The Underground City - Alternate Command Post BSF
Thirty-five years ago the Cold War increased its deadly coils of the race. In the US, under the ground, under rocks, under the concrete went headquarters and barracks, rocket launchers and ship berthing military factories and airfields, arsenals and storage of strategic stocks. All prepared to survive in widely predicted nuclear war - the third and final world. Shock forty one and forced the Soviet leadership actively prepare for a crushing blow out of the water, from the air, from space ...
place for heavy-duty "skull" under the command of the Black Sea Fleet of the brain picked himself Chief of the Soviet Navy Admiral Sergei Gorshkov. Something he liked 182-meter steep hill in the tract of Alsou that twenty miles from Sebastopol. Most likely the fact that, according to the exploration target Mountain represents a rugged monolith, without a single internal fault and cavities.
Construction was carried out in the strictest confidence. What would somehow mask the heavy traffic of trucks in the area have two military units. Yalta-Sevastopol road in those days was blocked by cordons: Sevastopol was a closed city since. Near the house erected a four-story hotel for builders with their huge dining room, auxiliary room, garage.
In 1992, 90% at the stage of readiness of the object, financing construction stops. Builders go, guard removed. Russia GSB was not needed. Ukraine's kind of like too to anything. And the object of which was to endure strikes megaton nuclear warheads, was one on one with the most terrible enemy. Marauders. He fell, unable to withstand the onslaught of ...

place for heavy-duty "skull" under the command of the Black Sea Fleet of the brain picked himself Chief of the Soviet Navy Admiral Sergei Gorshkov. Something he liked 182-meter steep hill in the tract of Alsou that twenty miles from Sebastopol. Most likely the fact that, according to the exploration target Mountain represents a rugged monolith, without a single internal fault and cavities.

Construction was carried out in the strictest confidence. What would somehow mask the heavy traffic of trucks in the area have two military units. Yalta-Sevastopol road in those days was blocked by cordons: Sevastopol was a closed city since. Near the house erected a four-story hotel for builders with their huge dining room, auxiliary room, garage.

In 1992, 90% at the stage of readiness of the object, financing construction stops. Builders go, guard removed. Russia GSB was not needed. Ukraine's kind of like too to anything. And the object of which was to endure strikes megaton nuclear warheads, was one on one with the most terrible enemy. Marauders. He fell, unable to withstand the onslaught of ...
