The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Ed Gein most popular novelists and filmmakers. Gein served as a prototype for heroes such famous films as - "The Texas Saw," "Psycho," "Silence of the Lambs."
In principle, a serial killer is considered to be a man who killed three or more victims. This is due to the fact that the murder of the third victim in seriynika formed their mode of action. However, researchers believe Ed Gein held a serial killer, despite the fact that, on account of his only two proven victims. Ed Gein most popular novelists and filmmakers. Gein served as a prototype for heroes such famous films as - "The Texas Saw," "Psycho," "Silence of the Lambs." By the number of fans it can compete with the "nice" Ted Bundy seriynikom. Hundreds of women have sent him to prison letters asking for a lock of hair. Edward Theodore Gein was born August 27, 1906 in Wisconsin. Eddie was the second son in the family.
Gein's mother was fanatically religious Aug. woman, absolutely confident in their infallibility and natural sinfulness other women in the world. Her daily speech of the sinfulness of lo * sexual and carnal world of communication and the fiery Gehenna long discouraged the little Edie to the opposite sex, at the same time forming a child's sense of the Divine Mother.
Gein's father was al * ogolikom, he did not have the strength to resist his energetic wife, who in the case of the husband does not avoid the use of brute force. Caring for family subsistence completely lying on Augusta, which gave her more confidence in their infallibility.
1914. Gainey family moved to the small town of Plainfield, destined soon to receive worldwide recognition, due to the new residents.
In the new town in August to take additional efforts to protect children from the abominations of the world. So it was clearly against Eddie communication with the neighborhood children, and farm Heine has been removed from the nearest neighbor half a kilometer. Of course, she was forced to send their children to school, but every day on the arrival of his son home she subjected the treatment of all what they had taught her son to school. Deprived of communication with peers, Ed plunged into the world of adventure novels about the Nazis, headhunters and cannibals. Other circumstances of the child care in the fantasy world has constant predictions of the mother that the children waiting for the fate of al * ogolika father that the child has developed the installation to life being under the tutelage of his mother, who was able to protect Ed from such a sad fate.
1940. Ed's father dies.
Ed literally prayed at her mother, she was his infallible authority, so some of the criticism on the part of the mother of his elder brother Henry sounded for Ed as sedition. Henry picks his mother became more frequent and ended only with the accidental death of Henry, which turned out to be the only witness to Ed Gein. The investigation of the death of no avail. Younger brother refused to recount the circumstances of the death of his elder brother in 1944.
12.1945 year. Died August. Gein is one.
Left alone, Gagne returns to his youthful hobby - reading adventure novels. Additional areas of interest in Heine in this period - the study of books on anatomy. He also enjoys reading the local press, especially the section in which publish obituaries.
From reading the obituaries Gein goes to visit a cemetery at night, during which he digs up and cut up the troupe. According to its own assertions Gein he never joined in on * a marketing communication with the dead bodies, but some researchers doubt it.
Seized in the cemetery Gein skull treated and hung on the walls. Boys came to him, he argued that these skulls - the trophies of his youth. However, subsequent stories about what they saw the boys in the town no one believed, including their children's fiction. Gein occasionally encountering neighbors loved to joke about turtles, to which he always smiling, confirmed these stories. Neighbors thought Gein man with a good sense of humor, and did not suspect that he says only a fraction of the truth. Indeed, even as a joke Gein did not tell anyone about sewn from human skin suit on a chair upholstered with the same leather, skulls, of which he made cups and bowls, and much more.
1947. Found murdered eight-year old girl, the only piece of evidence found by the police were tire tracks, later identified as belonging to Heine. True Gein did not admit to the crime.
1952. Disappeared two tourists staying arrange a small picnic near the house Gein. Their bodies were found so far. Gein relevance to this crime and has not been proven.
1953. Fifteen year old girl found murdered. Involvement Gein also not been proven, but some overlaps with the first murder viewed quite clearly.
1954. Gein killed Mary Hogan, owner of the local taverns. Gagne has managed to transfer imperceptibly vosmidesyatikilogrammovuyu woman to his home across town, where a woman was dismembered.
11.1957 year. Ed Gein's apartment was searched. During a search of living carcass found that the sheriff was originally adopted for the carcass of a deer, but a more careful analysis of cop suggested that before him decapitated and eviscerated carcass of man. According to the results of the investigative identification was established the identity of the victim, it was Bernice Worden - a fifty-year owner of a hardware store. Suspicion fell on the Gein only because one of the locals had seen him on the day of the murder about this shop.
Conducting searches the farm return results in the form of a large number of corpses, most of which were stolen from a cemetery Gane, but to explain the origin of some of them could not give any Gein, sheriff. More precisely Gagne refused to give an explanation, and the sheriff could not.
1958. House Gein wanted to turn into an attraction, but some of the locals on the eve of the opening of the attraction set fire to the farm. Fire brigade somehow much too late to put out the fire. Firefighters also because people, besides local.
1958. Gein sent to a psychiatric clinic.
1968. At the hearing Ed Gein sentenced to prison. In prison, Gein was happy and the assurance of the warden was the perfect patient.
26.06.1984, the Ed Gein died of cancer in prison.