Unusual funeral (18 photos)
Norman Thompson, 79 years old, was a true professional, earning top honors from our colleagues.
In the last journey
Impossible to bury the cremated what he thinks about the cremation of the Russian Orthodox Church?
5 most spooky traditions associated with death
In South Korea, carried fake funerals
Life caught by surprise: 50 photographs of the legendary photojournalist Igor Gavrilov
Life caught by surprise: 50 photographs of the legendary photojournalist Igor Gavrilov
Celestial burial
Famous people who have passed away in 2013
Luxury Homes Florian Chioaby - king of Roma
Best Soviet photojournalist
Photojournalist Igor Gavrilov: Life caught unawares
People with extraordinary abilities (13 photos)
The most unusual funeral
70 best resources with free photos
Funeral best friend (5 photos)
A friend's funeral (4 photos)
7 most unusual funeral rites of the Planet that will surprise
Veterans offered free burial
When you take a loved one on their last journey, please don’t do it.
Why bake pancakes, hold on to the shoes of the newly deceased and how to hold it so as not to sin?
On what days should you not wear diamonds?
In Indonesia, it is the custom every few years to get the bodies out of the graves, to wash and change
Domogarov not come to the funeral of his son
Kaleidoscope №9
The best photos of Pulitzer
In the last journey
Impossible to bury the cremated what he thinks about the cremation of the Russian Orthodox Church?
5 most spooky traditions associated with death
In South Korea, carried fake funerals
Life caught by surprise: 50 photographs of the legendary photojournalist Igor Gavrilov
Life caught by surprise: 50 photographs of the legendary photojournalist Igor Gavrilov
Celestial burial
Famous people who have passed away in 2013
Luxury Homes Florian Chioaby - king of Roma
Best Soviet photojournalist
Photojournalist Igor Gavrilov: Life caught unawares
People with extraordinary abilities (13 photos)
The most unusual funeral
70 best resources with free photos
Funeral best friend (5 photos)
A friend's funeral (4 photos)
7 most unusual funeral rites of the Planet that will surprise
Veterans offered free burial
When you take a loved one on their last journey, please don’t do it.
Why bake pancakes, hold on to the shoes of the newly deceased and how to hold it so as not to sin?
On what days should you not wear diamonds?
In Indonesia, it is the custom every few years to get the bodies out of the graves, to wash and change
Domogarov not come to the funeral of his son
Kaleidoscope №9
The best photos of Pulitzer
Birds opportunists
Who won (5 photos)