As a citizen of Treasury debt remembered ...
You did not yet know why the Soviet rubles more expensive? So I'll tell you for it. Just a fool to call it an example of Ivan, one of the municipal office owed 60,000 rubles. And he did not have the money to pay off debts. And then he took out 45 Soviet rubles, brought them to the Treasury and has them still took. And it does not accept, if not violated neither the letter of the law?
And it happened any where else, but in Tomsk. And like that, Ivan, let's call it for example "fool" is cranked? ..
... It will be written below and ruthless dry legalese.
And when the Treasury realized that it was going on, they did, this fool, invited to talk in the morning. And this conversation will take place in a few hours. And there he would say - is not clear. But we will be happy to follow behind it and notify you every step of this amazing story.
Because we are all in the same shock as the other participants in the negotiating process ...
We offer you a job Tomsk group of activists of the National Liberation Movement (NOD), based on the real effect of the process, which is currently not yet been completed and has its sequel, aimed at the Constitutional Court to review the case on its merits.
To investigate the economic sovereignty of our working group has pushed the circumstances arising in the course of the hearing on the lawsuit filed by the Federal Employment Service to the citizen of the Russian Federation Ivanov to recover from him the amount of money in the amount of 60,000 rubles. The court ruled to satisfy the claim and the SPF decided to collect the required amount from the defendant.
Citizen Ivanov, with an assistant, decided to consider the issue of return of funds, so that would at the same time comply with the decision of the court on the subject of the claim flawlessly, taking into account the legal and regulatory framework of the Russian Federation. Having started its activities on the study of the law on their own, soon learned about a group of activists of the GCD and have turned to us for support, sharing initial results of their work.
According to Art. 30 of the law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, providing the ruble dollar acts Fed and US Treasury bonds, which posted assets of the Central Bank. The Fed and the US Treasury under the jurisdiction of the United States, the American taxpayer on the fact of payment, so it must comply with the United States acts within the legal relationship with the Treasury, in which he has entered.
It turns out that the Central Bank implements among the citizens and residents of the Russian Federation tax tax agent acts according to US American counterpart Art. 24 of the Tax Code.
The above said circumstances set course of action of the parties involved in the transaction, the nature of which the legislation of the Russian Federation falls within the definition of Art. 275 of the Criminal Code "High Treason" as the financial and logistical support to a foreign country to the detriment of the Russian Federation.
How this is actually expressed, the Central Bank implements the foreign tax authority to the agent among the residents and citizens of the bearer of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Forces to use them as a means to fix the fact of establishment, changes, termination of the rights and obligations of the parties, the monetary unit (essentially a modified foreign currency) in which it is impossible to nominate and flawlessly execute trades, responsible for the subject requirement, and pay taxes, Fines and state duties to the treasury of the Russian Federation that it causes considerable damage.
All of the foregoing on, as before, with the participation of the working group had the following character action based on the results for the overall execution of the deliberation of the Soviet district court of Tomsk:
1. apply to the State Duma of Tomsk come up with the demand and to offer a way to Ivanov enforcement of the judgment that it was not in relationship with a foreign country.
2. Duma of Tomsk in the face of Ilyin SE forwarded the application to the Office of the Regional Treasury of the Tomsk region. Treasury Ivanov gave a response that is essential message is that to resolve the issue it is necessary to apply to the President or the Government.
3. Further, the Duma of Tomsk, taking into account the response of the Treasury and helping find Ivanov emerged circumstances, forwarded the application to the Ministry of Finance (Government). The Ministry of Finance gave a response that appreciated his interest in the study of legal transactions, as well as promised to carefully examine its proposal and take them into account in the further improvement of the legislation. That is the problem of citizen understood, the issue will be further explored and resolved.
4. Next, Ivanov intends to file an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to issue a decree, according to which our Provincial Treasury would provide its right to enforce the judgment without entering into a legal relationship with a foreign country, as to delay the execution of the decision of the Soviet district court of Tomsk he was not 00:02 25 wishes.
Document attached as follows.
