Salt, mud
The main lake Sol-Iletsk formed as a result of the active use of salt people has an area of 66100 square meters. meters and is located in the steppes of Orenburg, near the border of Kazakhstan ~ 50km.
Has three steep coast (north, west and south) in height from 5 to 12 meters. Concentration is 320-340 grams per liter (compared to the concentration of the Dead Sea is 315) and almost 10 times the concentration of salts in the water of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea (18-30 g / l).
When bathing in the lake there is a feeling of weightlessness.
RECOMMENDATION: swim in the lake must be carefully, trying not to spray water. In case of contact with eyes they should not be washed with the same water that got better and there you should have a bottle of water. The duration of swimming in the lake for 15-20 minutes a day can double dip with a break between the two hours. Dive into the lake should be to the level of the chest as well as a deep dive and a long stay in the water adversely affects the cardiovascular system.
Salt water "collapse" has mainly hyperosmolar, local irritant and anti-microbial effect in this regard is most pronounced reaction to cleansing the skin and mucous membranes, as well as adaptogenic response.
Swimming in the lake is recommended for patients with diseases of the skin, internal organs, musculoskeletal system and other diseases. The duration of swimming in the lake for 15-20 minutes once a day, or with a break of 2 hours, 2 times a day.
After bathing salt wash do not need 30 minutes. up to 1 hour. 30 min., The resulting "salt cloak" also acts as a therapeutic effect. Every year it attracts about 1 million people to feel closer weightlessness and raincoats Dead Lake.
The water temperature "collapse" due to the density of water and the absence of natural springs, always 3-5 degrees above the rest local freshwaters.
(Srednesolenoe, mud) There was a lake on the site Dunkina field, and therefore got its teperyashnih nazvanie.V Unlike the main lake Sol-Iletsk (Camber), the concentration of salt in it reaches from 130 to 160 grams per litr.Kupanie it is recommended to people exposed to depression, nervous breakdowns, long stressful conditions.
Sedative (sedative) effects are very useful in many diseases - is arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, diseases of the joints, spine, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases. Bathe in the healing waters of the lake and also recommend people not complaining about their health.
Pluses are obvious - increase the body's defenses + stop disease development. Not a few important and cosmetic effects of treatments. On hot summer days there floats a huge amount of reddish crustacean (the Latin name "Artemia Salina»)
. Small red crustacean can survive and reproduce only in brackish water ponds. Therefore crustacean "Artemia Salina" does not occur in freshwater lake city, nor in the lake collapsed, though these lakes are closest to the lake Dunino.
Crustacean "Artemia Salina" plays almost no role in the first gryazeobrazovanii. Every year he throws a huge number of eggs, some of which die and fall to the bottom, goes to the formation of an organic part of the curative mud. After spawning killed himself rachok.Mnogih vacationers who do not know about these Artemy, scared by the fact that the lake someone swims. Take a bath for 10-20 minutes, 1-2 times per day.
Hungry for healing and recovery traditionally smeared with mud or sit in the natural mud bath lake Tuzluchnoe. Of the therapeutic effects are most pronounced: pain reduction, improvement of function of male and female genitalia, strong revitalizing and healing effect on the skin, pausing as deformation of joints and spine, and many others Getting mud treatments returns among other things beauty and youth. Mud Lake Tuzluchnoe not accepted to attend daily, enough once in 2 days, no more than 20 minutes (to avoid relapse). Term of use mud no more than 12 hours, as contained in it is the lake microorganisms have a short term activity. Region of the heart to smear strictly contraindicated. Warning! Children under 3 years old, pregnant women, high blood pressure, cardiac patients visit the lake is forbidden !!!
Cafe bars night club foam
Salt Beach
Crunches underfoot salt
Body tingling from minor scratches
Year of foundation
The final photo.
To announce that the city receives from the federal budget money for the development of resort services.
Already installed showers, toilets
Come. Rest and heal.
Hotels are available.
Has three steep coast (north, west and south) in height from 5 to 12 meters. Concentration is 320-340 grams per liter (compared to the concentration of the Dead Sea is 315) and almost 10 times the concentration of salts in the water of the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea (18-30 g / l).
When bathing in the lake there is a feeling of weightlessness.
RECOMMENDATION: swim in the lake must be carefully, trying not to spray water. In case of contact with eyes they should not be washed with the same water that got better and there you should have a bottle of water. The duration of swimming in the lake for 15-20 minutes a day can double dip with a break between the two hours. Dive into the lake should be to the level of the chest as well as a deep dive and a long stay in the water adversely affects the cardiovascular system.

Salt water "collapse" has mainly hyperosmolar, local irritant and anti-microbial effect in this regard is most pronounced reaction to cleansing the skin and mucous membranes, as well as adaptogenic response.
Swimming in the lake is recommended for patients with diseases of the skin, internal organs, musculoskeletal system and other diseases. The duration of swimming in the lake for 15-20 minutes once a day, or with a break of 2 hours, 2 times a day.
After bathing salt wash do not need 30 minutes. up to 1 hour. 30 min., The resulting "salt cloak" also acts as a therapeutic effect. Every year it attracts about 1 million people to feel closer weightlessness and raincoats Dead Lake.
The water temperature "collapse" due to the density of water and the absence of natural springs, always 3-5 degrees above the rest local freshwaters.

(Srednesolenoe, mud) There was a lake on the site Dunkina field, and therefore got its teperyashnih nazvanie.V Unlike the main lake Sol-Iletsk (Camber), the concentration of salt in it reaches from 130 to 160 grams per litr.Kupanie it is recommended to people exposed to depression, nervous breakdowns, long stressful conditions.
Sedative (sedative) effects are very useful in many diseases - is arthrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, diseases of the joints, spine, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases. Bathe in the healing waters of the lake and also recommend people not complaining about their health.
Pluses are obvious - increase the body's defenses + stop disease development. Not a few important and cosmetic effects of treatments. On hot summer days there floats a huge amount of reddish crustacean (the Latin name "Artemia Salina»)
. Small red crustacean can survive and reproduce only in brackish water ponds. Therefore crustacean "Artemia Salina" does not occur in freshwater lake city, nor in the lake collapsed, though these lakes are closest to the lake Dunino.
Crustacean "Artemia Salina" plays almost no role in the first gryazeobrazovanii. Every year he throws a huge number of eggs, some of which die and fall to the bottom, goes to the formation of an organic part of the curative mud. After spawning killed himself rachok.Mnogih vacationers who do not know about these Artemy, scared by the fact that the lake someone swims. Take a bath for 10-20 minutes, 1-2 times per day.

Hungry for healing and recovery traditionally smeared with mud or sit in the natural mud bath lake Tuzluchnoe. Of the therapeutic effects are most pronounced: pain reduction, improvement of function of male and female genitalia, strong revitalizing and healing effect on the skin, pausing as deformation of joints and spine, and many others Getting mud treatments returns among other things beauty and youth. Mud Lake Tuzluchnoe not accepted to attend daily, enough once in 2 days, no more than 20 minutes (to avoid relapse). Term of use mud no more than 12 hours, as contained in it is the lake microorganisms have a short term activity. Region of the heart to smear strictly contraindicated. Warning! Children under 3 years old, pregnant women, high blood pressure, cardiac patients visit the lake is forbidden !!!


Cafe bars night club foam

Salt Beach
Crunches underfoot salt
Body tingling from minor scratches

Year of foundation

The final photo.
To announce that the city receives from the federal budget money for the development of resort services.
Already installed showers, toilets
Come. Rest and heal.
Hotels are available.