Swiss Army (51 photos)
Imagine a country with the world's largest percentage of the population in the army. A state in which all men between 20 and 50 - the military, literally sleeping with a gun under his bed. The state, which after 50 just gives you a trunk, and glad to see you to the grave at the training camp and landfills. State beg you to buy at least a gun (and better-rifle) at a discount. State that can expand from the 22,000th in two to four hours (!) 650000th, and in two days, 1.7-million (!) Army, well trained, organized and very well armed. (For example - the US Army - 1.3 million plus a reserve army of China - 2.4 million, plus 1 million. Reserve).
Imagine the most militarized country in the world.
And plus, note that almost all of this terrible, armed to the teeth country, from Geneva to Davos from Zurich to Lugano - very tall mountain, pitted with tunnels, nuclear shelter, weapons storage, "bins Motherland", and rocket-artillery support gun emplacements, crashed into the granite.
Swiss Army - not the only country in the world, having the frame, the militia structure. By the same principle (in some approximation) is constructed, for example, the Bundeswehr, which is in fact a kind of huge Soviet analogue of "cropped" divisions. Ie system - "little soldier + lots of regular officers and unterofitser + reservists in civilian training sessions = + deployment only when it is necessary».
Unlike the Swiss in bringing to the absolute idea of "the people and the army are one».
It looks like this.
Military personnel in the country a total of about 9,000, mostly in aviation. In service and retraining - about 10-15 thousand at a time. Soldiers called up for 90 days in the so-called Rekrutenschule - Ecole de recrue. After graduating from the State gives the fighter a personal weapon with two full shopping (rifle and / or pistol), "canned minister," three sets of forms for all seasons, gear, body armor and helmet, with whom he falls back home. He keeps it as he wants - no one will not check.
"Conservative minister" - opened only by order of the Minister
To 32 years old soldiers is in the "austsug" to 42 "Landwehr", and up to 50 "Landsturm." Private-austsug 10 years and is held in its eight charges of three weeks, Landwehr - three times two weeks Landsturm - 1 times for two weeks. Once executed 51 years, you officially dismissed from the army, take a rifle, a pistol and "canned" and give the equipped pump shotgun and mobilization prescription - in case the Big zvizdets and total mobilization.
Feature of the Swiss Army - enhanced training of officers - reservists. Those wishing to become officers are extra fees - every rank - about 100 days in total. This, by the way, enjoy, to the dismay of employers (especially the Banking Association) all bosses - from the CEO to a fine head of department. They say that they are simply the law of conservation s / n dump his wife and work on picnics - stag shooting, but that's not quite true - there goes service. The reason so soon that correctly hitting the fees you can lie behind a machine gun and at the same time to talk to the right people, higher current or potential colleagues, politicians, MPs useful, and just with his neighbor, for no one can evade service, absolutely no one - any student (yes directly from the audience, easily), neither the President, if they are men.
And you know what military budget of 7.5 million population? - Almost five billion !!! dollars - nearly 20 percent. What's on board? A lot of things - more than 800 (!) Tanks and armored vehicles (420 Leopard 2, 150 M-109). The country is only 300 km long 14 squadrons with more than 350th combat, 120 training aircraft and helicopters 100! The park is constantly being updated, such as, for example, in the US Army when the pilot is often younger than the plane is not allowed here.
In the end I have thrown a little pictures with a little description.
Illiquid assets and carefully renovated and restored army weapons state sells at a significant discount to citizens, with special offers his women Registration is easy, and only for the new, purchased in the store. When buying with it - is not required. According to conservative estimates only of Army weapons, semi-automatic rifles, and hunting weapons in the hands of the population - up to half a million. Plus about two million guns. Fourth place in the world on the trunks per capita and second in the percentage of the population with trunks.
The country has dozens of shooting clubs, galleries almost as much as the cafe.
How is a soldier? Like a good idea - two days off a week furlough, John does not build, potatoes clean, the dishes do not wash, do not paint the fences - all made by private firms. And now all sit down - he did not go on guard! Perimeter in / hr guard and private security firms!
Yes it is just a celebration of some sort, but no service! Resort!
Well, we have shown a barrel of honey, vozmёmsya for tar
Let's start with the same "resort." The rise in 5-00, and more - everything running. With a break and eat shit - continuous war - physical training, rifle, melee, driving, equipment, climbing again in a circle. And so to the last post. A retreat - in 24-00. A 5-00 - again rise. They say a little strained in any army there.
Zoldaten chase so that they become Terminator and Rambo in one bottle. Example - an officer, please laureates in Darwin 2007. First, he teaches to his platoon iznemozhdeniya handle a gun, and then to test (as used) rushes with a bayonet on the martyred fighter. Result - shoot on full automatic.
