On the dangers of healthy habits
Human habits are divided, as is known, to the "bad" and "good". We all know from childhood that smoking - a habit harmful and biting a carrot - a useful (though there is such a habit much less common than smoking). But it turns out, there are good habits that turn out to be not quite so helpful and ...
Daily shower
Clean - the guarantee of health. But everything is good in moderation, even cleanliness. If you overdo it with the cleanliness of the skin, you can quickly amass a whole bunch of very unpleasant disease.
Too much washing, especially clean skin, depriving the skin of its protective layer of greasy, and if this applies advertised soap "to destroy all kinds of bacteria," that is developing more and dysbiosis skin. This is a full-fledged disease with painful itching, peeling, terrible-looking rash, inflammation, etc. In short, you need to wash only when soiled, and there's that flush.
Sleep at least 8 hours
It turns out that this is not an axiom. If a person feels that he slept, slept only 6 hours, then try to force yourself to sleep for another two hours because "it is useful", lead to fatigue and weakness for the whole day. The required amount of sleep, generally speaking, very individual thing, and the optimal schedule for one person may be totally inappropriate for another.
But especially a lot of damage brings a constant worry that you can not sleep "necessary" for eight hours. It undermines the nervous system which effectively than any lack of sleep. Many people in order to have a good rest, enough sleep only 6-7 hours, while others will be sleepy, even after sleeping all 9. Napoleon, for example, do not sleep more than four hours a day. True, he died, not having lived up to 52 years.
Rinse teeth
Today, more and more often you can hear the statement that if the rinse your teeth immediately after cleaning, by the same token they washed off with a protective layer of fluoride, which forms the toothpaste. It is said that this can be done no earlier than half an hour after brushing. Even the teeth can be cleaned immediately after meals, and also later, at least half an hour.
If this is true, then those who want to do the right thing, will have the whole day to engage in the food, the cleaning of the teeth - in fact there should be three times a day and after each meal should be half an hour to wait, and then clean, then again half an hour to wait, and then rinse, and there, staring, and already the next meal is not far off. It is unlikely that such a regime will be able to combine even with the gentle work schedule.
Sitting in the "office reverie»
It turns out that posture, that person has to take advantage of the usual modern toilet does not promote the correct process of its physiological functions. The old hole in the floor toilet and disused toilets, allows you to take "attitude eagle" were in this respect is much more acceptable.
This is not surprising - many thousands of people, if necessary, squatted on his haunches, and of course, this position is the most natural. Manage natural needs, squatting, underwear man experiences less stress than in the sitting position, and the lower the voltage, the lower the prerequisites for the development of hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, the omission of internal organs and other troubles.
Household chores
Studies show that some scholars, those people who saddled house cleaning and cooking entirely on themselves, are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Perhaps the secret lies in cleaning, and maybe they're just constantly upset because of what they have to do all the work alone - who knows? This in contrast to the pressure can not be measured with a tonometer.
Breathe breast
By way of the expansion of the chest breathing human is divided into two types: the thoracic and abdominal. When breast breathing chest expands by lifting the edges, and in typhoid - due to the flattening of the diaphragm. In abdominal breathing every person unconsciously turns during intense exercise.
Some argue that it is much more correct to use abdominal breathing, as it provides the body with plenty of oxygen. To go to the abdominal breathing, you should either move rapidly, while in the body, the internal automation, and himself a move to increased injection of oxygen, or try to breathe through the nose slowly and deeply, inhaling and exhaling to the account 10.
To learn abdominal breathing are advised to sit or lie down comfortably, relax zone and getting rid of hindering clothing; I put one hand on his chest and the other on your stomach; slowly draw the air through the nose or through the tightly compressed lips and inhaling, try to expand the stomach. After these exercises newcomers may experience discomfort associated with excessive intake of oxygen to which they are not accustomed to (and maybe even do not need?).
Afternoon rest
Many of us remember, through some battles had to take place in kindergarten, when we formed the habit of healthy afternoon nap. "You can not sleep, so at least lie down quietly, and not until the evening even quieter idle corner!" - Competent teachers tried to instill a useful habit as soon as possible. Of two evils (an hour or half a day in a bed in the corner), of course, whichever is less.
But now, when the habit is finally formed, and after a hearty lunch and pulls "set Khrapovitsky" at least an hour, light medicine Blindside we report that this worked so hard to acquired habits will eventually lead to the development of obesity, and with it and atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, dementia and untimely death.
We can only ever urgent to change habits to the contrary, or wait another 20 years, and maybe new medical luminaries analyzed more new experimental data, again changed his point of view, and again, like a Shakespearean witches said that "evil is good, good is evil ».

