New destination for cats (16 photos)
These cats got a second chance in life - to find the owners.
See how homeless animals vary, hitting Dorbe hands.
A new form for the police (7 photos)
Fans criticized Olga Orlova, who flew with her husband to the Maldives without a three-month-old daughter
The life lived Leo (21 photos)
Life in the USSR (12 photos)
She became a male model (10 photos)
People who have disappeared (10 photos)
As the bats were to bomb Japan (12 pictures)
Stories of friendship between animals (17 photos)
Gargoyles (25 photos)
25 most popular superstitions from around the world (25 photos)
A new form for the police (7 photos)
Fans criticized Olga Orlova, who flew with her husband to the Maldives without a three-month-old daughter
The life lived Leo (21 photos)
Life in the USSR (12 photos)
She became a male model (10 photos)
People who have disappeared (10 photos)
As the bats were to bomb Japan (12 pictures)
Stories of friendship between animals (17 photos)
Gargoyles (25 photos)
25 most popular superstitions from around the world (25 photos)
Dangerous lift (5 photos)
This - Tasmanian giant crab.