Even if you read the very ads' requires Swiss nationality, a Catholic at the age of 19 to 30 years old, single, educated, an increase of at least 1 m 74 cm, "then do not expect that the Vatican will just stick with a halberd in the clown Michelangelo . In ten meters from the halberd in the booth will be secreted machine, and in his spare time, tourists just as you're jumping in camouflage with machine gun already on Italian mountains. You can not even remember that in 1527, there is an example closer.
The creator of the Vatican, the Duce Mussolini initially tried exactly the opposite - to bring Italian order in these neighborhoods with unclear status. And while also armed Palatine and Noble Guard memoranda prepared lacrimal worldwide, Swiss cooking fire and machine-gun nests point. This incomplete hundred and really ready to fight with all the Italian army!
Next. Well, yes, shooting enthusiasm healthy patriotism, etc., but tenacious paws homeland also available. If you arrive later on the agenda (session, wedding, booze, vacation, etc.) shines a fine and a prison for such a terrible article that the average Swiss can put an end to his career. It no one ever at a decent job will not take. White ticket? Are you blind, sick or immigrant? Get 3 percent tax on the military. Pacifist-alternativschiki? Receive the same agenda, but raking municipal shit and a half times more often. Work abroad, and for no reason forgot / did not get to fees? See above - prison is your home.
Next. Peace and quiet country? Myth! Second place in the world (non-combatants) in mortality from AGN. weapons per capita! However, in fairness - is the result of over-concentration of trunks. If the rest of Europe sloppy thief or a suicide waiting rake over the eggs, frying pan or on the forehead to the neck loop, then in Switzerland - SIG, the Sphinx, or Glock. More to see enlightenment. Here - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Switzerland
Generally stable neutrality is maintained not only the army and the strict no-to-someone nonalignment. Of course, the talk about the fact that "everything is stored there money" - sophomoric. Before and immediately after World War II in the same bank was paradise and Belgium. And in the end? Unrolled it in the damn tanks of all countries, and killed by British bombs almost more than the German. Frankly - Switzerland saves the day - no it is not a springboard, not a tactical and no corridor. Nafig do not need it any army. Especially today, which takes Terrible odnym Airborne Regiment or accelerates AlKayedu just showing her the value of Tomahawk.
That's only the Swiss do not think so.
On the ground - Pz87 LEO WE (the German version of the Leopard-2), PzHbz88 / 95 KAWEST (self-propelled version of the American M-109), SPz2000 (version Swedish CV9030), RadSPz Piranha (BTR own production complex. Mowag), patrol MOWAG Eagle (also local, but the chassis of the American HMMWV).
Razgrazhdeniya machine (own production)
Leopard 2, 420 units, the cost of an 8 million euro trick. Where they so much !?
RadSPz Piranha 8x8 and 6x6
MOWAG Eagle - looks like Swiss before the Americans booked their Humvee
In the sky - a pretty good screw Pilatus in several versions, helicopters Eurocopter Super Puma and Alouette III, the Air Force base and shock - F-5 Tiger II and the F / A-18 C / D Hornet.
Small arms looks rather poor, but what! It is associated with traditionally developed production headed by the leader - Swiss Arms AG (a former CIG your old friend - Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft, you probably know it by brand SIG ARMS and SIG-Sauer) in Neuhausen,
Post-war weapons began with the development of SIG AK-53 very original design - the gas piston pushes the shot does not slide back and trunk far forward, and plus - the next shot takes place not in the rearmost position, and a few before him - the trunk scored a chuck ignition, the familiar integral locking. Managed to reduce the rate to the magnificent 300 in / min.
Then adopted was the SIG 510 / Sturmgewehr 57. This rifle, developed on the SIG based on SIG AMT Rudolf Amsler chambered GP11 7.5x55 was so good that for a long time, it was not only the army has, but good was exported. < br />
Then adopted was the SIG 510 / Sturmgewehr 57. This rifle, developed on the SIG based on SIG AMT Rudolf Amsler chambered GP11 7.5x55 was so good that for a long time, it was not only the army has, but good was exported. < br />
SIG 510
1 and 2 - under the 7.62 NATO
3 - under Russian 7.62x39
4 - 7.62 NATO, short barrel, deliveries to South America.
In the general trend of decreasing caliber created SIG SG 530/1 chambered for 5.6mm GP90 almost identical NATO SS109
Cartridges Swiss design and GP11 GP90
Models with 510 to 540 sold well for export, but for the army at their base was designed SIG 550, it also Fass 90, she Stgw 90. At its base was born a whole family of weapons, including a shortened version of the 552 th chambered 7.62 NATO, and special forces weapons SG 553. The rifle is very good, reliable, accurate and convenient.
The main sub-machine gun - B & T 96 SMG by local firm Brugger & Thomet, in fact, the same H & K MP5.
The main post-war 9mm SIG P-201 with automatic short stroke barrel, very accurate but obsolete now (since 1975) is completely replaced by the SIG P-220 in the embodiment 9 mm.
201 Danish license
The main gun - good old MG3, easy - FN Minimi. Also, the army has - shotgun Mehrzweckgewehr 91, which are the Remington 870.
Sniper rifles - Finnish Sako TRG-42 and 12, 7x99 PGM Hekato
Well, the rest of the gentlemen's set - Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank M47 Dragon, URS FIM-92 Stinger.
Until now, the units "are serving" bikes! This 20-pound monster is so legendary and firmly that there were even fake it (samiznaeteotkogo).
Well, of course - where the Swiss soldiers without Schweizer Taschenmesser or Couteau Suisse, where without a knife with corkscrew ...

