From the life of crocodiles (7 photos)
Seventy million years after they appeared on this planet, crocodiles are among the most successful in the world of freshwater predators. Little changed since the days of the dinosaurs, they appear to many as the worst predators attacking wildebeest and zebras. Yet there is another side of crocodiles, which rarely speaks, and indeed knows anything. They - the gentle, devoted and nurturing mothers and their babies - small miracles that communicate with their mothers have while they are still in the eggs.
Krokodilihi lay their eggs in the nest - often one and the same, to which they return year after year. They build a nest or in thickets of vegetation and dirt or as sea turtles, they dig a hole in the sand. Within about 90 days my mother guards the nest from predators and other dangers. Jack acts as an incubator, keeping the eggs at a steady temperature, which allows them to grow.
Unlike most other animals, sex young crocodile is not formed by genetics; instead, the floor temperature shall designate jacks. If sand or vegetation are slightly warmer or colder in different layers, it vliyaetna how many are born male and female: male born at certain temperatures, while other women.
In the nest is 40 eggs and more. Surprisingly, young crocodiles 'speak' with their mothers while still in the egg stage. Researchers have shown that just before hatching they make noise - grunting sounds that act as a signal that they are ready to be born.
This is - a unique mechanism of survival. When they conduct their conversations before birth, it should ensure that they all hatch in one batch, and that they have their own mother on hand to protect them.
During hatching babies use 'egg tooth' at the end of the muzzle, which helps them to break the inner membrane of the egg to free passage. Sometimes the mother gently rolls the eggs in his mouth to help crack the hard outer shell.
Crocodile-mother not only guards the nest and babies before and after hatching, it also protects them afterwards. Infants need to get to the water as soon as possible because it only guarantees that at least some security. Therefore, the mother takes them in his mouth, the so-called "children's area" thereby protecting offspring.

Krokodilihi lay their eggs in the nest - often one and the same, to which they return year after year. They build a nest or in thickets of vegetation and dirt or as sea turtles, they dig a hole in the sand. Within about 90 days my mother guards the nest from predators and other dangers. Jack acts as an incubator, keeping the eggs at a steady temperature, which allows them to grow.

Unlike most other animals, sex young crocodile is not formed by genetics; instead, the floor temperature shall designate jacks. If sand or vegetation are slightly warmer or colder in different layers, it vliyaetna how many are born male and female: male born at certain temperatures, while other women.

In the nest is 40 eggs and more. Surprisingly, young crocodiles 'speak' with their mothers while still in the egg stage. Researchers have shown that just before hatching they make noise - grunting sounds that act as a signal that they are ready to be born.

This is - a unique mechanism of survival. When they conduct their conversations before birth, it should ensure that they all hatch in one batch, and that they have their own mother on hand to protect them.

During hatching babies use 'egg tooth' at the end of the muzzle, which helps them to break the inner membrane of the egg to free passage. Sometimes the mother gently rolls the eggs in his mouth to help crack the hard outer shell.

Crocodile-mother not only guards the nest and babies before and after hatching, it also protects them afterwards. Infants need to get to the water as soon as possible because it only guarantees that at least some security. Therefore, the mother takes them in his mouth, the so-called "children's area" thereby protecting offspring.