CTP policies will rise in price by 70%
The State Duma, after nearly half-yearly pause returned to the draft law on insurance, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". The document includes both a substantial increase in the cost of this type of insurance and payment of compensation of damage.
The Ministry of Finance considers it possible to limit the growth of insurance tariffs by 25%, while the insurers believe that the raise should not be less than 70%. Otherwise, this type of insurance will become unprofitable, which could lead to the departure of the large companies in this market.
Experts do not doubt that now rates will rise due to the sharp increase in the size of the proposed payments to the victims of road accidents. But not the fact that the rise in the cost of compulsory types of insurance will be accompanied by a commensurate improvement in the quality of customer service.
In the current debate on the CTP has gone in a different direction - discussed the possibility of introducing a franchise that from the point of view of insurers is "inadequate initiative" that could exacerbate the problems of this type of insurance.
P / S.Strahovschiki very oborzeli all them little money, I personally have never entered as the insurance did not get into an accident, and I like a lot and where our money is gone, and if anyone got, run for months, trying to prove that you are not guilty at all sums are paltry pay, so where did the money go ???
The Ministry of Finance considers it possible to limit the growth of insurance tariffs by 25%, while the insurers believe that the raise should not be less than 70%. Otherwise, this type of insurance will become unprofitable, which could lead to the departure of the large companies in this market.
Experts do not doubt that now rates will rise due to the sharp increase in the size of the proposed payments to the victims of road accidents. But not the fact that the rise in the cost of compulsory types of insurance will be accompanied by a commensurate improvement in the quality of customer service.
In the current debate on the CTP has gone in a different direction - discussed the possibility of introducing a franchise that from the point of view of insurers is "inadequate initiative" that could exacerbate the problems of this type of insurance.
P / S.Strahovschiki very oborzeli all them little money, I personally have never entered as the insurance did not get into an accident, and I like a lot and where our money is gone, and if anyone got, run for months, trying to prove that you are not guilty at all sums are paltry pay, so where did the money go ???
