The concept is simple.
The simplicity and conciseness - one of the keys to success in advertising. This creates a simple and intuitive way of much more complex than the most intricate image.
30 photo source.
1. Come with a story and walk away with the other. Book exchange.
2. Without Hair - better. Veet.
3. No one grows Ketchup like Heinz.
4. 125 years in theaters. Coca-Cola.
5. Dental Floss Colgate.
6. Super-skinny jeans Levi's.
7. Gem La Vieja Fabrica.
8. Improved traction in winter. Volkswagen.
9. Chips Pringles Rice.
10. Darwin. The project is dedicated to the Day of Science in India.
11. Lego. Imagine ...
12. "Do" in English, "after" in French. The language school Inlingua.
13. Hat all changes. Advertising hatter salon.
14. Husky and a camel. SUV Jeep.
15. The security system Mercedes-Benz.
16. Foot Cream Boots. For sexual knees.
17. Chaos in German. Banking German.
18. Pleasure is in your hands. Playboy
19. Green - parents say. Blue - the kids are doing. Hospital Aleman.
20. gummi bears with orange flavor.
21. Have a break - have a KitKat.
22. Playboy in Brazil. '31 Edition were not in vain.
23. Music and nothing more.
24. Adjust age. Cream Olay.
25. Your turn. World Wildlife Fund.
26. Wi-Fi at McDonald's.
28. Buy a Post-it.
29. Service to combat pests.
30. think positively!
30 photo source.
1. Come with a story and walk away with the other. Book exchange.
2. Without Hair - better. Veet.
3. No one grows Ketchup like Heinz.
4. 125 years in theaters. Coca-Cola.
5. Dental Floss Colgate.
6. Super-skinny jeans Levi's.
7. Gem La Vieja Fabrica.
8. Improved traction in winter. Volkswagen.
9. Chips Pringles Rice.
10. Darwin. The project is dedicated to the Day of Science in India.
11. Lego. Imagine ...
12. "Do" in English, "after" in French. The language school Inlingua.
13. Hat all changes. Advertising hatter salon.
14. Husky and a camel. SUV Jeep.
15. The security system Mercedes-Benz.
16. Foot Cream Boots. For sexual knees.
17. Chaos in German. Banking German.
18. Pleasure is in your hands. Playboy
19. Green - parents say. Blue - the kids are doing. Hospital Aleman.
20. gummi bears with orange flavor.
21. Have a break - have a KitKat.
22. Playboy in Brazil. '31 Edition were not in vain.
23. Music and nothing more.
24. Adjust age. Cream Olay.
25. Your turn. World Wildlife Fund.
26. Wi-Fi at McDonald's.
28. Buy a Post-it.
29. Service to combat pests.
30. think positively!