The Japanese did not give up their pets in the exclusion zone
After the disaster at the Japanese nuclear power plant "Fukushima" in March 2011, with surrounding land were evacuated 150 thousand inhabitants. But one man remained in the exclusion zone - he was not able to throw at fate of their pets. 54-year-old Keigo Sakamoto founded a nursery for animals in 20 km. from the NPP "Fukushima". The Japanese had about 500 pupils at the time of the tragedy, including dogs, rabbits, marmots, goats, guinea pigs, chickens, geese, who would have died without it. "Currently, I - the only person here. The only one that remains within the area at night. If I were evacuated even for a month, I do not think that even one animal would have survived. Maybe it's because I've been fighting for, to protect them, I do not want to leave them like that. " For a while all the roads leading to the area were blocked and Keigo animals was cut off from the world. Many animals do not survive. But now the area around Fukushima is open for day visits, and twice a week Sakamoto goes for food in the nearby town of Iwaki. When it became aware of the good hermit in your local pet store caring people leave pet food and a little money. "I'm not afraid of radiation, if only because they were defending hundreds of lives - recognized Keigo. - I will protect them and stay here. I do not leave any day. "
taken from here ntdtv.ru/novosti-azii/yaponets-osta...radi-zhivotnykh

taken from here ntdtv.ru/novosti-azii/yaponets-osta...radi-zhivotnykh
