Young offenders

The most common boy Sam, the older pre-school age (six years), lost control velotransportnogo funds collided with parked on the yard of VAZ-2110. It outraged the owner of the Togliatti automobile plant products, gently holding the ear minor culprit accident caused traffic police outfit. Ministers arrived. Dumbfounded pressure hurricane victim made the report. Since passports Sema because childhood was not accusatory document made the pope.
After about a week adminkomissiya parsing the case could not grasp how such a big man could control the children's bicycles "Mishutka." The fact that in doing so he managed to enter the "Gigue" special surprise is not called. We understand. Issued five hundred rubles a fine and was released from God. Well, we are not deprived of the rights - and thanks for that.
Upon arriving home, waiting for seminoma dad another good news - a summary estimate for the repair of the affected "tens". And according to the list of damage turns out that a neighbor's car drove into a medium-sized truck at a good speed. Pope perceive this reality and flatly refused to pay, respectively, too.
A neighbor, an experienced fighter desk, dashed off an application at the district office. Sema put on record how violators Inspectorate for Minors. And at the next meeting of the commission Dad very high quality to tinker muzzle on the table, as a responsible for the upbringing of the younger monster. And for the prevention soldered fine for another three hundred rubasikov. And coming home, they waited another good news - the subpoena, which turned unruly neighbor.
Pope under the pressure of circumstances arising banned Seme not only ride a bike, and go out and do the yard. Prior to clarify the situation.
And now, when the sun warmed and people poured into the yards and in the streets, the people warm evenings bursting bellies on this picture:
Sema from the loggia with indescribable sadness watching yard Action. Periodically, someone from just emerged to walk screams at the sight of his sour Face:
-Family, Let's go for a walk!
-I Can not, guys. The case is still not closed, - with adult anguish meets Sam.