Mono Lake
Mono Lake - salt lake in California
Saline and alkaline lakes on the planet quite a lot, but not all of them can boast of some feature can not be said about the amazing sights of California - Mono Lake, surprising all completely different from each other marvelous statues, protruding from the water.
How old is this lake, which occupies today about one hundred and fifty square kilometers, nobody knows, but that's about the fact that it is very old, no doubt, no one there.
Once Mono Lake fed mountain rivers, but in 1941, when the Los Angeles began to be in need of additional water resources, most of them focused on water supply of the city.
Not only is the absence of flow for hundreds of thousands of years did not provide the waters of another exit from the evaporation of the lake, which made them all the more salty, so more people now these actions have resulted in a considerable increase and so the concentration of salt, plus more and caused rapid lowering the water level.
That enabled the reduction of water to see all the columns surprising lakes, which were formed by mixing the calcium present in the underground fresh water streams, lakes and carbonates.
Because of the high salinity (more than twice the readings of the ocean) in the lake is not good for fishing. Repeated attempts to settlement and were not successful. The only people who are well adapted to this environment, it's crustaceans - a favorite delicacy of different species of birds inhabit the lake.

Saline and alkaline lakes on the planet quite a lot, but not all of them can boast of some feature can not be said about the amazing sights of California - Mono Lake, surprising all completely different from each other marvelous statues, protruding from the water.

How old is this lake, which occupies today about one hundred and fifty square kilometers, nobody knows, but that's about the fact that it is very old, no doubt, no one there.

Once Mono Lake fed mountain rivers, but in 1941, when the Los Angeles began to be in need of additional water resources, most of them focused on water supply of the city.

Not only is the absence of flow for hundreds of thousands of years did not provide the waters of another exit from the evaporation of the lake, which made them all the more salty, so more people now these actions have resulted in a considerable increase and so the concentration of salt, plus more and caused rapid lowering the water level.

That enabled the reduction of water to see all the columns surprising lakes, which were formed by mixing the calcium present in the underground fresh water streams, lakes and carbonates.

Because of the high salinity (more than twice the readings of the ocean) in the lake is not good for fishing. Repeated attempts to settlement and were not successful. The only people who are well adapted to this environment, it's crustaceans - a favorite delicacy of different species of birds inhabit the lake.
