Bright moments Bengali New Year
Yesterday in India celebrated stunningly beautiful and bright holiday - Holi. We offer you a few moments to plunge into the atmosphere of a riot of colors and blooming spring one of the most incredible Hindu rituals.
Holi, or Bengali New Year, celebrated on the day of the full moon of the month of Phalguna, which falls at the end of February - March. (Photo: tierraindia.in)
At this Spring Festival people indulge in the fun and forget about social norms. During Holi Indians gather around public bonfires, pour friends and family members, and water-based paints, dance and generally very rapidly express their emotions.
Holiday associated with the story of how Lord Shiva incinerated his third eye of the god of love Kama, who was trying to take him out of meditation, then Kama was incorporeal. But at the request of the wife of Shiva, Parvati and his wife Rati goddess Shiva Kama Kama's body back for 3 months in a year.
When Kama acquires a body, everything blooms and happy people celebrating the most joyous holiday of love.
Flirting young man and woman during Holi celebrations - a favorite theme for the dance. The young man entices a Woman, distracting her, she stares at something, and it is at this moment peremazyvaet its colored powder or pouring colored water. The girl is offended, he apologizes (characteristic gesture - undertakes earlobes). She forgives him and also in response to drench it with water color.
User Action actively consume drink bhang, which is composed of either juice or hemp leaves and dairy products. Varieties bhanga: bhang lassi - yogurt with hemp leaf juice, thandai lassi - a mixture of milk, sugar, spices, almonds and, of course, leaves (juice) of cannabis.
Many tourists also try not to miss the chance to participate in this memorable performances.

Holi, or Bengali New Year, celebrated on the day of the full moon of the month of Phalguna, which falls at the end of February - March. (Photo: tierraindia.in)

At this Spring Festival people indulge in the fun and forget about social norms. During Holi Indians gather around public bonfires, pour friends and family members, and water-based paints, dance and generally very rapidly express their emotions.

Holiday associated with the story of how Lord Shiva incinerated his third eye of the god of love Kama, who was trying to take him out of meditation, then Kama was incorporeal. But at the request of the wife of Shiva, Parvati and his wife Rati goddess Shiva Kama Kama's body back for 3 months in a year.

When Kama acquires a body, everything blooms and happy people celebrating the most joyous holiday of love.

Flirting young man and woman during Holi celebrations - a favorite theme for the dance. The young man entices a Woman, distracting her, she stares at something, and it is at this moment peremazyvaet its colored powder or pouring colored water. The girl is offended, he apologizes (characteristic gesture - undertakes earlobes). She forgives him and also in response to drench it with water color.

User Action actively consume drink bhang, which is composed of either juice or hemp leaves and dairy products. Varieties bhanga: bhang lassi - yogurt with hemp leaf juice, thandai lassi - a mixture of milk, sugar, spices, almonds and, of course, leaves (juice) of cannabis.

Many tourists also try not to miss the chance to participate in this memorable performances.