Rare mutations are more frequent
Girl statue
17-year-old resident of Great Britain Shiny Nemmok suffering from rare diseases - fibrodisplations ossificans progressiva, in which the tendons, ligaments and muscles are transformed into bone tissue.
Will 7 photos, many beeches.
The disease had Shinny living in west London, revealed back in 2008. She received a strong bruise while jumping on a trampoline. At first doctors to whom addressed the victim, assured her that nothing serious in it, sending her home.
However, the lump did not decrease, and very ill. As a result, a detailed study has shown that it fibrodisplations. The girl, who previously led an active life, quickly began to turn into an invalid.
Because of the extra bone that grew from her in the shoulder girdle, it can not pull the hand that froze her half-bent at the waist. In fact, she has turned into a living statue, which can not perform simple actions: Apply makeup, comb and wash the hair and others. In so doing, it helps friends and family.
Trying to make some movements with his hands causing Shinny severe pain. Because of this fact, she is forced to live on painkillers.
Currently, no cure for this rare disease does not exist. Moreover, any injection or biopsy only worsens the condition of the patient, so it is contraindicated even treatment in a world stomatologa.V diagnosis was only 600 people.
The nails instead of hair
A young woman from the US Memphis has become a great medical mystery, falling victim to a mysterious disease, because of which the hair follicles of the skin grow nails.
28-year-old student Shanin Aysom three years ago suffered an allergic reaction, after which the manifested strange symptoms. Because Shanin it difficult to walk and engage in many daily activities. A woman's body is covered with small horn "needles" anywhere in the skin are the hair follicles. At the head has to wear a wig. Doctors shrug, though hard trying to figure out what was wrong.
Nightmare in the life of Miss Aysom started in the first year of university. In September 2009, after an asthma attack she was prescribed steroids. Several hours later, the student body was itchy and scratched. Then his legs were covered with dark pimples Shanin, like boils, and doctors began to treat her on everything from eczema and ending with a staph infection. Nothing helped, had "chained" to the sick bed and try to get to the truth.
In 2011 Aysom went to Baltimore for treatment, where doctors discovered that the "dark pimples" - it is in fact human nails, very slowly, but surely covering the skin of the patient.
They also found that the patient was too much skin - 12 times more cells than necessary. Because of this body covers Shanin very bad breath. The patient is very difficult to get up and walk, but she learned to use a cane. Shanin hopes to help the charity fund, and that doctors will be able to sooner or later diagnosis.
nails instead of hair
Dutchman Wim Hof (Wim Hof) known in the world by the nickname "Iceman". He no consequences can swim in the icy water, including under the ice, lying in the snow, and once climbed Mont Blanc in shorts ... His achievements included in the Guinness Book of Records, but scientists still do not know how he succeeds. While Aesculapius agreed that as a result of mutation, this man was not sensitive to the cold, and his body has acquired a property to feel comfortable in the conditions fatal to others.
Sleepless boy
The boy was named Rhett Lamb, he was 3 years old, and like all his peers, he loves to play, run and perform various pranks. In one the child different from the others - he does not sleep. During the 24 hours he is awake, resulting in the confusion of his parents and doctors for several years (almost from birth). Sometimes, just a few minutes, he looked sleepy, but it does not last long, and the child is again ready to romp and run. After numerous studies, doctors agreed that Rett syndrome is rare, which in English is written as «chiari malformation». It relates to the fact that part of the brain is not placed in the skull, and "squeezed" towards the spinal cord, disrupting sleep and controls some of the other functions. By coincidence, the boy had violated only the functions of sleep, otherwise it gives the impression of a healthy baby.
Posted in [mergetime] 1375208398 [/ mergetime]
Allergic to water
19-year-old from Melbourne named Ashley Morris can not go swimming, take a hot bath after a hard day or just to stand under the shower - she's allergic to water. Even the sweat caused her pain. This unpleasant disease manifested in her 14 years when she found a skin disease called «Aquagenic Urticaria» - is so rare that all cases of it in the world can be counted on the fingers of one hand
Posted in [mergetime] 1375208441 [/ mergetime]
Woman Mnemonic
The story of 40-year-old woman who remembers everything. To prevent interference in her private life her name was not disclosed, but among experts it is known under the name of AJ (type SP - John Doe). Dr. MakGauk (McGaugh) from the University of California, together with researchers Larry Cahill (Larry Cahill) and Elizabeth Parker (Elizabeth Parker) has for a long time studying the phenomenon of a person who has a "continuous, uncontrollable and automatic" memory of all that has happened to him (her) and around events. If you take a random date for the last 25 years, this phenomenal woman to the smallest detail to tell what had happened to her that day, the weather around, as well as events in the world that she was interested in at that moment. And many of the facts narrated easy to check that it has repeatedly done. To describe this unusual phenomenon coined the term single - gipertimestichesky syndrome (hyperthymestic syndrome)
Well, the most famous mutation
More than two years eighteen Narine N. did nothing that went to various medical institutions, where, because her hands were removed rapidly growing thorns. Removed one - in their place immediately grow more. In total it has gathered in a small box 140 remote spikes.
About two years ago before Narine inadvertently pricked on the cactus, and the wound got controversial plant. The immune system has been weakened by the girl, disputes settled down in her body, and the body began to grow thick thorns. When surgeons removed all fistula center, then cut a piece and were found spores of which grow thorns-tormentors. Now Cactus nightmare Narine end. And Rodney stopped shy to avoid being pricked ...
Narine clenched fist, using the muscles on the surface of the new spike was removed (blood when it was not), and we remove it with tweezers. Before our eyes, every three days, the patient came out of the hands of 70 to 100 thorns. Then we have repeatedly removed them, but they appeared again - probably in the body of the girl remained 2-3 cell parasite. We consult specialists from Russia, Armenia, France. Both argued that the problem here is not surgical, microbiological and character & quot ;.
Examining the structure of large thorns, biologists have concluded that at this time they do not plant: as a result of mutation, new, unknown cells - a hybrid of human and plants.
In other words - Narine Ayvazyan gradually turned into a cactus. Now she is alive, but very bad - the whole day lying on the couch at home and no one wants to see.
Tigran Davtyan said that this metamorphosis is a lot to warn mankind: "With the evolution and progress more suffering, our immune system, it crashes occur. And we are increasingly exposed to unknown parasites and viruses ".
Posted in [mergetime] 1375208545 [/ mergetime]
All information is taken from Ineta. All.
Source: http: //
17-year-old resident of Great Britain Shiny Nemmok suffering from rare diseases - fibrodisplations ossificans progressiva, in which the tendons, ligaments and muscles are transformed into bone tissue.
Will 7 photos, many beeches.

