Water - and the good and bad luck (17 photos)
Department of water and energy resources produce more than 400,000 black balls to protect the water in the basin of the carcinogens that generates the sunlight.
Survivors of the earthquake wash clothes in the river, in the province of Leigu Beichuan, in southwest China's Sichuan region on May 31 2008.
Tangjiashan lake in Sichuan June 8, 2008. The water level in the lake before the earthquake was 741 meters above sea level, then rose to the level of 1, 45 meters.
Water flows out of the lake Tangjiashan
Ruined, streams bridge in Sichuan. Southwest China on June 10
People let the candles along the river on the eve of the festival Duanwu in memory of the victims of the earthquake in China.
Several people were trapped on a dam on the Arabian Sea coast due to a storm suddenly flown! Mumbai, June 7!
Child collects rainwater drained from the tent in a camp for people, evacuation of the cyclone Nargis near the town of Labutta on May 31, 2008. A month after cyclone Myanmar left behind 133,000 people dead and missing
Villagers allowed fireworks on the river in honor of the Dragon Boat Festival in southern China
Victims of a sudden rise in the river vaody Zhijiang, Yangtze tributary of waiting for rescuers.
Columbia residents fleeing the floods! June 7, 2008!
Lake Delton in Wisconsin has overflowed.
Deer fighting for his life in the river White River, the water pressure is not sustained dam! June 9, 2008.
Pakistan June 8, 2008. This day was declared "Day of the oceans."
Hippopotamus swims in the surf at Thompsons Bay.

Survivors of the earthquake wash clothes in the river, in the province of Leigu Beichuan, in southwest China's Sichuan region on May 31 2008.

Tangjiashan lake in Sichuan June 8, 2008. The water level in the lake before the earthquake was 741 meters above sea level, then rose to the level of 1, 45 meters.

Water flows out of the lake Tangjiashan

Ruined, streams bridge in Sichuan. Southwest China on June 10

People let the candles along the river on the eve of the festival Duanwu in memory of the victims of the earthquake in China.

Several people were trapped on a dam on the Arabian Sea coast due to a storm suddenly flown! Mumbai, June 7!

Child collects rainwater drained from the tent in a camp for people, evacuation of the cyclone Nargis near the town of Labutta on May 31, 2008. A month after cyclone Myanmar left behind 133,000 people dead and missing

Villagers allowed fireworks on the river in honor of the Dragon Boat Festival in southern China

Victims of a sudden rise in the river vaody Zhijiang, Yangtze tributary of waiting for rescuers.

Columbia residents fleeing the floods! June 7, 2008!

Lake Delton in Wisconsin has overflowed.

Deer fighting for his life in the river White River, the water pressure is not sustained dam! June 9, 2008.

Pakistan June 8, 2008. This day was declared "Day of the oceans."

Hippopotamus swims in the surf at Thompsons Bay.