Scarlett Johansson pregnant?
According to the magazine People, Scarlett Johansson is expecting a child by her fiance, French journalist Romain Doriaka. Such a conclusion was made by the journalists, having carefully considered photos of the actress with French film awards ceremony "Cesar", which was held in Paris last week and which Scarlett was awarded a special prize. The newspapers even calculate gestational age - 5 months.
Scarlett Johansson and Romain Doriak film award at the ceremony, "Cesar»
With Romain Scarlett meets the end of 2012, only six months ago it became known the engagement of couples in love, but rumors about the wedding until he encountered. As she says Scarlett:
"So nice to be betrothed. And I'm in no hurry. I do not belong to the category of women who are trying to speed up the process. I think the current period is fine. In this there is something old-fashioned and nostalgic. Romain - my man. He is the one to whom I can hope for. I am happy ».
For the ceremony, Scarlett had chosen outfit, consisting of narrow trousers and jacket, stressing certain circularity in the waist
As for the rumors about the situation of the actress, no official comments have been received. But in December of last year in an interview with the actress admitted:
"I wanted to create a harmonious family. But many say that this is difficult to find the right time, and everything happens unexpectedly. I think it's true, but at the same time I believe that it should somehow be planned. Frankly, I am now ready to start a family. I was lucky, I had a long 20-year career. So now I can afford to plan a family and do not regret the missed opportunities ».
All evening the lovers holding hands
So maybe the rumor is true?

Scarlett Johansson and Romain Doriak film award at the ceremony, "Cesar»
With Romain Scarlett meets the end of 2012, only six months ago it became known the engagement of couples in love, but rumors about the wedding until he encountered. As she says Scarlett:
"So nice to be betrothed. And I'm in no hurry. I do not belong to the category of women who are trying to speed up the process. I think the current period is fine. In this there is something old-fashioned and nostalgic. Romain - my man. He is the one to whom I can hope for. I am happy ».

For the ceremony, Scarlett had chosen outfit, consisting of narrow trousers and jacket, stressing certain circularity in the waist
As for the rumors about the situation of the actress, no official comments have been received. But in December of last year in an interview with the actress admitted:
"I wanted to create a harmonious family. But many say that this is difficult to find the right time, and everything happens unexpectedly. I think it's true, but at the same time I believe that it should somehow be planned. Frankly, I am now ready to start a family. I was lucky, I had a long 20-year career. So now I can afford to plan a family and do not regret the missed opportunities ».

All evening the lovers holding hands
So maybe the rumor is true?
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