Preparing for site blocking
"The power of government rests on ignorance of the people, and it knows it because there will always be fighting against education. It is time we realize it »
LN Tolstoy
July 2, 2013 signed a bill № 292521-6, assuming blocking web pages with links to possible! inappropriate content placement.
That is, starting from August this year, is expected to lock the various sites in the federal providers. Under this law, ISPs are required to block the entire site is not, and only the page, presumably! violates something there right holder. But these powers have no providers.
Even Rostelecom modestly wrote in "Izvestia of Mordovia" about it, so to block the sites will be entirely:
"Rostelecom" has no technical ability to block specific web pages, which contain information recognized gap. Access to the banned sites are blocked by its IP-address. And one IP-address can belong not only the resources covered by the court's decision.
News Mordovia
Never mind that this may be affected hundreds of others, absolutely innocent sites. Home to install (do not dare call it a law) party and the government.
It's like saying to catch the city Petrov and here they are, the disease, all Petrov row and plant, row and put ...
And all would be anything else, if it concerned only the modern Russian films. We'd love to remove such artifacts, leaving your comments, in order to teach it to go to the movies (if any course in your city, town or village, because Moscow is not the whole Russian thought our deputies), having bought a beautiful wrap advertising. But it turns out, even in such a patriotic film, shot in 1971 as the "Officers" designed to educate young people is wrong, there is a right holder, who will not fail to take advantage of the new law among the first. And when that happens, it will soon be blocked and the Club.
On the job site itself is not affected, but users with Russian IP address of the access will be closed!
In this regard, we need to learn in advance of the program and methods of effective substitution of the IP address, namely TOR and VPN, as well as to transfer knowledge to their friends and acquaintances.
The most affordable, convenient and free way is a browser with a built-TOR. Download it once, and set the whole space of the Internet is open to you again!
Unlike VPN, Tor Browser is a free, fully automated software for anonymous surfing on the network, hiding your real IP address and does not require any additional knowledge or action by the user (only need to download and run).
Please note only that comfortable to surf through the TOR can not once, but three minutes to five. But even then surfing is no different from normal and access to all blocked sites and tracker.
Download Tor Browser can be configured online www.torproject.org section «download» or in our Club.
1. VPN services in general is perfect, but it will have to spend a little (VPN costs from 150 rubles. Per month). Only VPN-server in Russia, as you know, to take pointless.
But behind the VPN, and optional pay. That's a huge (currently 1630), a list of VPN Gate www.vpngate.net/en/#LIST
2. The proxy and anonymizer
A good program to find and use fresh proxy Proxy Switcher Pro
Instructions on setting
3. Turbo button in the browser Opera
4. TOR browser
5. AdvTOR - manuals on the Internet.
6. for Linux users (in fact it is a cross-platform tool) remind of the existence of JonDo, instructions to him there in sufficient quantity.
7. Just Club is now available online i2p, while in test mode - the login does not work, but the surf and download the free distribution is already possible: nnm-club. i2p
Guide us here.
8. And do not forget that the club has the address IPv6, a good guide is to set up here and debate issues we
and more ...
Tor Vidalia Proxomitron Freecap - wsnow.net/my_soft/41-narushaya-zaprety.html
OperaTor - Opera Tor Polipo - archetwist.com/en/opera/operator
Portable Tor - portable package Tor, does not require installation on your computer - portabletor.sourceforge.net/
Torbutton - an extension Firefox, adds a button on and off Tor. Also provides improved protection of privacy and isolation of the browser's status - addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/2275
Vuze - file sharing BitTorrent network client with built-in support for Tor - azureus.sourceforge.net/
A good manual for configuring Tor - www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.ru
Full list of supported options - www.torproject.org/tor-manual.html
Configuring Hidden Services - www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.ru[/hide]
If you know of more effective and simpler ways to achieve our goals, articulate them in the comments.
If one "perfect" day, you could not get into the club and instead opened some terrible window, do not worry, the Club operates. Remember this topic, and uncover TOR'y VPN'y and continues to please yourself and your loved ones with fresh information.
