My wild boar!
Good afternoon dear yapovtsy. That got my little hands to a small survey in the good old boar hammer 12, the common people "pig." It will be submitted to my trunk, and as I will describe all the problems and gemorroiny. theme is intended for those who have bought or want to buy a gun. My advice, do not buy dumayte-. Weapons you may not need all my life, but there may come a time when it will save your life or at least protect loved ones.
So, perhaps, we will begin. Will 6 photos. And comments.
Few tediousness. That is to say, everything that you did not know, but were afraid to ask.
Boar 12 Hammer produced Vyatsko-Polyansky Engineering Plant, in the Kirov region. Carbines "Vepr-12" established on the basis of Kalashnikov machine gun, manufactured under the cartridge caliber 12h76 and possess a high degree of reliability and dependability while working in different environments. Boar - 12 Hammer & quot; - Multipurpose smoothbore self-loading rifle, designed for hunting, sporting events, self-defense, as well as use as a service weapon. Although, in my opinion, it is suitable for hunting a little ... well I can not imagine a situation where you have to shoot at 8 times the game!
So, meet my Hryunov-Baiyun! -stvol 520, weighs about 4.5 kg. Stop a galloping elephant's trunk and it will tear off, and to the tail ...
Safe was bought with plans to buy «nareznyaka».
My Hryunov safe near the farthest corner of the house. (And I keep in a safe nest egg, I hope the wife does not read this topic!
So the first problem with which I stolknulsya- this case. Do not be surprised, but under the covers it oruzhie- extremely rare. Because the folded butt Hryunov becomes thick and makes it impossible to use a number of covers. You can forget that would cover even went shopping. Maximum one. After I went through the pile of covers, then he stopped at a relatively inexpensive and roomy. Yes, and he twisted to look so sorry.
A small digression. The other day was talking with the owner Hryunov American butt, so there is more cover problem. Although Case and perekosoёbilo, but it performs its functions in accordance with the legislation in force. (Photo 2)
Thick fryun is "sleeping" (photo 3)
As I said, with shops Hryunov not intermeddle. Maxim alone. By the way, when buying Hryunov Be careful. Each store himself on the mind and sets the packaging as he pleases may be two stores to 8 cartridges can store two to 5, may be two 8u 4 rounds in total in this respect a complete mess. Let's say that the shop 8 cartridges cost about 2.5 thousand to 2.7 but "four" is about things. So take out the store and replace it eight fours and argue that it should be. When he took her (about a year) I was in a store argued that the kit includes two "Quartet» ...
I bought at another store Hryunov two eights ... here and think.
(Photo 4)
Hryunov "thinner". Butt on Hryunov has several disadvantages. Particular gripe is the mechanism assembly and layout. Let's just do it with gloves problematic. The arms are too small! Also on Hryunov have a system that makes it impossible to fire with butt folded, and the folded butt is not impossible to put the safety on.
What is so good Hryunov?
1- Quality. For other domestic models it's not bad. Not perfect, but not bad!
2- Automatic slide catch. In other words, after zhahnul last cartridge, the shutter stays open and paste the following store simply press the lever and slide the cartridge shall be sent
3- Two-way switch fuse ... here dick knows. To be honest, I left and have not learned to use.
4- weaver rail mount. You can set the collimator sight. But on the forearm ... I will say this shooting without gloves problematic. Saves taktruchka, but now I do not have it.
5- The chamber is 76 mm allows Jahan magnumovskimi cartridges. By the way. Now there Hryunov and chambered 70 mm.
6 A simple and reliable, but heavy.
Photo 5
Speaking of stores. At one time in front of me was the question of what to do stake, to carry in a pocket or stores still buy pouches? He began to look for pouches. It was still the same story. Well, we do not have really pouch for this weapon. I've been looking for. One could of course referring to the old days the Internet, but I had to see what I'm buying, suddenly two millimeters will not work? So I ran around looking for. And I finally found! To store Boar fit pouches from the PKK from the "alloy" (not advertising but a statement of fact). One pouch -one "eight". Pouches I matured into simple sword belt, and everything else I drag in a vest "Hunter-Rybalova».
That's probably all. You can comment on, because I have one hundred percent committed minor flaws, as I am an ordinary person, so to speak, the user, and not an engineer, "Hammer».
My mnenie- Useful machine protection and defense of the house, as well as for training. Your Haupman. Photo 6
People, I am!
Posted in [mergetime] 1380550205 [/ mergetime]
By the way, I opened the topic of the carpet!
So, perhaps, we will begin. Will 6 photos. And comments.