Daily shower
Clean - the guarantee of health. But everything is good in moderation, even cleanliness. If you overdo it with the cleanliness of the skin, you can quickly amass a whole bunch of very unpleasant disease.
Too much washing, especially clean skin, depriving the skin of its protective layer of greasy, and if this applies advertised soap "to destroy all kinds of bacteria," that is developing more and dysbiosis skin. This is a full-fledged disease with painful itching, peeling, terrible-looking rash, inflammation, etc. In short, you need to wash only when soiled, and there's that flush.

Sleep at least 8 hours
It turns out that this is not an axiom. If a person feels that he slept, slept only 6 hours, then try to force yourself to sleep for another two hours because "it is useful", lead to fatigue and weakness for the whole day. The required amount of sleep, generally speaking, very individual thing, and the optimal schedule for one person may be totally inappropriate for another.
But especially a lot of damage brings a constant worry that you can not sleep "necessary" for eight hours. It undermines the nervous system which effectively than any lack of sleep. Many people in order to have a good rest, enough sleep only 6-7 hours, while others will be sleepy, even after sleeping all 9. Napoleon, for example, do not sleep more than four hours a day. True, he died, not having lived up to 52 years.

Rinse teeth
Today, more and more often you can hear the statement that if the rinse your teeth immediately after cleaning, by the same token they washed off with a protective layer of fluoride, which forms the toothpaste. It is said that this can be done no earlier than half an hour after brushing. Even the teeth can be cleaned immediately after meals, and also later, at least half an hour.
If this is true, then those who want to do the right thing, will have the whole day to engage in the food, the cleaning of the teeth - in fact there should be three times a day and after each meal should be half an hour to wait, and then clean, then again half an hour to wait, and then rinse, and there, staring, and already the next meal is not far off. It is unlikely that such a regime will be able to combine even with the gentle work schedule.

Sitting in the "office reverie»
It turns out that posture, that person has to take advantage of the usual modern toilet does not promote the correct process of its physiological functions. The old hole in the floor toilet and disused toilets, allows you to take "attitude eagle" were in this respect is much more acceptable.
This is not surprising - many thousands of people, if necessary, squatted on his haunches, and of course, this position is the most natural. Manage natural needs, squatting, underwear man experiences less stress than in the sitting position, and the lower the voltage, the lower the prerequisites for the development of hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, the omission of internal organs and other troubles.

Household chores
Studies show that some scholars, those people who saddled house cleaning and cooking entirely on themselves, are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Perhaps the secret lies in cleaning, and maybe they're just constantly upset because of what they have to do all the work alone - who knows? This in contrast to the pressure can not be measured with a tonometer.

Breathe breast
By way of the expansion of the chest breathing human is divided into two types: the thoracic and abdominal. When breast breathing chest expands by lifting the edges, and in typhoid - due to the flattening of the diaphragm. In abdominal breathing every person unconsciously turns during intense exercise.
Some argue that it is much more correct to use abdominal breathing, as it provides the body with plenty of oxygen. To go to the abdominal breathing, you should either move rapidly, while in the body, the internal automation, and himself a move to increased injection of oxygen, or try to breathe through the nose slowly and deeply, inhaling and exhaling to the account 10.
To learn abdominal breathing are advised to sit or lie down comfortably, relax zone and getting rid of hindering clothing; I put one hand on his chest and the other on your stomach; slowly draw the air through the nose or through the tightly compressed lips and inhaling, try to expand the stomach. After these exercises newcomers may experience discomfort associated with excessive intake of oxygen to which they are not accustomed to (and maybe even do not need?).

Afternoon rest
Many of us remember, through some battles had to take place in kindergarten, when we formed the habit of healthy afternoon nap. "You can not sleep, so at least lie down quietly, and not until the evening even quieter idle corner!" - Competent teachers tried to instill a useful habit as soon as possible. Of two evils (an hour or half a day in a bed in the corner), of course, whichever is less.
But now, when the habit is finally formed, and after a hearty lunch and pulls "set Khrapovitsky" at least an hour, light medicine Blindside we report that this worked so hard to acquired habits will eventually lead to the development of obesity, and with it and atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, dementia and untimely death.
We can only ever urgent to change habits to the contrary, or wait another 20 years, and maybe new medical luminaries analyzed more new experimental data, again changed his point of view, and again, like a Shakespearean witches said that "evil is good, good is evil ».