Imagine the most militarized country in the world.
And plus, note that almost all of this terrible, armed to the teeth country, from Geneva to Davos from Zurich to Lugano - very tall mountain, pitted with tunnels, nuclear shelter, weapons storage, "bins Motherland", and rocket-artillery support gun emplacements, crashed into the granite.

Swiss Army - not the only country in the world, having the frame, the militia structure. By the same principle (in some approximation) is constructed, for example, the Bundeswehr, which is in fact a kind of huge Soviet analogue of "cropped" divisions. Ie system - "little soldier + lots of regular officers and unterofitser + reservists in civilian training sessions = + deployment only when it is necessary».
Unlike the Swiss in bringing to the absolute idea of "the people and the army are one».

It looks like this.
Military personnel in the country a total of about 9,000, mostly in aviation. In service and retraining - about 10-15 thousand at a time. Soldiers called up for 90 days in the so-called Rekrutenschule - Ecole de recrue. After graduating from the State gives the fighter a personal weapon with two full shopping (rifle and / or pistol), "canned minister," three sets of forms for all seasons, gear, body armor and helmet, with whom he falls back home. He keeps it as he wants - no one will not check.

"Conservative minister" - opened only by order of the Minister
To 32 years old soldiers is in the "austsug" to 42 "Landwehr", and up to 50 "Landsturm." Private-austsug 10 years and is held in its eight charges of three weeks, Landwehr - three times two weeks Landsturm - 1 times for two weeks. Once executed 51 years, you officially dismissed from the army, take a rifle, a pistol and "canned" and give the equipped pump shotgun and mobilization prescription - in case the Big zvizdets and total mobilization.

