Military-industrial humor.
On the Internet has long walks short story about how sometimes funny, the creators of the domestic weapon systems refer to their offspring. But the story of the story, and have long wanted to take a look at this "flower - literary" naborchik lethal devices can really all it is harmless? ))))
In general, as they say, better to see once than to read many times. You can still laugh, but looking at it, do not want to be "on the other side of humor"))))). A feeling that our developers military equipment and weapons slightly mocking their foreign counterparts.
In terms of the names they create art. Here in Germany there is a tank "Leopard." Israel - "Merkava" (chariots). America has tanks "Abrams" France "Leclerc", both in honor of the famous generals.
And we have - T-72B "Slingshot". In honor of the slingshot.
It is not clear why, but it is clear that the OIO could only have been born here. Or, for example, take the Americans call their self-propelled howitzers "Paladin". And the British called his "Archer" (Archer). All the way through. Here our approach and say, look here.
That is self-propelled howitzers 2S1 "Carnation»
"Peony" By the way, capable of firing nuclear warheads.
Sniff, please bouquet!
The Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile "Dragon". And another called "Shillelagh, County Wicklow" (baton). Everything is logical.
Here our approach and say, but take a look at this. Here antitank system 9M14M "Baby»
ATRA "Chrysanthemum»
and anti-tank missile "Metis" with night sight "mulatto."
And so you became completely incomprehensible and terrible, we had another missile named "Edge" (ATRA experienced as never lit). And so you have more thinking, heavy military vehicle tank support we have called "Frame».
And so you noggin spinning, the newest missile complex coastal defense we called "Ball».
And so you have a stupid smile on turnips formed our world's most powerful 30-barrel-propelled flamethrower called TOS-1 "Pinocchio."
And to you straight today taken to the loony bin - our grenade launcher GP-30 is called "Obuvka».
And if that, then there is still a 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Cornflower»
company commander mortar 2B14 Podnos "Tray»
120mm. 2S12 mortar "Sani»,
intercontinental ballistic missile "Courier" with nuclear warheads,
intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 Molodets "done" with ten nuclear warheads,
nuclear submarine Project 705 "Lira»,
artillery fire control system "Skit" (I can not even imagine what it looks like),
Container Management System missiles "Phantasmagoria»,
ACS "Condenser 2P" with 406-mm howitzer,
and grenades grenade 7P24 "Foundling».
As the fantasy of our wits of MIC truly unlimited, sin was not to see that even as "harmless" spawned the bowels of the domestic defense industry. As it turns out, is really unlimited, therefore confine ourselves within reasonable limits.
Those who suffered a worthy product names mentioned above, are invited to consult Fragmentation antipersonnel mines PFM-1 "Butterfly»,
7, 62-mm single machine gun "Badger" based on PCM (AEK-999),
manual flamethrower MPO-A "bearded»,
protivovertoletnoy mine PVM "Boomerang" (uh-uh, fuck se ...),
105, 2-mm anti-tank hand grenade launcher RPG-29 «Vampire»,
7, 62-mm (9 and 12 mm) complex sniper (rifle CB-98) (6S11) "cracker»,
Under the equally vague titles hiding 12, 7-mm silent sniper rifle VSSK (6S8) "Exhaust»
40mm manual six-revolving grenade RG-6 (6G30) "Dwarf»,
art radar system. reconnaissance and fire control 1L219 "Zoo" (gyyy! In point!))))),
122 mm high-explosive shells OF56 increased power for the M-30 "Bream»,
122-mm towed howitzer D-30A "Frog" (jumps?)
125mm piercing projectiles 3P31 "The Mummy»,
Want to whether the Russian war ...
Want to whether the Russian war,
You ask the "Silence»,
Above the expanse of arable lands and "Fields»,
And "birch" and "Topol»,
More soldiers ask
What a shovel "Option»,
What the "Obuvka" on his feet,
As "goat" catching up fear.
Than the smell of "The Fly" and "Tulip»,
And what filled our "Glass»,
In some places, our "Whirlwind" and "Shaft»
What "Skit" rules "Ball»,
"Phantasmagoria" what
"Fagot" plays and "Oboe».
What gives our "Courier»,
And where is "Barrier»,
Ask "Metis" with "mulatto" as
Caught in Russian "Zoo»,
What is associated with "Pinocchio" "Bumblebee»,
And from what will save the "Svirel»
As of "Peony" and "Stud»
Fragrant flower garden our.
What are the "Cactus" grow,
What "Cornflowers" bloom.
What kind of "Acacia" in the woods,
And you "Woodpeckers" will bring.
What "Flame" in "Bonfire»
As "Cranberry" Russian Red,
Want to whether Russian problems
You ask the "Chrysanthemum»
The "forget-me" and "showcase»
Ask needed Russian world?
And you reply "Bearded»
And, along with it, "Vampire" and "Rook»,
"The Foundling", "Mary" and & quot; Ivan & quot ;,
"Hairpin", "Goblin", "The Guardian»,
And "Chipmunk" and "Cypress»,
And the "Canary" and "Narcissus»,
And the "Virgin Lands" and "Hyacinth»
And "The Mummy" and "Dwarf" and "Screw»,
And "Chernomorets" and "Wave»
"Raccoon", "Squid" and "Flounder»
And even the "Amethyst" and "Tick»
Will explain a simple thing.
And you will know my thoughts
War of us, Russian, pohuyu.
In general, as they say, better to see once than to read many times. You can still laugh, but looking at it, do not want to be "on the other side of humor"))))). A feeling that our developers military equipment and weapons slightly mocking their foreign counterparts.
In terms of the names they create art. Here in Germany there is a tank "Leopard." Israel - "Merkava" (chariots). America has tanks "Abrams" France "Leclerc", both in honor of the famous generals.
And we have - T-72B "Slingshot". In honor of the slingshot.