The disease had Shinny living in west London, revealed back in 2008. She received a strong bruise while jumping on a trampoline. At first doctors to whom addressed the victim, assured her that nothing serious in it, sending her home.
However, the lump did not decrease, and very ill. As a result, a detailed study has shown that it fibrodisplations. The girl, who previously led an active life, quickly began to turn into an invalid.
Because of the extra bone that grew from her in the shoulder girdle, it can not pull the hand that froze her half-bent at the waist. In fact, she has turned into a living statue, which can not perform simple actions: Apply makeup, comb and wash the hair and others. In so doing, it helps friends and family.
Trying to make some movements with his hands causing Shinny severe pain. Because of this fact, she is forced to live on painkillers.

Currently, no cure for this rare disease does not exist. Moreover, any injection or biopsy only worsens the condition of the patient, so it is contraindicated even treatment in a world stomatologa.V diagnosis was only 600 people.
The nails instead of hair
A young woman from the US Memphis has become a great medical mystery, falling victim to a mysterious disease, because of which the hair follicles of the skin grow nails.
28-year-old student Shanin Aysom three years ago suffered an allergic reaction, after which the manifested strange symptoms. Because Shanin it difficult to walk and engage in many daily activities. A woman's body is covered with small horn "needles" anywhere in the skin are the hair follicles. At the head has to wear a wig. Doctors shrug, though hard trying to figure out what was wrong.
Nightmare in the life of Miss Aysom started in the first year of university. In September 2009, after an asthma attack she was prescribed steroids. Several hours later, the student body was itchy and scratched. Then his legs were covered with dark pimples Shanin, like boils, and doctors began to treat her on everything from eczema and ending with a staph infection. Nothing helped, had "chained" to the sick bed and try to get to the truth.
In 2011 Aysom went to Baltimore for treatment, where doctors discovered that the "dark pimples" - it is in fact human nails, very slowly, but surely covering the skin of the patient.
They also found that the patient was too much skin - 12 times more cells than necessary. Because of this body covers Shanin very bad breath. The patient is very difficult to get up and walk, but she learned to use a cane. Shanin hopes to help the charity fund, and that doctors will be able to sooner or later diagnosis.