Feature of the Swiss Army - enhanced training of officers - reservists. Those wishing to become officers are extra fees - every rank - about 100 days in total. This, by the way, enjoy, to the dismay of employers (especially the Banking Association) all bosses - from the CEO to a fine head of department. They say that they are simply the law of conservation s / n dump his wife and work on picnics - stag shooting, but that's not quite true - there goes service. The reason so soon that correctly hitting the fees you can lie behind a machine gun and at the same time to talk to the right people, higher current or potential colleagues, politicians, MPs useful, and just with his neighbor, for no one can evade service, absolutely no one - any student (yes directly from the audience, easily), neither the President, if they are men.

And you know what military budget of 7.5 million population? - Almost five billion !!! dollars - nearly 20 percent. What's on board? A lot of things - more than 800 (!) Tanks and armored vehicles (420 Leopard 2, 150 M-109). The country is only 300 km long 14 squadrons with more than 350th combat, 120 training aircraft and helicopters 100! The park is constantly being updated, such as, for example, in the US Army when the pilot is often younger than the plane is not allowed here.

In the end I have thrown a little pictures with a little description.
Illiquid assets and carefully renovated and restored army weapons state sells at a significant discount to citizens, with special offers his women Registration is easy, and only for the new, purchased in the store. When buying with it - is not required. According to conservative estimates only of Army weapons, semi-automatic rifles, and hunting weapons in the hands of the population - up to half a million. Plus about two million guns. Fourth place in the world on the trunks per capita and second in the percentage of the population with trunks.
The country has dozens of shooting clubs, galleries almost as much as the cafe.

How is a soldier? Like a good idea - two days off a week furlough, John does not build, potatoes clean, the dishes do not wash, do not paint the fences - all made by private firms. And now all sit down - he did not go on guard! Perimeter in / hr guard and private security firms!
Yes it is just a celebration of some sort, but no service! Resort!

Well, we have shown a barrel of honey, vozmёmsya for tar
Let's start with the same "resort." The rise in 5-00, and more - everything running. With a break and eat shit - continuous war - physical training, rifle, melee, driving, equipment, climbing again in a circle. And so to the last post. A retreat - in 24-00. A 5-00 - again rise. They say a little strained in any army there.

Zoldaten chase so that they become Terminator and Rambo in one bottle. Example - an officer, please laureates in Darwin 2007. First, he teaches to his platoon iznemozhdeniya handle a gun, and then to test (as used) rushes with a bayonet on the martyred fighter. Result - shoot on full automatic.

Even if you read the very ads' requires Swiss nationality, a Catholic at the age of 19 to 30 years old, single, educated, an increase of at least 1 m 74 cm, "then do not expect that the Vatican will just stick with a halberd in the clown Michelangelo . In ten meters from the halberd in the booth will be secreted machine, and in his spare time, tourists just as you're jumping in camouflage with machine gun already on Italian mountains. You can not even remember that in 1527, there is an example closer.
The creator of the Vatican, the Duce Mussolini initially tried exactly the opposite - to bring Italian order in these neighborhoods with unclear status. And while also armed Palatine and Noble Guard memoranda prepared lacrimal worldwide, Swiss cooking fire and machine-gun nests point. This incomplete hundred and really ready to fight with all the Italian army!

Next. Well, yes, shooting enthusiasm healthy patriotism, etc., but tenacious paws homeland also available. If you arrive later on the agenda (session, wedding, booze, vacation, etc.) shines a fine and a prison for such a terrible article that the average Swiss can put an end to his career. It no one ever at a decent job will not take. White ticket? Are you blind, sick or immigrant? Get 3 percent tax on the military. Pacifist-alternativschiki? Receive the same agenda, but raking municipal shit and a half times more often. Work abroad, and for no reason forgot / did not get to fees? See above - prison is your home.

