Retrokompyuterov exhibition in Minsk
On the territory of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics opened a free exhibition of computer equipment 80-90-ies. Here, everyone can feel the nostalgia of a rarity cars and play Mortal Kombat 3 and other interesting toys in a special play area. Well, if you do not live in the territory of Belarus, Welcome to a cat. The audience of 304 academic building №2 (Petrus street curb, 4) can be ponostalgirovat on the old game consoles, TVs and recorders. Number of the visitors are more than 100 exhibits of the total estimated cost of about $ 25 thousand.
As the guides are the students of the university. In a specially equipped play area, visitors can recall or re-hone their skills in the legendary «Tank», Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate, shooting ducks and other hits of the last century.
Visitors can try unsolder SCART, find fault in a scheme, self-load and configure the "problem" computer. Those who are best manifested in interactive contests on knowledge of the hardware components of a computer, handed prizes. To create the right atmosphere welcomes guests music from distant 1990s.
Most of the exhibits are part of the private collection of Alexander Alexandrov, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks BSUIR.
Source: tech.onliner.by

As the guides are the students of the university. In a specially equipped play area, visitors can recall or re-hone their skills in the legendary «Tank», Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate, shooting ducks and other hits of the last century.

Visitors can try unsolder SCART, find fault in a scheme, self-load and configure the "problem" computer. Those who are best manifested in interactive contests on knowledge of the hardware components of a computer, handed prizes. To create the right atmosphere welcomes guests music from distant 1990s.

Most of the exhibits are part of the private collection of Alexander Alexandrov, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks BSUIR.

Source: tech.onliner.by
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