Dog - star instagrama (70 photos)
Maddie - dog breed kunhaund has more 440,000 subscribers in instagrame. And all because she loves to be photographed.
Fotografiruetsobaku its owner Theron Humphrey. He writes a blog maddieonthings.com, which lays out photo stories with Maddy. It easily meets the tube payphone can try on different masks and clothing, climb the fences and pose as if it is the business of life.
Maddy also a great traveler. Theron and Maddie always somewhere to go. Having been in all the states of America, Theron received an excellent award from National Geographic. The prize in the category "Traveler of the Year". Now Theron regularly puts new photos and stories from the life of the dog.
Fotografiruetsobaku its owner Theron Humphrey. He writes a blog maddieonthings.com, which lays out photo stories with Maddy. It easily meets the tube payphone can try on different masks and clothing, climb the fences and pose as if it is the business of life.
Maddy also a great traveler. Theron and Maddie always somewhere to go. Having been in all the states of America, Theron received an excellent award from National Geographic. The prize in the category "Traveler of the Year". Now Theron regularly puts new photos and stories from the life of the dog.