Ukraine, Pripyat. Apartments
Taking a walk along the Pripyat, I decided to go to one more or less normally keep the house, to see the look of the apartment left a man nearly three decades ago (could have passed so many years?). Outside, the house looks pretty good, almost like a normal house, but the eye notes some dissonances, unusual ordinary town - black openings shattered windows, wild thickets around and cushion of green moss near the entrance to the staircase.
34 photos
The house is well preserved, in his porch you can walk without fear of overlap "will develop" underfoot. From the street, the facade looks like a typical pattern for modern Pripyat - Polesie thickets of the jungle, of which, if you look closely, you can suddenly see the skeletons of high-rise buildings
Head over to the entrance.
Head over cautiously and carefully, keeping in mind that it is necessary to cast the city to preserve for future generations - a priceless museum. A sign at the entrance to the staircase has acquired a new, unexpected bitter meaning.
The entrance is impressive. Impressive first of all, the nature starts to select their humans (I will write more about that in a separate post about Pripyat). The walls drip water waterfalls everywhere are many types of mold and moss.
Let's look at one of the apartments. At the entrance to pay attention to the electrical panel - in Minsk, the construction of similar buildings, they look different. Content is long gone - likely pulled "black metal", which pretty much comes in Pripyat, even now.
Apartment. On the right the entrance to the room and double doors. Rather, it was a living. There was no cover on the floor is long gone - under the feet of bare concrete.
Living room with balcony. Right - the polished section of chipboard. All branches of the section has long ransacked by looters. Armchair reversed - under his pillow, too, looking for something.
Another bathroom. Please note, the former tenants had even had time to change the wallpaper once - first room was a little yellow, and then became blue.
Kitchen. Through the open window piled up a lot of dry leaves. From left alone appliance frame.
Come on. Staircase entrance looks like. On the landing between floors is some piece of furniture.
Rather, it is something like a nightstand for shoes or the lower part of the mirror. I once saw a child something like that, but I can not remember what it was. By the way, this is a very interesting feeling often encountered in my Pripyat - as if yesterday was not gone in a second, but remained somewhere in a whole and complete world - along with things, smells and sounds - and now slowly goes into oblivion, decaying into parts.
Another area. To better represent the location - point shooting is on the site of the entrance, for the first doorway we see two doors - the left and right, this apartment - one bedroom and two bedroom. On the right is the switch box.
Living room with en suite bathroom, most likely there was a baby.
Yeah, baby.
Door handle.
Kitchen. Stove also raskurochena to the ground. By the way, the entire Pripyat stoves are electric.
Come on. Carefully, trying not to step on the moss (it is radioactive).
Another bathroom. Sideboard expected gutted to the ground, leaving literally nothing. I do not want to represent the people who robbed the apartment leave the city. Perhaps, of course, that extra stuff just collected and made disinfectors - for example, they were thrown out of the windows full of refrigerators, to avoid epidemics, but I think in the sections looters ransacked banal.
Sofa. Gray dust on it for several decades has formed some colonies and islets life. And exactly the same yellowish wallpaper there in my apartment in Minsk many years ago.
Another bathroom. By the way, pay attention to the battery - in this house are some interesting design resembling a battery in modern homes.
And here something even opened the mattress lining - that it was possible to look for? And pay attention to the balcony, or rather - the loggia. It is glazed. I used to think that the glass balconies in the USSR were not allowed at all, precisely the year to 1989-90.
Kitchen. On the walls there are remains of the tiles.
Come on. The floor in the entrance looks like this, you need to constantly watch where steps foot on the floor because all sorts of small fragments and debris.
Garbage chute.
Another apartment. Here Wallpaper almost completely "laid down" on the floor - from the humidity and time. The current Pripyat has already passed the "point of no return", to which the house was still possible to recover and to make livable.
Through room. Here I stood a long time looking at the electrical panel box on the ceiling - and because they are really used to be such.
The kitchen furniture and plate instead found the remains of some black thick cable insulation
And also in the room.
Another bathroom.
View of the city.
Posted in [mergetime] 1380703018 [/ mergetime]
it's all thanks to
taken here
34 photos

The house is well preserved, in his porch you can walk without fear of overlap "will develop" underfoot. From the street, the facade looks like a typical pattern for modern Pripyat - Polesie thickets of the jungle, of which, if you look closely, you can suddenly see the skeletons of high-rise buildings

Head over to the entrance.

