Children - victims of adult vices (13 photos)
These posters CUM (Moscow) to decorate their walls
Recently ads from Rexona, now this.
Yeuzheli these posters reflect reality?
It turns out that in our country is full children only those who are well-known brands, buy clothes in the Central Department Store, and the rest - scum and losers. They do not shine?

Designers are not spared the theme of death. Here's this girl, for example, in a class all died, and she is now one.

This poster teaches children proper treatment of animals.

And this - the proper handling of their parents. Here legkovat parse text, so here are enlarged fragment:

The word "Ljubisa" apparently intended to add vitality poster.

And here is more interesting: a couple of days ago before the exclamation flaunted the word "goof", and now it somehow slipped. I wonder why.

The topic of domestic humiliation teddy bears designers uncovered from all sides.
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