How to break

20 December 2001, the year during refueling at Memphis International Airport occurred prinepriyatneyshy embarrassment to the C-141 Starlifter USAF - right before the flight to Ramstein Air Base in Germany, he came off the wing spilling the platform 34 tons of kerosene.
It happened as usually happens in the army, under whatever flag she did not go: During refueling, fuel leak was discovered in the vicinity of the engine number 2 from the plane goryuchku merged and took him to the remstoyanku. In order to establish the exact location of the leak, used the old grandfather's method - pozakryvat bleed valves, tanks pumped compressed air and whistle found a hole, which immediately patched, and signed a plane to fly.
Came to an airport car-pump, connect one end of the hose to the underground tank, the other to the plane, and let him marry him on the fill as to achieve complete refueling tank burst and took snesya for a load-bearing structure of the wing ... bleed valve essno uncork forgotten ... < br />