It is not clear why, but it is clear that the OIO could only have been born here. Or, for example, take the Americans call their self-propelled howitzers "Paladin". And the British called his "Archer" (Archer). All the way through. Here our approach and say, look here.
That is self-propelled howitzers 2S1 "Carnation»




"Peony" By the way, capable of firing nuclear warheads.

Sniff, please bouquet!
The Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile "Dragon". And another called "Shillelagh, County Wicklow" (baton). Everything is logical.
Here our approach and say, but take a look at this. Here antitank system 9M14M "Baby»

ATRA "Chrysanthemum»

and anti-tank missile "Metis" with night sight "mulatto."

And so you became completely incomprehensible and terrible, we had another missile named "Edge" (ATRA experienced as never lit). And so you have more thinking, heavy military vehicle tank support we have called "Frame».

And so you noggin spinning, the newest missile complex coastal defense we called "Ball».

And so you have a stupid smile on turnips formed our world's most powerful 30-barrel-propelled flamethrower called TOS-1 "Pinocchio."

And to you straight today taken to the loony bin - our grenade launcher GP-30 is called "Obuvka».

And if that, then there is still a 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Cornflower»

company commander mortar 2B14 Podnos "Tray»

120mm. 2S12 mortar "Sani»,

intercontinental ballistic missile "Courier" with nuclear warheads,

intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 Molodets "done" with ten nuclear warheads,

nuclear submarine Project 705 "Lira»,

artillery fire control system "Skit" (I can not even imagine what it looks like),
Container Management System missiles "Phantasmagoria»,

ACS "Condenser 2P" with 406-mm howitzer,

and grenades grenade 7P24 "Foundling».

As the fantasy of our wits of MIC truly unlimited, sin was not to see that even as "harmless" spawned the bowels of the domestic defense industry. As it turns out, is really unlimited, therefore confine ourselves within reasonable limits.
Those who suffered a worthy product names mentioned above, are invited to consult Fragmentation antipersonnel mines PFM-1 "Butterfly»,

7, 62-mm single machine gun "Badger" based on PCM (AEK-999),

manual flamethrower MPO-A "bearded»,

protivovertoletnoy mine PVM "Boomerang" (uh-uh, fuck se ...),

105, 2-mm anti-tank hand grenade launcher RPG-29 «Vampire»,

7, 62-mm (9 and 12 mm) complex sniper (rifle CB-98) (6S11) "cracker»,

Under the equally vague titles hiding 12, 7-mm silent sniper rifle VSSK (6S8) "Exhaust»

40mm manual six-revolving grenade RG-6 (6G30) "Dwarf»,

art radar system. reconnaissance and fire control 1L219 "Zoo" (gyyy! In point!))))),

122 mm high-explosive shells OF56 increased power for the M-30 "Bream»,

122-mm towed howitzer D-30A "Frog" (jumps?)

125mm piercing projectiles 3P31 "The Mummy»,

Want to whether the Russian war ...
Want to whether the Russian war,
You ask the "Silence»,
Above the expanse of arable lands and "Fields»,
And "birch" and "Topol»,
More soldiers ask
What a shovel "Option»,
What the "Obuvka" on his feet,
As "goat" catching up fear.
Than the smell of "The Fly" and "Tulip»,
And what filled our "Glass»,
In some places, our "Whirlwind" and "Shaft»
What "Skit" rules "Ball»,
"Phantasmagoria" what
"Fagot" plays and "Oboe».
What gives our "Courier»,
And where is "Barrier»,
Ask "Metis" with "mulatto" as
Caught in Russian "Zoo»,
What is associated with "Pinocchio" "Bumblebee»,
And from what will save the "Svirel»
As of "Peony" and "Stud»
Fragrant flower garden our.
What are the "Cactus" grow,
What "Cornflowers" bloom.
What kind of "Acacia" in the woods,
And you "Woodpeckers" will bring.
What "Flame" in "Bonfire»
As "Cranberry" Russian Red,
Want to whether Russian problems
You ask the "Chrysanthemum»
The "forget-me" and "showcase»
Ask needed Russian world?
And you reply "Bearded»
And, along with it, "Vampire" and "Rook»,
"The Foundling", "Mary" and & quot; Ivan & quot ;,
"Hairpin", "Goblin", "The Guardian»,
And "Chipmunk" and "Cypress»,
And the "Canary" and "Narcissus»,
And the "Virgin Lands" and "Hyacinth»
And "The Mummy" and "Dwarf" and "Screw»,
And "Chernomorets" and "Wave»
"Raccoon", "Squid" and "Flounder»
And even the "Amethyst" and "Tick»
Will explain a simple thing.
And you will know my thoughts
War of us, Russian, pohuyu.