10 thousand rubles for driving without an accident
The draft order states that if the driver is on the Federal Drug Control Service official car for the last month did not get into an accident, that he was supposed to award 9 to 11 thousand rubles.
[color = # 3333FF] Text of the order [/ color]: About the additional monthly payment of certain categories of employees of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the trouble-free operation of a vehicle.
1. Install: a) for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2014 the operational drivers, junior specialist divisions of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, acting as the operational drivers, an additional monthly payment for the trouble-free operation of a vehicle in the amount of 9,000 rubles;
b) for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2014 security officer, security officer junior divisions Russian Federal Drug Control Service, acting as the operational drivers, an additional monthly payment for the trouble-free operation of a vehicle in the amount of 11,000 rubles.
2. To pay for the last month to make the expense and within the economy of budgetary funds allocated to the pay of employees, together with the payment of cash allowances for the current month.
3. Do not make the payment of the employees referred to in paragraph 1 of this Order:
recognized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation guilty of a traffic accident (hereinafter - an incident) for the month in which the incident occurred;
having disciplinary action for any failure to perform duties in respect of the operation of the vehicle, per month, which is imposed in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federal Drug Control Service disciplinary action.
The decision not to pay out by the order Russian Federal Drug Control Service.
4. To declare invalid the order of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia on May 20, 2013 № 214 "On additional monthly payment of certain categories of employees of Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the trouble-free operation of a vehicle" (registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice on June 3, 2013, registration number 28643).
5. The order to bring to the employees of the federal civil servants and employees of departments of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia and their related.
6. The enforcement of this Order shall be the Head of the Department of logistic and financial support of Russian Federal Drug Control Service.
VP Director Ivanov
That is, for the fact that the driver drives without breaking the rules and getting into an accident, he will be paid a monthly premium of the average pension in Russia.
Why is there no proposals on bonuses FDCS sober driver, or drivers who have in the past month has never used drugs?
How to comment on the order mortals:
A clear graduation awards:
Do not got in an accident -10000 rubles
He knocked down but no one crushed - 8000 rubles
I crush to death, but escaped - 5000 rub + diploma.
I crush to death and got - a verbal reprimand.
Crush to death, I got drunk and shot up - a reprimand to be entered.
There is something to think about ...