nails instead of hair

Dutchman Wim Hof (Wim Hof) known in the world by the nickname "Iceman". He no consequences can swim in the icy water, including under the ice, lying in the snow, and once climbed Mont Blanc in shorts ... His achievements included in the Guinness Book of Records, but scientists still do not know how he succeeds. While Aesculapius agreed that as a result of mutation, this man was not sensitive to the cold, and his body has acquired a property to feel comfortable in the conditions fatal to others.

Sleepless boy
The boy was named Rhett Lamb, he was 3 years old, and like all his peers, he loves to play, run and perform various pranks. In one the child different from the others - he does not sleep. During the 24 hours he is awake, resulting in the confusion of his parents and doctors for several years (almost from birth). Sometimes, just a few minutes, he looked sleepy, but it does not last long, and the child is again ready to romp and run. After numerous studies, doctors agreed that Rett syndrome is rare, which in English is written as «chiari malformation». It relates to the fact that part of the brain is not placed in the skull, and "squeezed" towards the spinal cord, disrupting sleep and controls some of the other functions. By coincidence, the boy had violated only the functions of sleep, otherwise it gives the impression of a healthy baby.
Posted in [mergetime] 1375208398 [/ mergetime]
Allergic to water
19-year-old from Melbourne named Ashley Morris can not go swimming, take a hot bath after a hard day or just to stand under the shower - she's allergic to water. Even the sweat caused her pain. This unpleasant disease manifested in her 14 years when she found a skin disease called «Aquagenic Urticaria» - is so rare that all cases of it in the world can be counted on the fingers of one hand
Posted in [mergetime] 1375208441 [/ mergetime]
Woman Mnemonic
The story of 40-year-old woman who remembers everything. To prevent interference in her private life her name was not disclosed, but among experts it is known under the name of AJ (type SP - John Doe). Dr. MakGauk (McGaugh) from the University of California, together with researchers Larry Cahill (Larry Cahill) and Elizabeth Parker (Elizabeth Parker) has for a long time studying the phenomenon of a person who has a "continuous, uncontrollable and automatic" memory of all that has happened to him (her) and around events. If you take a random date for the last 25 years, this phenomenal woman to the smallest detail to tell what had happened to her that day, the weather around, as well as events in the world that she was interested in at that moment. And many of the facts narrated easy to check that it has repeatedly done. To describe this unusual phenomenon coined the term single - gipertimestichesky syndrome (hyperthymestic syndrome)

Well, the most famous mutation
More than two years eighteen Narine N. did nothing that went to various medical institutions, where, because her hands were removed rapidly growing thorns. Removed one - in their place immediately grow more. In total it has gathered in a small box 140 remote spikes.
About two years ago before Narine inadvertently pricked on the cactus, and the wound got controversial plant. The immune system has been weakened by the girl, disputes settled down in her body, and the body began to grow thick thorns. When surgeons removed all fistula center, then cut a piece and were found spores of which grow thorns-tormentors. Now Cactus nightmare Narine end. And Rodney stopped shy to avoid being pricked ...
Narine clenched fist, using the muscles on the surface of the new spike was removed (blood when it was not), and we remove it with tweezers. Before our eyes, every three days, the patient came out of the hands of 70 to 100 thorns. Then we have repeatedly removed them, but they appeared again - probably in the body of the girl remained 2-3 cell parasite. We consult specialists from Russia, Armenia, France. Both argued that the problem here is not surgical, microbiological and character & quot ;.
Examining the structure of large thorns, biologists have concluded that at this time they do not plant: as a result of mutation, new, unknown cells - a hybrid of human and plants.
In other words - Narine Ayvazyan gradually turned into a cactus. Now she is alive, but very bad - the whole day lying on the couch at home and no one wants to see.
Tigran Davtyan said that this metamorphosis is a lot to warn mankind: "With the evolution and progress more suffering, our immune system, it crashes occur. And we are increasingly exposed to unknown parasites and viruses ".
Posted in [mergetime] 1375208545 [/ mergetime]
All information is taken from Ineta. All.

Source: http: //