Trophy (8 photos)

Some of us have, in many unfortunately already had a grandfather who went to war, my friend Oleg, his grandfather participated in the defense of Leningrad. With the war stayed here this march tablet, the contents of which I want to introduce you.

apologize for govnomylnitsu

Oleg's son goes to school in this artifact to make a report. I think he will succeed. Inside the trophy card

According to the stories of his grandfather card taken from a captured officer. Also captured was a gun, which, naturally, had to surrender

Inside the card is the Third Reich as of 1939

No Czech Republic, Bohemia has Reyhsprotektorat

France has no Frankreyh,

true on the map shows only a piece of what is now France

Kaliningrad region: Kenigsberg

Empire Center

red pencil marks made directly during the fighting.

Red marked paved roads. I was frankly very impressed density of the road network is already at that time.



See also

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