1. A Chairman of the Duma of Tomsk.
2. A Duma of Tomsk on a declaration to the Ministry of Finance.
3. A Treasury.
4. Answer the Ministry of Finance.
here: vk.com/topic-47316889_28723196
And it happened any where else, but in Tomsk. And like that, Ivan, let's call it for example "fool" is cranked? ..
... It will be written below and ruthless dry legalese.
And when the Treasury realized that it was going on, they did, this fool, invited to talk in the morning. And this conversation will take place in a few hours. And there he would say - is not clear. But we will be happy to follow behind it and notify you every step of this amazing story.
Because we are all in the same shock as the other participants in the negotiating process ...
We offer you a job Tomsk group of activists of the National Liberation Movement (NOD), based on the real effect of the process, which is currently not yet been completed and has its sequel, aimed at the Constitutional Court to review the case on its merits.
To investigate the economic sovereignty of our working group has pushed the circumstances arising in the course of the hearing on the lawsuit filed by the Federal Employment Service to the citizen of the Russian Federation Ivanov to recover from him the amount of money in the amount of 60,000 rubles. The court ruled to satisfy the claim and the SPF decided to collect the required amount from the defendant.
Citizen Ivanov, with an assistant, decided to consider the issue of return of funds, so that would at the same time comply with the decision of the court on the subject of the claim flawlessly, taking into account the legal and regulatory framework of the Russian Federation. Having started its activities on the study of the law on their own, soon learned about a group of activists of the GCD and have turned to us for support, sharing initial results of their work.
According to Art. 30 of the law on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, providing the ruble dollar acts Fed and US Treasury bonds, which posted assets of the Central Bank. The Fed and the US Treasury under the jurisdiction of the United States, the American taxpayer on the fact of payment, so it must comply with the United States acts within the legal relationship with the Treasury, in which he has entered.
It turns out that the Central Bank implements among the citizens and residents of the Russian Federation tax tax agent acts according to US American counterpart Art. 24 of the Tax Code.
The above said circumstances set course of action of the parties involved in the transaction, the nature of which the legislation of the Russian Federation falls within the definition of Art. 275 of the Criminal Code "High Treason" as the financial and logistical support to a foreign country to the detriment of the Russian Federation.
How this is actually expressed, the Central Bank implements the foreign tax authority to the agent among the residents and citizens of the bearer of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation. Forces to use them as a means to fix the fact of establishment, changes, termination of the rights and obligations of the parties, the monetary unit (essentially a modified foreign currency) in which it is impossible to nominate and flawlessly execute trades, responsible for the subject requirement, and pay taxes, Fines and state duties to the treasury of the Russian Federation that it causes considerable damage.
All of the foregoing on, as before, with the participation of the working group had the following character action based on the results for the overall execution of the deliberation of the Soviet district court of Tomsk:
1. apply to the State Duma of Tomsk come up with the demand and to offer a way to Ivanov enforcement of the judgment that it was not in relationship with a foreign country.
2. Duma of Tomsk in the face of Ilyin SE forwarded the application to the Office of the Regional Treasury of the Tomsk region. Treasury Ivanov gave a response that is essential message is that to resolve the issue it is necessary to apply to the President or the Government.
3. Further, the Duma of Tomsk, taking into account the response of the Treasury and helping find Ivanov emerged circumstances, forwarded the application to the Ministry of Finance (Government). The Ministry of Finance gave a response that appreciated his interest in the study of legal transactions, as well as promised to carefully examine its proposal and take them into account in the further improvement of the legislation. That is the problem of citizen understood, the issue will be further explored and resolved.
4. Next, Ivanov intends to file an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to issue a decree, according to which our Provincial Treasury would provide its right to enforce the judgment without entering into a legal relationship with a foreign country, as to delay the execution of the decision of the Soviet district court of Tomsk he was not 00:02 25 wishes.
Document attached as follows.
1. A Chairman of the Duma of Tomsk.
2. A Duma of Tomsk on a declaration to the Ministry of Finance.
3. A Treasury.
4. Answer the Ministry of Finance.
here: vk.com/topic-47316889_28723196
