Tweet Pavel Durov angered many (10 screenshots)
Pavel Durov, known as the founder of the social network Vkontakte, May 9th Victory Day was careless enough to write on his Twitter the words,
who were, to put it mildly, is not all pleasant. Immediately after his tweet reaction of many people, including celebrities,
who did not hesitate to express their emotions, it was not long in coming. After the provocative records Durov, Sergei Minaev Nikolay Valuev
published in their microblogs information that they cease their activity in the social. network "Vkontakte».
What is most interesting, as a result of Pavel Durov in their tweets implied by today's SMM indicators of its social network increased significantly.
who were, to put it mildly, is not all pleasant. Immediately after his tweet reaction of many people, including celebrities,
who did not hesitate to express their emotions, it was not long in coming. After the provocative records Durov, Sergei Minaev Nikolay Valuev
published in their microblogs information that they cease their activity in the social. network "Vkontakte».
What is most interesting, as a result of Pavel Durov in their tweets implied by today's SMM indicators of its social network increased significantly.