Head over cautiously and carefully, keeping in mind that it is necessary to cast the city to preserve for future generations - a priceless museum. A sign at the entrance to the staircase has acquired a new, unexpected bitter meaning.

The entrance is impressive. Impressive first of all, the nature starts to select their humans (I will write more about that in a separate post about Pripyat). The walls drip water waterfalls everywhere are many types of mold and moss.

Let's look at one of the apartments. At the entrance to pay attention to the electrical panel - in Minsk, the construction of similar buildings, they look different. Content is long gone - likely pulled "black metal", which pretty much comes in Pripyat, even now.

Apartment. On the right the entrance to the room and double doors. Rather, it was a living. There was no cover on the floor is long gone - under the feet of bare concrete.

Living room with balcony. Right - the polished section of chipboard. All branches of the section has long ransacked by looters. Armchair reversed - under his pillow, too, looking for something.

Another bathroom. Please note, the former tenants had even had time to change the wallpaper once - first room was a little yellow, and then became blue.

Kitchen. Through the open window piled up a lot of dry leaves. From left alone appliance frame.


Come on. Staircase entrance looks like. On the landing between floors is some piece of furniture.

Rather, it is something like a nightstand for shoes or the lower part of the mirror. I once saw a child something like that, but I can not remember what it was. By the way, this is a very interesting feeling often encountered in my Pripyat - as if yesterday was not gone in a second, but remained somewhere in a whole and complete world - along with things, smells and sounds - and now slowly goes into oblivion, decaying into parts.

Another area. To better represent the location - point shooting is on the site of the entrance, for the first doorway we see two doors - the left and right, this apartment - one bedroom and two bedroom. On the right is the switch box.


Living room with en suite bathroom, most likely there was a baby.

Yeah, baby.

Door handle.

Kitchen. Stove also raskurochena to the ground. By the way, the entire Pripyat stoves are electric.


Come on. Carefully, trying not to step on the moss (it is radioactive).

Another bathroom. Sideboard expected gutted to the ground, leaving literally nothing. I do not want to represent the people who robbed the apartment leave the city. Perhaps, of course, that extra stuff just collected and made disinfectors - for example, they were thrown out of the windows full of refrigerators, to avoid epidemics, but I think in the sections looters ransacked banal.

Sofa. Gray dust on it for several decades has formed some colonies and islets life. And exactly the same yellowish wallpaper there in my apartment in Minsk many years ago.

Another bathroom. By the way, pay attention to the battery - in this house are some interesting design resembling a battery in modern homes.

And here something even opened the mattress lining - that it was possible to look for? And pay attention to the balcony, or rather - the loggia. It is glazed. I used to think that the glass balconies in the USSR were not allowed at all, precisely the year to 1989-90.

Kitchen. On the walls there are remains of the tiles.

Come on. The floor in the entrance looks like this, you need to constantly watch where steps foot on the floor because all sorts of small fragments and debris.

Garbage chute.

Another apartment. Here Wallpaper almost completely "laid down" on the floor - from the humidity and time. The current Pripyat has already passed the "point of no return", to which the house was still possible to recover and to make livable.

Through room. Here I stood a long time looking at the electrical panel box on the ceiling - and because they are really used to be such.

The kitchen furniture and plate instead found the remains of some black thick cable insulation

And also in the room.

Another bathroom.

View of the city.
Posted in [mergetime] 1380703018 [/ mergetime]
it's all thanks to
taken here
