... By the way, the Irish bar: D
Posted in [mergetime] 1371241020 [/ mergetime]
Arab somehow forgot to sink in the toilet watch. The next day, after training, we went to the pub and once the bartender, saying such a situation, one can not find? The bartender looked at us, smiled and asked to see where the left thing. What was our surprise when going to the toilet we saw on the sink lying forlornly gold Rolex for $ 30,000. Amazing country! At the intersection, cars can not see the red pedestrians. And the man is 15, is waiting for the green. And you too, you are, because that breaks like that of a pig to take and move when others are waiting. By the way, not only surprising honesty and punctuality Germans. They are very friendly! And friendly. If you stand on the street and tupish with GPS or a map to suit you, ask what can help, if you have time - even would be taken where necessary. Or meet with a local view, regardless of sex, he will smile you will smile, say hello - answer, and gradually the conversation, get to know more ... I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that about 20% of the population speaks pretty well in Russian !!! Will you come to the store, you start to talk with the seller, who heard your accent gives "Russian chtoli ?!»

This continued for 5 days, after which the stepped output. Specify all the nuances in the retsepshine, on Saturday, I, as well as representatives of Armenia, Russia, the Czech Republic, Poland and the United Arab Emirates, decided to take off in Sinsheim, visit the famous museum of art.
Roads Germans - just a fairy tale !!! No dents, no bumps along the road ... And wind turbines are installed.

Along the way, also met and nuclear power plants ... What krasava!

Continue past this pointer - just unreal!

The museum has collected almost all the achievements of engineering thought, from the Singer sewing machines, and ending military equipment and aircraft Tu-144 and Concorde

Placed near the exhibits mannequins in clothes of the era, from the exhibits, create a special atmosphere.

As you Mears?

And another Mercedes

And glamorous Kiso XD

Go to another department

Exhibit - just a lot, eyes run

Division dedicated to military vehicles, shape, etc

Caught from the pond downed yukers

BMW motor ... obviously not off the assembly line.


The exhibits in the open air. In the state of: zaley motor fuel and backwaters.

German vundervaflya

We go to the next section and fades with delight!

And yet the cars !!!

The same Blue Flame - set a world record on land, the rate of more than 1 065 8 km / h.

During the next turn meets the complete collection of Ferrari

Another section and ... retro benzuhi!

So what are you inside, devil-machine!

and highlight of the program ... TU 144!

This kind of cockpit. fenced Plexiglas.


We leave the carcass and head to Concord. By the way planes are set so that the offset in three axes and as a result are inside, it is unclear whether he is flying, or falling, but not exactly standing still.

Cockpit Concorde

By evening, barely had time to see everything. In the gift shop bought a hammer with a beer opener, kosher, I'll tell you a thing! I wanted to buy, and here is a piece, but then I remembered that I take it all back, he changed his mind! ))

The next day, it was decided to take off in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. The city, which for the entire second world does not get damaged and that the Americans were razed to the ground at the end of the war. True then actively helped to restore.


The city impresses with its architecture ...

2 euros you can climb up to the town hall ... view from there is simply magnificent!

Actually here is the kind of

And yet


For a small fee, you can go with a guide through an underground tunnel to tserkvuhi 1, 5 km from the city ... but the night tour, unfortunately never left. but caught the lulz to the difference in price for those who read German and for those in English XD

Souvenir shops are just crammed with all sorts of trinkets, the cost from a couple cents and ending with EUR 300, such as those asking for armor

Here they

After wandering around the castle wall, stumble on Crime Museum ... This is interesting!

Here's a cheerful assembly meets at the entrance.

We go inside and there is a torture ... the whole with a full set of tools and even the manual!


And more tools

Indulgences not only

Merry miniature

Six-foot sword. With an engraving that says, "I second after God and dare to do justice»
Note on the plate, never used in battle.

Truselyah women, at any size!

And masks! a huge number of masks !!! thousands of them!

and each mask its purpose. The first on the left, the previous picture, dressed, for example, overly talkative wife.

And it sets the inquisitor for the little ones. Joke)

What lovely gallows ... sorry, that did not sell similar souvenirs.

The cell, which threw the baker if he duril buyers. full length stand - low take - spikes on the floor. And in addition, you're still on a long pole into the river dunk. Enjoy a little.

And here is the promised manuals

I wandered through the dungeon, as it is particularly hard struck to eat. What, in fact we did.
In the main square, on the building of the city council, installed moving clock that loses each hour scene. Ask the waiter for that scene, he told us that it was "a breath of Master» («Meistertrunk»). It tells the story of how the mayor of Rothenburg saved one gulp drained a three-liter glass of wine. This offered him a glass of Count Tilly captured the city and promised to release Rothenburg if anyone will be able to drink three liters of wine and stay on his feet. Brave Mayor Nush not only stay on his feet. But also to continue the conversation with the Count. The city was looted, the inhabitants remained unharmed.
Posted in [mergetime] 1371243846 [/ mergetime]
The next five days were also devoted to training and preparation for certification. And so Friday arrived. We were given tests detected time and ... started! Questions were not very complex, but there were many. After the theoretical part was practical, trablshuting. Instructor in within 5 minutes of tinkering in the machine, and then you had to find that he's played a dirty trick. With all the tasks handled quite quickly, and in the end I scored 91 points out of 100 and received the coveted smart card service engineer. In the evening a farewell dinner was all the staff - all of the groups, all the instructors in the companies. And the next morning having left the hotel we silently and sadly went to Frankfurt am Main. Where we waited for the flight and return to Georgia.
P.S. Thank you for your patience.
