The colors of the Russian flag on the banner, hung on the building of the Federal Service for Drug Control, confused.
Social network users have noticed that the colors of the Russian flag on the banner, hung on the building of the Federal Service for Drug Control, confused. "Suddenly I was wondering what exactly is the Federal Drug Control Service to the Fatherland? Russia has quite a different flag, "- writesvasilymaximov, publishing a photo of the banner. In the picture about the inscription "10 years in the Federal Drug Control Service of the Fatherland" is painted red-white-blue flag.
Later, the spokesperson of the Federal Drug Control Service, Nikolai Kartashov in an interview, "Russian news service," said that the banner was hanged in March. According to the official, he rolled in the wind: "The wind was strong and turned the banner." However, how the picture turned on a banner, he did not explain.
Later, the spokesperson of the Federal Drug Control Service, Nikolai Kartashov in an interview, "Russian news service," said that the banner was hanged in March. According to the official, he rolled in the wind: "The wind was strong and turned the banner." However, how the picture turned on a banner, he did not explain.