Useful tips for daily life

Do you want to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the bag, the refrigerator box, a jar of any product? Put back the unused tea bag.

Hydrogen peroxide is not only heals the wound, but also brings stains on clothing.

Do not rush to buy special cloth to wipe them their favorite gadgets! Baby wipes perfectly cope with this task.

Do you want to get rid of ants? Mound more cinnamon in "dangerous places».

Metal objects perfectly cleaned with toothpaste.

Wipe cutlery back side of the banana peel. Just notice how they sparkle.

Honey can replace an antibacterial agent.

Crush an aspirin, diluted with water and anoint the bite of a mosquito. Everything will pass!

Soda is ideal for cleaning teeth, especially for their whitening.
That's just it, perhaps, is very harmful to the enamel.

Hand Cream will add luster to your shoes.

Charcoal helps freshen the air in the room.

Do you want to sharpen scissors? Fold in half a piece of foil and seldom it.
