Seat Ibiza FR - Spanish Lightning (24 photos)

Seat Ibiza FR - not the biggest family car Seat, but one of the fastest. He feels confident on Moscow's roads even though the holes and cracks that and then try to suspension strength.
Let's get acquainted with this machine closer.

Vehicle color makes it stand out among others on the gray winter streets of Moscow, adding joyful emotions. Even though the touch of the mud :)

Inside, everything is quite ascetic. Very light steering, which with strong gas and tries to jump out of hand, while being very informative and accurately conveys all the "parameters" of the road.

The instrument panel is simple and concise, but contains all the necessary information on the state of the car and even shows the outdoor temperature.

Media system, which allows you to connect an external input, USB and even see the phone seems simple, but it does not yield a full (outer) system.
But the glove compartment to get a small and not very comfortable. It is necessary to open accurately - the contents can fall.

Less of this radio - a radio. Even in the city, he catches are not very confident. Every now and then there is a slight noise in the air.

Seat is trying not to be like cars Volkswagen. Of course, to see the inscription USB into the bottom of the center console, but to understand what is the appropriate connector on the side of the inscription - is very, very not easy. On the other slot is included in the box and he did not have to pay extra.

After the start of movement of the machine carefully closes the doors - from thieves.

Under the hood of the baby - turbirovanie engine 1 4 TSI, which develops 150 hp For a modest weight Ibiza - more than enough. These horses will give odds to many participants in the movement, which at first did not perceive a little fun car seriously.
Seat pulls well since one and a half thousand. Powerful and smooth thrust continues until the maximum speed. No spikes and grabs - all clearly, strictly German. No problems with overtaking on the track - and enough headroom at very high speeds.

Another advantage of the Seat Ibiza in the city - a small size. Virtually no parking problems - crawled into any free space.

The trunk is modest, but the stuff for a trip out of town quite accommodate.

Even if the road to capture the other ...

... Plenty of room for his belongings and left even.

You can hit the road.

Long trips on this machine is not the most comfortable - a rigid suspension and sensitive to all the holes, which are so much on our roads.
But this also makes it easy to keep the suspension trajectory and steer at high speeds. Ibiza is firmly on the line and shows the correct response on a bend.

Only small boxes - the radars and the driver can appreciate the dynamics of dispersal Seat Ibiza FR. Seconds before the hundreds!

But only after a go on the road;)

A small tube and lots of curious eyes looking at the bright car, trying to guess the make and model.

Cork end and pick up speed again. Hello valiant sotrudnkam DPS!

Short race to refuel - the engine 1, 4, eats very little, even if you love active driving. We decided dozalit when it was empty just a quarter tank - suddenly not enough. Enough, even over.

After a few hours - we arrived at the scene. In the forest estate.

Around - the forest. Typically, here they are taken only Jeeps or their younger brothers - crossovers. Well, we :)

Our little Spanish friend and well-behaved in the city and on the highway and even the easy road. Today, he has earned rest, tomorrow to go back. But this is - is another story ...