Few tediousness. That is to say, everything that you did not know, but were afraid to ask.
Boar 12 Hammer produced Vyatsko-Polyansky Engineering Plant, in the Kirov region. Carbines "Vepr-12" established on the basis of Kalashnikov machine gun, manufactured under the cartridge caliber 12h76 and possess a high degree of reliability and dependability while working in different environments. Boar - 12 Hammer & quot; - Multipurpose smoothbore self-loading rifle, designed for hunting, sporting events, self-defense, as well as use as a service weapon. Although, in my opinion, it is suitable for hunting a little ... well I can not imagine a situation where you have to shoot at 8 times the game!
So, meet my Hryunov-Baiyun! -stvol 520, weighs about 4.5 kg. Stop a galloping elephant's trunk and it will tear off, and to the tail ...
Safe was bought with plans to buy «nareznyaka».
My Hryunov safe near the farthest corner of the house. (And I keep in a safe nest egg, I hope the wife does not read this topic!
So the first problem with which I stolknulsya- this case. Do not be surprised, but under the covers it oruzhie- extremely rare. Because the folded butt Hryunov becomes thick and makes it impossible to use a number of covers. You can forget that would cover even went shopping. Maximum one. After I went through the pile of covers, then he stopped at a relatively inexpensive and roomy. Yes, and he twisted to look so sorry.
A small digression. The other day was talking with the owner Hryunov American butt, so there is more cover problem. Although Case and perekosoёbilo, but it performs its functions in accordance with the legislation in force. (Photo 2)

Thick fryun is "sleeping" (photo 3)

As I said, with shops Hryunov not intermeddle. Maxim alone. By the way, when buying Hryunov Be careful. Each store himself on the mind and sets the packaging as he pleases may be two stores to 8 cartridges can store two to 5, may be two 8u 4 rounds in total in this respect a complete mess. Let's say that the shop 8 cartridges cost about 2.5 thousand to 2.7 but "four" is about things. So take out the store and replace it eight fours and argue that it should be. When he took her (about a year) I was in a store argued that the kit includes two "Quartet» ...
I bought at another store Hryunov two eights ... here and think.
(Photo 4)

Hryunov "thinner". Butt on Hryunov has several disadvantages. Particular gripe is the mechanism assembly and layout. Let's just do it with gloves problematic. The arms are too small! Also on Hryunov have a system that makes it impossible to fire with butt folded, and the folded butt is not impossible to put the safety on.
What is so good Hryunov?
1- Quality. For other domestic models it's not bad. Not perfect, but not bad!
2- Automatic slide catch. In other words, after zhahnul last cartridge, the shutter stays open and paste the following store simply press the lever and slide the cartridge shall be sent
3- Two-way switch fuse ... here dick knows. To be honest, I left and have not learned to use.
4- weaver rail mount. You can set the collimator sight. But on the forearm ... I will say this shooting without gloves problematic. Saves taktruchka, but now I do not have it.
5- The chamber is 76 mm allows Jahan magnumovskimi cartridges. By the way. Now there Hryunov and chambered 70 mm.
6 A simple and reliable, but heavy.
Photo 5

Speaking of stores. At one time in front of me was the question of what to do stake, to carry in a pocket or stores still buy pouches? He began to look for pouches. It was still the same story. Well, we do not have really pouch for this weapon. I've been looking for. One could of course referring to the old days the Internet, but I had to see what I'm buying, suddenly two millimeters will not work? So I ran around looking for. And I finally found! To store Boar fit pouches from the PKK from the "alloy" (not advertising but a statement of fact). One pouch -one "eight". Pouches I matured into simple sword belt, and everything else I drag in a vest "Hunter-Rybalova».
That's probably all. You can comment on, because I have one hundred percent committed minor flaws, as I am an ordinary person, so to speak, the user, and not an engineer, "Hammer».
My mnenie- Useful machine protection and defense of the house, as well as for training. Your Haupman. Photo 6
People, I am!
Posted in [mergetime] 1380550205 [/ mergetime]
By the way, I opened the topic of the carpet!

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