Commanders of the UPA. Who else has finished?
It was interesting concept "Bandera". Determining that was at the origin of the 4 main man. So I decided to find out who he finished?
1. Stepan Bandera
October 15, 1959 Stepan Bandera was going to go home for lunch. Before that, he drove to the market, accompanied by the secretary, where he made some shopping and went home already one. Near the house, he was joined by bodyguards.
Bandera leave your car in the garage, unlocked the door to the entrance of the house number 7 on Krayttmayrshtrasse, where he lived with his family, and went inside. There he waited for a KGB agent Bogdan Stashinsky, watching from the next victim of January. The murder weapon - a pistol-syringe with cyanide - he hid in the coiled tube in the newspaper.
Two years before the assassination attempt on Bandera by a similar device Stashinsky here in Munich, liquidated Leo Rebet. Always cautious and vigilant, the day Stepan Bandera let the guard before entering into the entrance, and they left.
Climbing up to the third floor, the leader of the OUN (b) recognized Stashinsky - the morning of the same day he saw him in the church (the future killer was careful Bandera for several days). To the question "What are you doing here?" The stranger held out his hand to the newspaper svёrtkom forward and shot in the face. Cotton, resounded as a result of the shot, was barely audible - attracted the attention of neighbors shouting Bandera, which is under the influence of cyanide slowly donkey and fell on the stairs. By the time the neighbors looked out of their apartments, Stashinsky already left the place of execution.
2. Shukhevych
Security organs still managed to find a place where he was hiding Shukhevych. March 3, 1950 has been arrested connected Gusiakov Darya (aka "Dark", "Nusya").
With the introduction of the agent of the MGB-chamber "Rose" managed to find out the exact address where the assistant was another Shukhevych. March 5, 1950 MGB officers headed by Paul Sudoplatov found that Shukhevych is in a room in the village cooperative shops Belogorscha near Lviv. Writes in his memoirs, Paul Sudoplatov General MGB "Drozdov demanded Shukhevych lay down their weapons - in this case it guaranteed life.
The answer was automatic fire. Shukhevych, trying to break through the encirclement, dropped out of hiding two hand grenades. Gunfire, which resulted in Shukhevych was killed »
3. Dmitry Klyachkivsky
Klyachkivskogo place of stay was reported taken prisoner commander of the UPA-North Yu.Stelmaschukom (Rudoi).
February 12, 1945 operational-military groups Klevanskogo district department of the NKGB and 233 Brigade BB NKVD conducting combing the forest near farmhouses Orzhevskih Klevanskogo district in Rivne region, I found 3 persons.
When the persecution of all refused to surrender and were killed. Klyachkivsky was mortally wounded by a senior group - Sgt.
4. Basil Cook
He was arrested by the KGB. After six years of imprisonment, he was released in 1960 due to the amnesty.
In the same year he wrote an "Open Letter to Yaroslav Stetsko, Mykola Lebed, Stepan Lenkavskomu, Daria Rebet, Ivan Grinёhu and all the Ukrainians, who live abroad," which recognized the Soviet rule of law in Ukraine, renounced the UPA and urged the Ukrainian government-in-exile to recognize the Soviet Union as a legitimate state, and to return to Ukraine.
After his release, he lived in Ukraine, engaged in scientific work in the Central State Historical Archives and History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
Died on September 9, 2007 in Kiev, was buried in his native village of Red.
Thank you, I'm finished!
1. Stepan Bandera
October 15, 1959 Stepan Bandera was going to go home for lunch. Before that, he drove to the market, accompanied by the secretary, where he made some shopping and went home already one. Near the house, he was joined by bodyguards.
Bandera leave your car in the garage, unlocked the door to the entrance of the house number 7 on Krayttmayrshtrasse, where he lived with his family, and went inside. There he waited for a KGB agent Bogdan Stashinsky, watching from the next victim of January. The murder weapon - a pistol-syringe with cyanide - he hid in the coiled tube in the newspaper.

Two years before the assassination attempt on Bandera by a similar device Stashinsky here in Munich, liquidated Leo Rebet. Always cautious and vigilant, the day Stepan Bandera let the guard before entering into the entrance, and they left.
Climbing up to the third floor, the leader of the OUN (b) recognized Stashinsky - the morning of the same day he saw him in the church (the future killer was careful Bandera for several days). To the question "What are you doing here?" The stranger held out his hand to the newspaper svёrtkom forward and shot in the face. Cotton, resounded as a result of the shot, was barely audible - attracted the attention of neighbors shouting Bandera, which is under the influence of cyanide slowly donkey and fell on the stairs. By the time the neighbors looked out of their apartments, Stashinsky already left the place of execution.
2. Shukhevych
Security organs still managed to find a place where he was hiding Shukhevych. March 3, 1950 has been arrested connected Gusiakov Darya (aka "Dark", "Nusya").
With the introduction of the agent of the MGB-chamber "Rose" managed to find out the exact address where the assistant was another Shukhevych. March 5, 1950 MGB officers headed by Paul Sudoplatov found that Shukhevych is in a room in the village cooperative shops Belogorscha near Lviv. Writes in his memoirs, Paul Sudoplatov General MGB "Drozdov demanded Shukhevych lay down their weapons - in this case it guaranteed life.
The answer was automatic fire. Shukhevych, trying to break through the encirclement, dropped out of hiding two hand grenades. Gunfire, which resulted in Shukhevych was killed »

3. Dmitry Klyachkivsky
Klyachkivskogo place of stay was reported taken prisoner commander of the UPA-North Yu.Stelmaschukom (Rudoi).
February 12, 1945 operational-military groups Klevanskogo district department of the NKGB and 233 Brigade BB NKVD conducting combing the forest near farmhouses Orzhevskih Klevanskogo district in Rivne region, I found 3 persons.
When the persecution of all refused to surrender and were killed. Klyachkivsky was mortally wounded by a senior group - Sgt.

4. Basil Cook
He was arrested by the KGB. After six years of imprisonment, he was released in 1960 due to the amnesty.
In the same year he wrote an "Open Letter to Yaroslav Stetsko, Mykola Lebed, Stepan Lenkavskomu, Daria Rebet, Ivan Grinёhu and all the Ukrainians, who live abroad," which recognized the Soviet rule of law in Ukraine, renounced the UPA and urged the Ukrainian government-in-exile to recognize the Soviet Union as a legitimate state, and to return to Ukraine.
After his release, he lived in Ukraine, engaged in scientific work in the Central State Historical Archives and History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
Died on September 9, 2007 in Kiev, was buried in his native village of Red.
Thank you, I'm finished!