LN Tolstoy
July 2, 2013 signed a bill № 292521-6, assuming blocking web pages with links to possible! inappropriate content placement.
That is, starting from August this year, is expected to lock the various sites in the federal providers. Under this law, ISPs are required to block the entire site is not, and only the page, presumably! violates something there right holder. But these powers have no providers.
Even Rostelecom modestly wrote in "Izvestia of Mordovia" about it, so to block the sites will be entirely:
"Rostelecom" has no technical ability to block specific web pages, which contain information recognized gap. Access to the banned sites are blocked by its IP-address. And one IP-address can belong not only the resources covered by the court's decision.
News Mordovia

Never mind that this may be affected hundreds of others, absolutely innocent sites. Home to install (do not dare call it a law) party and the government.
It's like saying to catch the city Petrov and here they are, the disease, all Petrov row and plant, row and put ...
And all would be anything else, if it concerned only the modern Russian films. We'd love to remove such artifacts, leaving your comments, in order to teach it to go to the movies (if any course in your city, town or village, because Moscow is not the whole Russian thought our deputies), having bought a beautiful wrap advertising. But it turns out, even in such a patriotic film, shot in 1971 as the "Officers" designed to educate young people is wrong, there is a right holder, who will not fail to take advantage of the new law among the first. And when that happens, it will soon be blocked and the Club.
On the job site itself is not affected, but users with Russian IP address of the access will be closed!
In this regard, we need to learn in advance of the program and methods of effective substitution of the IP address, namely TOR and VPN, as well as to transfer knowledge to their friends and acquaintances.
The most affordable, convenient and free way is a browser with a built-TOR. Download it once, and set the whole space of the Internet is open to you again!
Unlike VPN, Tor Browser is a free, fully automated software for anonymous surfing on the network, hiding your real IP address and does not require any additional knowledge or action by the user (only need to download and run).
Please note only that comfortable to surf through the TOR can not once, but three minutes to five. But even then surfing is no different from normal and access to all blocked sites and tracker.
Download Tor Browser can be configured online www.torproject.org section «download» or in our Club.
1. VPN services in general is perfect, but it will have to spend a little (VPN costs from 150 rubles. Per month). Only VPN-server in Russia, as you know, to take pointless.
But behind the VPN, and optional pay. That's a huge (currently 1630), a list of VPN Gate www.vpngate.net/en/#LIST
2. The proxy and anonymizer
A good program to find and use fresh proxy Proxy Switcher Pro
Instructions on setting
3. Turbo button in the browser Opera
4. TOR browser
5. AdvTOR - manuals on the Internet.
6. for Linux users (in fact it is a cross-platform tool) remind of the existence of JonDo, instructions to him there in sufficient quantity.
7. Just Club is now available online i2p, while in test mode - the login does not work, but the surf and download the free distribution is already possible: nnm-club. i2p
Guide us here.
8. And do not forget that the club has the address IPv6, a good guide is to set up here and debate issues we
and more ...
Tor Vidalia Proxomitron Freecap - wsnow.net/my_soft/41-narushaya-zaprety.html
OperaTor - Opera Tor Polipo - archetwist.com/en/opera/operator
Portable Tor - portable package Tor, does not require installation on your computer - portabletor.sourceforge.net/
Torbutton - an extension Firefox, adds a button on and off Tor. Also provides improved protection of privacy and isolation of the browser's status - addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/2275
Vuze - file sharing BitTorrent network client with built-in support for Tor - azureus.sourceforge.net/
A good manual for configuring Tor - www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.ru
Full list of supported options - www.torproject.org/tor-manual.html
Configuring Hidden Services - www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.ru[/hide]
If you know of more effective and simpler ways to achieve our goals, articulate them in the comments.
If one "perfect" day, you could not get into the club and instead opened some terrible window, do not worry, the Club operates. Remember this topic, and uncover TOR'y VPN'y and continues to please yourself and your loved ones with fresh information.