Next. Peace and quiet country? Myth! Second place in the world (non-combatants) in mortality from AGN. weapons per capita! However, in fairness - is the result of over-concentration of trunks. If the rest of Europe sloppy thief or a suicide waiting rake over the eggs, frying pan or on the forehead to the neck loop, then in Switzerland - SIG, the Sphinx, or Glock. More to see enlightenment. Here - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_Switzerland
Generally stable neutrality is maintained not only the army and the strict no-to-someone nonalignment. Of course, the talk about the fact that "everything is stored there money" - sophomoric. Before and immediately after World War II in the same bank was paradise and Belgium. And in the end? Unrolled it in the damn tanks of all countries, and killed by British bombs almost more than the German. Frankly - Switzerland saves the day - no it is not a springboard, not a tactical and no corridor. Nafig do not need it any army. Especially today, which takes Terrible odnym Airborne Regiment or accelerates AlKayedu just showing her the value of Tomahawk.
That's only the Swiss do not think so.

On the ground - Pz87 LEO WE (the German version of the Leopard-2), PzHbz88 / 95 KAWEST (self-propelled version of the American M-109), SPz2000 (version Swedish CV9030), RadSPz Piranha (BTR own production complex. Mowag), patrol MOWAG Eagle (also local, but the chassis of the American HMMWV).

Razgrazhdeniya machine (own production)

Leopard 2, 420 units, the cost of an 8 million euro trick. Where they so much !?



RadSPz Piranha 8x8 and 6x6

MOWAG Eagle - looks like Swiss before the Americans booked their Humvee
In the sky - a pretty good screw Pilatus in several versions, helicopters Eurocopter Super Puma and Alouette III, the Air Force base and shock - F-5 Tiger II and the F / A-18 C / D Hornet.

Small arms looks rather poor, but what! It is associated with traditionally developed production headed by the leader - Swiss Arms AG (a former CIG your old friend - Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft, you probably know it by brand SIG ARMS and SIG-Sauer) in Neuhausen,
Post-war weapons began with the development of SIG AK-53 very original design - the gas piston pushes the shot does not slide back and trunk far forward, and plus - the next shot takes place not in the rearmost position, and a few before him - the trunk scored a chuck ignition, the familiar integral locking. Managed to reduce the rate to the magnificent 300 in / min.

Then adopted was the SIG 510 / Sturmgewehr 57. This rifle, developed on the SIG based on SIG AMT Rudolf Amsler chambered GP11 7.5x55 was so good that for a long time, it was not only the army has, but good was exported. < br />

Then adopted was the SIG 510 / Sturmgewehr 57. This rifle, developed on the SIG based on SIG AMT Rudolf Amsler chambered GP11 7.5x55 was so good that for a long time, it was not only the army has, but good was exported. < br />

SIG 510

1 and 2 - under the 7.62 NATO
3 - under Russian 7.62x39
4 - 7.62 NATO, short barrel, deliveries to South America.
In the general trend of decreasing caliber created SIG SG 530/1 chambered for 5.6mm GP90 almost identical NATO SS109

Cartridges Swiss design and GP11 GP90

Models with 510 to 540 sold well for export, but for the army at their base was designed SIG 550, it also Fass 90, she Stgw 90. At its base was born a whole family of weapons, including a shortened version of the 552 th chambered 7.62 NATO, and special forces weapons SG 553. The rifle is very good, reliable, accurate and convenient.





The main sub-machine gun - B & T 96 SMG by local firm Brugger & Thomet, in fact, the same H & K MP5.
The main post-war 9mm SIG P-201 with automatic short stroke barrel, very accurate but obsolete now (since 1975) is completely replaced by the SIG P-220 in the embodiment 9 mm.

201 Danish license

The main gun - good old MG3, easy - FN Minimi. Also, the army has - shotgun Mehrzweckgewehr 91, which are the Remington 870.
Sniper rifles - Finnish Sako TRG-42 and 12, 7x99 PGM Hekato
Well, the rest of the gentlemen's set - Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank M47 Dragon, URS FIM-92 Stinger.
Until now, the units "are serving" bikes! This 20-pound monster is so legendary and firmly that there were even fake it (samiznaeteotkogo).

Well, of course - where the Swiss soldiers without Schweizer Taschenmesser or Couteau Suisse, where without a knife with corkscrew ...