Cars that never saw the light (38 photos)
Prototype 966 th Cossacks
legendary car from the factory Likhachev ZIL 112-S, motor power 240
ZIS 101A (1939 model year) could accelerate to 160 km / h
Future Kamaz, and then a ZIL-175
Lada Niva 2121 Crocodile
Lada Samara Eve based on 2108
Lada Samara T3
Moskvich 2141 rally version, the engine power of 175 hp
Moskvich 408 -GT (Grand Turismo, as it was called at the factory)
MZMA produced sports cars - all of their development. They participated in virtually the first Soviet racing this level.
MZMA- "Salute" - 1950
Racing Peugeot 407-T2
"Muscovites" - jeeps 415/416
It is not known that they prevented to go to the series, but their development took years. As it turned out, in vain ...
The prototype of the Moskvich 444 (left) became Zaporozhets 965 (right)
And here are some photos of the series 3-5- *.
Plasticine layout Muscovites series 3-5- *.
Chief Designer. Subsequently, the fate of these cars was sad (but keep 2 copies, one of which is in poor condition).
But then we believed in the future of this series and created one after the other copies and modifications.
To the late 60s - this is a good design, you will agree.
Instead, shown above series models 3-5- * superiors ordered copy US ... "Chrysler Simka." Actually, in 2141 - and a copy of "Simcoe". Stupid and unfortunate ... After that the factory had gone several leading designers.
Moskvich S-1 - also from zarublennoy projects.
UAZ 3907 Jaguar
VAZ 2122 River
Projects VAZ
"Ladoga" 1976
VAZ-1801 Pony. Experienced, 1979
VAZ-2802-01 Pony. Experienced, 1980
VAZ-2802-02 Pony. Experienced, 1980
VAZ-2110. Prototype 1985
VAZ-2122. Series 600 1987
WHA H. Experienced, 1990
VAZ-1151 Dwarf. 1992
VAZ-1152 Elf. 1995
Lada-1002 Golf. 1998
Lada Rapan. 1998
Lada Peter Turbo. 1998
Lada Roadster. Conceived in 2000
VAZ-2151. Concept 2002
VAZ-1121 Oka-2. Prototype 2004
Lada-2116 Silhouette. Prototype 2004

legendary car from the factory Likhachev ZIL 112-S, motor power 240

ZIS 101A (1939 model year) could accelerate to 160 km / h


Future Kamaz, and then a ZIL-175

Lada Niva 2121 Crocodile

Lada Samara Eve based on 2108

Lada Samara T3

Moskvich 2141 rally version, the engine power of 175 hp

Moskvich 408 -GT (Grand Turismo, as it was called at the factory)

MZMA produced sports cars - all of their development. They participated in virtually the first Soviet racing this level.
MZMA- "Salute" - 1950

Racing Peugeot 407-T2

"Muscovites" - jeeps 415/416

It is not known that they prevented to go to the series, but their development took years. As it turned out, in vain ...

The prototype of the Moskvich 444 (left) became Zaporozhets 965 (right)

And here are some photos of the series 3-5- *.
Plasticine layout Muscovites series 3-5- *.

Chief Designer. Subsequently, the fate of these cars was sad (but keep 2 copies, one of which is in poor condition).

But then we believed in the future of this series and created one after the other copies and modifications.

To the late 60s - this is a good design, you will agree.

Instead, shown above series models 3-5- * superiors ordered copy US ... "Chrysler Simka." Actually, in 2141 - and a copy of "Simcoe". Stupid and unfortunate ... After that the factory had gone several leading designers.
Moskvich S-1 - also from zarublennoy projects.

UAZ 3907 Jaguar

VAZ 2122 River

Projects VAZ
"Ladoga" 1976

VAZ-1801 Pony. Experienced, 1979

VAZ-2802-01 Pony. Experienced, 1980

VAZ-2802-02 Pony. Experienced, 1980

VAZ-2110. Prototype 1985

VAZ-2122. Series 600 1987

WHA H. Experienced, 1990

VAZ-1151 Dwarf. 1992

VAZ-1152 Elf. 1995

Lada-1002 Golf. 1998

Lada Rapan. 1998

Lada Peter Turbo. 1998

Lada Roadster. Conceived in 2000

VAZ-2151. Concept 2002

VAZ-1121 Oka-2. Prototype 2004

Lada-2116 Silhouette. Prototype 2004